итоговый урок по теме "Harry Potter"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Одна из прекраснейших детских книг на английском языке вдохновила меня на создание цикла занятий по теме "Harry Potter". Данная разработка представляет собой урок-обобщение, на котором учащиеся не только вспоминают все, что они знают о сюжете произведения,но и закрепляют лексико-грамматический материал последних занятий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План – конспект урока
учителя английского языка Завирской И.В.
по теме “Harry Potter”
Цель урока
повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка
-обобщить знания, полученные после прочтения книг о Гарри Поттере
- повторение пройденного ранее лексико-грамматического материала (прилагательные, описывающие характер, придаточные предложения причины)
- развитие навыков говорения, письма, фокусируясь на придаточных предложениях причины
компьютер, магнитофон, таблички, карточки с текстами, наглядность, доска
Структура урока
этап | задачи | форма работы | |
I | Вводная часть | сообщение целей и задач урока | фронтальная |
II | Обобщение | Контроль усвоения учащимися материала по теме | фронтальная |
III | Чтение | Расстановка отрывков текста в логическом порядке | парная, чтение про себя |
IV | Аудирование | релаксация | фронтальная |
V | Говорение | Монологические высказывания с использованием изученного лексического материала | индивидуальная |
VI | Письмо | Написание высказываний с использованием изученного лексико-грамматического материала | индивидуальная |
VII | Подведение итогов |
Ход урока:
- -Hello, children! Let me show something. (наглядность)
Whose things are they? (на доске: magician’s, driver’s, teacher’s)
(учащиеся делают выбор)
-Right. Today we’re going to remember the most famous young magician in the world- Harry Potter.(слайд №1,сообщить, чем будем заниматься сегодня)
II. -You’ve read the book, watched the film, and discussed them in class. Today we’ll check up how well you know HP and his world. I offer you to cope with the Quiz. (Harry Potter quiz on the whiteboard)
Hogwarts Quiz (Beginner)
1. What is the full name of Hogwarts?
o The Hogwarts School
o The Hogwarts School of Wizardry
o The Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft
o The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2. The train to Hogwarts leaves from which platform?
o 9
o 9 ¼
o 9 ½
o 9 ¾
3. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?
o Snape
o Dumbledore
o McGonagall
o Filch
4. What house does Harry Potter live in?
o Gryffindor
o Hufflepuff
o Ravenclaw
o Slytherin
5. Moaning Myrtle lives in
o a staircase
o the kitchen
o a bathroom
o the Forbidden Forest
6. Which course has had a different teacher each year?
o Transfiguration
o Charms
o Divination
o Defense Against the Dark Arts
7. Which one of these was NOT a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts?
o Mad-Eye Moody
o Gilderoy Lockheart
o Professor Sinistra
o Professor Lupin
8. Besides being the gamekeeper, what does Hagrid teach?
o Herbalogy
o Quidditch
o History of Magic
o Care of Magical Creatures
9. The violent tree on the grounds of Hogwarts is known as
o the battering beech
o the whomping willow
o the clobbering cherry
o the obstreperous oak
10. What does the motto of Hogwarts, Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, mean?
o Dragon strength and wizard mind
o When the dragon sleeps, magic reaps
o Let sleeping dragons lie.
o Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
Answer Key
Hogwarts Quiz (Beginner)
1. The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2. 9 ¾
3. Dumbledore
4. Gryffindor
5. a bathroom
6. Defense Against the Dark Arts
7. Professor Sinistra
8. Care of Magical Creatures
9. the whomping willow
10. Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
III. – Now you’ll work in pairs. Let me distribute the papers with some extracts from the book “Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone”. Your task is to read and to put them into the correct order.
Отрывки из книги
- Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere.
- Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all. The sun rose on the same tidy front gardens and lit up the brass number four on the Dursleys' front door; it crept into their living room, which was almost exactly the same as it had been on the night when Mr. Dursley had seen that fateful news report about the owls. Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed. Ten years ago, there had been lots of pictures of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-colored bonnets - but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now the photographs showed a large blond boy riding his first bicycle, on a carousel at the fair, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother. The room held no sign at all that another boy lived in the house, too.
- On Friday, no less than twelve letters arrived for Harry. As they couldn't go through the mail slot they had been pushed under the door, slotted through the sides, and a few even forced through the small window in the downstairs bathroom.
- Harry woke early the next morning. Although he could tell it was daylight, he kept his eyes shut tight."It was a dream," he told himself firmly. "I dreamed a giant called Hagrid came to tell me I was going to a school for wizards. When I open my eyes I'll be at home in my cupboard."
- "Excuse me," Harry said to the plump woman.
"Hello, dear," she said. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too."
She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.
"Yes," said Harry. "The thing is - the thing is, I don't know how to -"
"How to get onto the platform?" she said kindly, and Harry nodded.
"Not to worry," she said. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron."
"Er - okay," said Harry.
- Harry had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting.
IV. –Let’s have a break. Listen to music carefully. You’ll hear 3 pieces. Which piece was used in the film about HP?
V. – Look at the whiteboard. There are some characters of the book. You know them well. (слайд № 2) Describe the characters using the words in the frame.
VI. – One more word has appeared on the board. (на доске появляется слово “because”) Now explain your choice as in the example. Write down your sentences.
Слайд №1
Слайд №2
clever | rude | cowardly | brave | shy | honest | arrogant | funny | friendly | timid |
e.g. Malfoy is rude because he hurts people.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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