тест по английскому языку по теме

Абакарова Кистаман Буниаминовна

проверочный грамматический материал по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Reported Speech

3.        Report the statements.

  1. He said: "I'm living in London now".
  2. "There is no paper in the box", she said.
  1. "Be ready! At 5 o'clock we must be at the business centre", said
  1. "My girl-friend will be here tomorrow", said Andrew.

5)        "I'm sorry, I'm late. I lost my way", he said to our guide.

  1. He said that he was living in London theri.
  2. She said that there was not any paper in the box.
  3. Angela told me to be ready, because at 5 o'clock we had to be at
    Ae business centre.
  4. Andrew said that his girl-friend would be there the next day.
  5. He apologized for being late, explaining that he had lost his way.

4.        Report the general questions.

  1. "Have you had your hair cut?", my cousin asked me.
  2. "Do you imagine that I have no respect for your medical tal
    ents?", he asked.
  3. "Are you going to pick up the phone?", Miranda asked him.
  4. "Are you busy?", my chief asked me, "I need to talk to you!".
  5. He asked: "Do you often use this road?".


  1. My cousin asked me if I had had -my hair cut.
  2. He asked me if I imagined that he had no respect tor my medical
    talents. -
  3. Miranda asked him whether he was going to pick up the phone.

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