Упражнение по расширению лексики в теме "Офис"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
31 наименование офисного оборудования)
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Предварительный просмотр:
I. Вставьте название профессии:
- A __________ sorts and distributes ingoing mail.
- An __________ oversees office operations.
- A __________ screens and returns calls.
- A __________ tallies and balances all financial records.
- A __________ keeps a calendar.
- An __________has a responsibility for office equipment and supplies.
- A __________ delivers mail.
II. Вставьте пропуски:
- An office manager has a __________ for office stationary and equipment.
- A secretary sorts ____________.
- A mailroom clerk ________ mail.
- A secretary __________ a calendar.
- A bookkeeper enters, tallies and balances all ____________ records.
- A secretary ___________ meetings.
- A computer operator _______ out hard copies.
- Most of the office workers work in small __________ .
- Most of the office workers have two coffee _________ and a _______ for lunch.
III. Составьте из букв слова:
a o o m m i l r a e r c l
s t r y a e e s
e e k r o b o k p e
g a n a e r m g
IV. Задайте вопрос в Present Simple Tense:
Does a secretary oversee office operations ?
Do office workers work in cubicles ?
- _______ a mailroom clerk sort mail?
- _______ an office manager have a responsibility for office equipment?
- _______ office workers work from 9 a. m. till 7 p. m?
- _______ a secretary place and return calls?
- _______ a bookkeeper tally financial records?
- _______ a secretary schedule meetings?
- _______ office workers have a dress code?
V. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям:
- A secretary keeps a calendar.
- An office manager oversees office operations.
- A bookkeeper balances all financial records.
- A mailroom clerk distributes mail.
- A secretary returns calls.
- Office workers work 5 days a week.
- An office manager has a responsibility for office equipment.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Complete.
1) You can print with a … .
2) You can glue with … .
3) You can save (keep) information on … .
4) You can make calculations with a … .
5) You can make notes in … .
5) You can write with a … .
6) You can erase with a … .
7) You can leave messages on a … .
8) You can send and receive papers with a … .
9) You can make copies with … .
10) You can make calls with a … .
11) You can staple papers with … .
12) You can keep documents in … .
- Complete.
- There is a …. for making hard copies.
- There is a …. for keeping information.
- There ia s … for leaving messages.
- There is a … for making calculations.
- There are … for writing.
- Make up sentences.
make calculations type letters call save information send and receive papers
make calls leave make notes cut paper
- A fax machine is a means of …
- There is a mobile phone for …
- There is a calculator for…
- There are scissors for …
- There is a message pad for…
- Thank you for … us.
- You should warn the receptionist one day before ….
- There is a computer for…
- You can use floppy disks for…
Предварительный просмотр:
The Office.
1) The modern office has the usual office equipment such as a telephone, a typewriter, a photocopier, a fax machine, a computer and a printer.
2) On the table you should have a glass with pens and pencils and a box with staples and clips.
3) You can keep all the documents and papers in files and folders.
4) Every secretary today has a computer with a word processor and a printer
5) With a computer you can type and see what you have typed on the screen.
6) You can print many separate copies of documents.
7) Near the computer you should have a filling tray for letters and papers.
8) If you have to do some calculations you use an electric calculator.
9) There is a photocopier for making copies of letters and other papers.
10) A fax machine is more popular today.
11) It makes copies and sends them to any other fax machine you want.
12) Electronic mail is a means of sending and receiving messages – internationally or nationally.
13) Messages appear on the receiver’s computer screen.
Office Workers.
1) Most of the office workers in a small business office usually work in cubicles.
2) Office workers work from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
3) They get an hour for lunch and two coffee breaks.
4) Office workers are office manager, secretary, typist or computer operator, bookkeeper and mailroom clerk.
5) An office manager oversees office operations, coordinates projects, and has the responsibilities for office supplies and equipment.
6)He/She is also in charge of personnel.
7) A secretary answers phone calls, keeps a calendar, schedules meetings and open mail.
8) A typist or computer operator enters information, edits texts on the screen and prints out copies.
9) A bookkeeper enters, tallies and balances all financial records.
10) A mailroom clerk sorts mail, distributes mail, takes care of outgoing mail.
Предварительный просмотр:
- faxing/a fax machine – факс, факс-аппарат
- message – сообщение
- communication – связь, общение, коммуникация
- a means of – средство
- a means of communication – средство связи, средство общения
- send papers – отправлять бумаги
- receive papers – получать бумаги
- papers – бумаги
- documents – документы
- photos – фотографии
- duplicate/hard copy – копия
- instant – мгновенный
- the evidence that – свидетельство того, что
- get the evidence that – получить свидетельство того, что; удостовериться
- different models – различные модели
- together – вместе, одновременно
- difficult to use – сложный в употреблении, пользовании
Translate into English:
Копия, документы, бумаги, фото, факс-аппарат, модели, различные модели, сообщение, отправлять бумаги, получать бумаги, отправлять документы, получать документы, отправлять фото, получать фото, мгновенный, вместе, сложный в использовании, связь, средство, средство общения
Fill in:
p_ _ e _
_ o _ _
p _ _ _ o
_ _ f _ _ r _ _ _
_ec_ _ _ _
_o _ _ _
_ e _ _
_ _ ss_ _ _
_ _ _ _ th _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ nt
- Fax is a means of communication.
- With faxing/a fax machine you can send and receive papers and documenters.
- You can also send photos.
- The receiver will get the duplicate/hard copy of the document.
- You can send documents to more than one fax machine at once.
- The sending and the receiving of documents are instant.
- After sending the paper you get the evidence that the message is received/ the receiver gets the message.
- Every office has a fax machine today.
- There are a lot of different models.
- A fax machine looks like a telephone and a photocopier together.
- It is not difficult to use.
Предварительный просмотр:
The Office equipment
1) The modern office has the usual office equipment such as a , a ,
a , a , a and a .
2) On the you should have a with and and
a box with and .
3) You can keep all the documents and papers in and .
4) Every secretary today has a with a word processor and a .
5) With a you can type and see what you have typed on the screen.
6) You can print many separate copies of documents.
7) Near the you should have a for and papers.
8) If you have to do some calculations you use an electric .
9) There is a for making copies of and other papers.
10) A is more popular today.
11) It makes copies and sends them to any other you want.
12) is a means of sending and receiving messages – internationally or nationally.
13) Messages appear on the receiver’s computer .
Предварительный просмотр:
Office Stationary and Equipment
Match the word from the table and the illustration.
Paper, diskette, mouse, typewriter, telephone, pen, printer, key, pencil, ruler, glue, keyboard, mail, screen, eraser, scissors, staple, folder, remover, calculator, ingoing mail, outgoing mail, message pad, clip, drawing-pin, filing tray, fax machine, mobile phone, stapler, photocopier, sharpener.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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