конспект урока по теме "Православие в современном мире"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока «Православие в нашей жизни»
Ход урока:
Slide 1.
T: Helo, my dear friends. The theme of our lesson today is Orthodoxy in the modern life. And today we will talk about this religion, about its symbols and about the traditions, connected with religious Orthodox holidays.
Slide 2.
T: Let’s try to guess the meaning of new words for this lesson:
а church - церковь
divine service -служба
preaching - проповедь
priest - священник
prayer - молитва
Slide 3.
T. - Where are the people? (the people are at the church)
- What are the people in the picture doing? (They are celebrating the Easter)
- Is it a great holiday? (Yes, of course.)
- Do you celebrate Easter? (Yes / No)
- How do you celebrate Easter? (We visit our dearest and nearest, decorate eggs, give the eggs to each other, go to the church, light the candles and listen to the preaching)
Slide 4.
T: - Is the Easter an Orthodox holiday? (Yes, it is)
- As I have already said, today we are going to talk about the Orthodoxy in our modern life. What is Orthodoxy? Let’s read the explanation. (One of the pupils reads the explanation)
Slides 5,6.
T: - Nikita will tell us a little about the history of Orthodoxy in our country. (It’s one of the pupils who has prepared the story beforehand).
T: - What is the main Orthodox book? (It’s a Bible.)
Slide 7.
Yes, you are right. The basis of the Orthodox Church is the Bible. What can this book tell us about? (about God and his son Jesus, about the creation of the world, about the God’s demand for truth and righteousness)
Let’s check if you know anything about the content of the Bible. You should read the questions, try to give the answers and then we will check them.
Slide 8.
- Who made the Earth and the Sun?
Slide 9.
- Who were Adam and Eve?
Slide 10.
- What are the names of the sons of Adam and Eve”?
Slide 11.
- What is Noah famous for?
Slide 12.
- What did Noah do after he had built his ark?
T: - Yes, I see that you know some facts and characters from the Bible. And now let’s talk about main Orthodox holidays. What holidays do you know? (Easter, Christmas)
Slide 13.
T: - Today we have already mentioned Easter. When do people usually celebrate this festival? (in spring) Let’s read the information about Easter.
Slide 14.
T: - Now let’s check what you know about Easter. Say if the statement is true (T) or false (F).
- At Easter people decorate a tree with colorful tinsel. (F)
- At Easter people go to the church and listen to the preaching. (T)
- At Easter people decorate eggs and give them to each other. (T)
- It is usually very frosty at Easter. (F)
- Children wait for the Father Frost with the presents. (F)
- Russian people believe that the Easter Bunny hides chocolate eggs. (F)
- At Easter people visit their relatives. (T)
Slide 15.
And now let’s talk about traditional food people usually cook for the Easter. Let’s try to guess the name of the dish. (One pupil (может быть одет в фартук) tells the procedure of cooking the traditional Easter food. He is given the picture of the dish and the description of the cooking process).
Pupil 1: (the text is given in the card)
“I take some white oval things and put them into the water. Then I put the pan with the water on the fire and wait until it boil. Then I wait 10 minutes while the water is boiling and pour the water out. After that I take these oval things and decorate them with stickers”. (Easter eggs).
Pupil 2: (the text is given in the card)
“I need 1 kilo of flour, 1/2 liter of milk, 5 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 300 g of butter, 150 g of raisins, 1 lemon and salt. At first I boil the milk and let it cool down. I stir in flour and sugar in milk, add yeast and mix thoroughly. After that I cover it with towel and put in a warm place to rise til doubled. Bake in the oven 180°C The duration of baking depends on the size of the dish and can last 1-2 hours.” (Kulich)
Pupil 3: (the text is given in the card)
“ I take 1 kilo of homemade cottage cheese and add 1 1/2 cups of sugar, 3/4 cup of ground almonds, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1/2 cup golden raisin, chopped candied fruit for decoration. In a large bowl I combine almost all ingredients and mix them. Then decorate with candied fruit, pressing some of the fruit into the dish to form the letters XB, which stands for Christos voskres (“Christ has risen”). (Paskha)
Slide 16.
T. - Next holiday we are going to talk about is Christmas. And how and when do people celebrate Christmas?
- What does this holiday mean? Let’s read the information. (Ps read the info in the slide.
- And what follows Christmas? (Svyatki)
Slide 17.
- What is this period of time famous for? (it’s famous for its fortune telling) Let’s read about this period of time.
Slide 18.
Next Russian Christmastime tradition is caroling. What do people do? (People visit houses and sing carols).
Slide 19. (Pupils read the information about caroling)
Slide 20. A game.
T: Let’s play a game. You will be divided into two teams. Then you will see some word expressions connected with the Christmas in Russia. The task of the first team is to ask a question using the expression. The task of the second team is to answer it correctly. Then you will swap your roles. The more correct answers you give, the more chances to become a winner you get.
Examples of the teams’ questions:
Ps: - Do people in Russia celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December? (No, they don’t)
- Do people in Russia invite guests or visit relatives? (Yes)
- What is the traditional dish in Russia? (turkey, roasted pork, chicken)
- Do people dance around the New Year Tree at Christmas? (No)
- Do people light fireworks at Christmas? (No)
- Do people go to the church at Christmas? (Yes)
- When do people have Svyatki? (Svyatki follow the Christmas)
- What are coliadki? (the Christmas carols)
The teacher counts the correct questions and answers and names the winner.
Slide 21.
T: - Now I see that you know a lot about orthodox traditions in our country. But let’s return to the Orthodoxy as a religion. What does it teach us? Have you ever heard about the 10 commandments of Jesus Christ? (Yes, of course)
Slide 22. (Pupils read the information)
T: - What commandments do you know? (Don’t kill, don’t steal, so on) Let’s read all of them.
Slide 23.
T: - Why should we follow these commandments? (so that we may live in harmony with the world).
T: - The Content of the Ten Commandments is given in the negative approach, teaching us not to do what is forbidden. It is an excellent teaching and guide in its sphere of negative dominion, opposing evil in its external influence.
The conclusion:
T: - So, as you see, the Orthodoxy occupies a lot of place in our lives and we should understand the importance of the following its traditions and rules. Because it’s the history and uniqueness of Russia’s people. And that’s why we should save and follow these traditions.
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