Внеклассная работа
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Жигич Галина Михайловна

 Викторина о США. 9-11 классы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                Викторина «Знаете ли вы США?»


  1. What was Henry Hudson and which geographical feature in New York State is named after him? (an English explorer; the Hudson River).
  2. The continental U. S. is divided into how many time zones? (four)
  3. Which American state was the last to acquire "state" status? (Hawaii)
  4. In which state do the highest trees in the world grow and what are they called? (in California; "redwood", or "sequoia")
  5. What is the name of the first U. S. national park and in which state is it located? (Yellowstone; in Wyoming)
  6. Which city in the state of Florida has the same name as a Russian city? (St. Petersburg)
  7. In which mountain are the faces of four American Presidents chiselled? (in Mount Rushmore, South Dakota)
  8. In which city and state is Disney World located? (in Orlando, Florida)
  9. What are the pet names for the Mississippi River? ("The Old Man", "The Big Muddy")
  1. Name the six New England states and explain why they are known as "New England". (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut; named by Captain John Smith for their resemblance to the coast of England)
  2. Name the five Great Lakes; which one is entirely within the U. S.? (Lakes Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior; Lake Michigan)
  3. Name the highest mountain range in the eastern U. S. (the Appalachian Mountains)

  1. Which American state (excluding Hawaii and Alaska) borders only one other state? (Maine)
  2. Name the lowest spot in the continental U. S. (Death Valley, California)
  3. Which Caribbean Sea island has a commonwealth status with the U. S.? (Puerto Rico)
  4. Name the smallest U. S. state. (Rhode Island)
  5. In which western U. S. state, originally on part of the Nez Perce Indian Reservation, is the city of Moscow located? (in Idaho)
  6. Where is the "Rust Belt" in the U. S.? (in the industrial north-central and north-eastern states)


  1. Give the names of the three ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America. (Ninya, Pinta, Santa Maria)
  2. What is the name of the Dutch settlement which became New York City? (the colony was the New Netherlands; the capital city was New Amsterdam)
  3. With which "supernatural" event is the old whaling town of Salem, Massachusetts, associated? (witchcraft)
  4. What was the colonists' motto during the "Boston Tea Party"? ("No Taxation Without Representation")
  5. In which city and state is the Liberty Bell located? (in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
  6. Which country presented the U. S. with the Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion? (France; the 100-year anniversary of the Franco-American alliance during the American War of Independence)
  7. Which American President was the first to live in the White House? (John Adams, the 2nd U. S. President)
  8. Who were the "Blues" and who were the "Greys" during the American Civil War? (the "Blues" were the North (Union),

the "Greys" were the South (Confederacy)

9.        Which American architect is called the "Father of the Skyscraper"? (Louis Henry Sullivan)

  1. Who were the two brothers who invented the airplane and when and where did the first flight take place? (Orville and Wilbur Wright; 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina)
  2. What is the name of the American naval base that the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941? In which state is it located? (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii)
  3. Which American general, who later became the 34th President, commanded all U.S. forces during World War II? (Dwight David Eisenhower)
  4. Which American President attended the Potsdam Conference? (Harry Truman)
  5. In which U. S. city was the United Nations' Charter approved in 1945? (in San Francisco, California)
  6. Who was the American President during the Cuban missile crisis? (John F. Kennedy)



  1. What major American historical event did Rip Van Winkle miss in his sleep? (the American War of Independence)
  2. Which 19th-century American writer is said to be the founder of the detective genre? (Edgar A. Poe)
  3. Which famous Edgar A. Poe's poem is named for a bird? ("The Raven")
  4. What pen-name did an American writer use to sign the humorous stories which he wrote in prison? (O. Henry)
  5. Which famous event that had happened in California in 1849 was glorified in films and books? (the gold rush)

  1. Name the American science fiction writer born in Russia who wrote "I, Robot". (Isaac Asimov)
  2. Volkov's book, "The Wizard of the Emerald Town", is an adaptation of a book written by an American writer. What is the title of the book and who is the American author? ("The (Wonderful) Wizard of Oz"; L. Frank Baum)
  3. Which American family compiled the first dictionary of the American variant of the English language? (Webster)
  4. Which two novels by Mark Twain are often   called "the first modern American

novels"? ("The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer")

  1. Which famous novel of Herman Melville is concerned with an aquatic mammal? ("Moby Dick")
  2. During which periods in American history was the novel "Gone with the Wind" set? (the Civil War and Reconstruction)
  3. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote "The Sun Also Rises". (Ernest Hemingway)
  4. Which famous poem of Longfellow was translated into Russian by Ivan Bunin? ("The Song of Hiawatha")
  5. Which American author wrote "The Last of the Mohicans"? (James Fenimore Cooper)
  6. Which famous American document begins with the words, "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union..."? (the Constitution of the United States)
  7. Name the largest library in the U. S. (the Library of Congress)

                                                                    CULTURE AND SPORTS

  1. In which famous location do people in New York City celebrate New Year's Day? (in Times Square)
  2. What are the ingredients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner? (turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie)
  3. What do the terms "melting pot" and "salad bowl" mean to U. S. society and culture? (that the U. S. is a country of immigrants who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities)
  4. Which art museum in New York City is a spiral-shaped building and what is the name of the architect who built it? (the Guggenheim Museum; Frank Lloyd Wright)
  5. Which American artist painted portraits of outstanding historical leaders and scenes of important historical events, including "The Declaration of Independence" and three famous portraits of George Washington? (Gilbert Stuart)
  6. Who is the American composer who wrote "West Side Story"? (Leonard Bernstein)
  7. Who is the famous American dancer, singer and actor who acted in many films together with his partner Ginger Rogers? (Fred Astaire)
  8. Which American artist chose painting mother and child as the main theme of her creative work, spent the better part of her life in Paris, and was very close to the Impressionists? (Mary Cassatt)

9.        Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee? (Elvis Presley)

  1. Which American silent-movie star is called the "Little Tramp"? (Charlie Chaplin)
  2. What monument in Washington, D. C, dedicated to an American President, is nicknamed "The Pencil"? (Washington Monument)
  3. What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the U. S.? (Oscars, or Academy Awards)
  4. Which Russian-born American choreographer created the "modern style of classical American ballet"? (George Bal-anchine (Georgi Balanchivadze)
  5. What is the name of the famous collection of museums in Washington, D. C? (Smithsonian Institution)
  6. Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America? (baseball)
  7. Under which two names did the most famous American boxer of the 1960s — 1970s fight in the ring? (Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay)
  8. What do Americans call the championship game of American football? (Super Bowl)

In which U. S. city were the 1996 Summer Olympics held? (in Atlanta, Georgia


  1. Explain the symbolism of the stars and the stripes on the U. S. flag. (50 stars = 50 states; 13 stripes = 13 original colonies)
  2. In which city did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774? (in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
  3. What was the "Homestead Act"? (the transfer of land from the U. S. government to a "homesteader" after five years of residence at a nominal price)
  4. Which U. S. legal holiday — held every four years — falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November? (Election Day)
  5. When did American women receive the right to vote? (in 1920)
  6. Who was the first President elected as a member of the Republican Party? (Abraham Lincoln)
  7. Who was the first President to serve only one term? (John Adams, the 2nd U. S. President)
  8. Name the longest serving U. S. President. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
  9. Who was the youngest elected Presi-

dent in the history of the U. S.? (John F. Kennedy)

  1. What is impeachment? Name one President it threatened, (a formal accusation against a public official; Andrew Johnson, or Richard Nixon, or Bill Clinton)
  2. From which two states was the original District of Columbia carved? (Maryland and Virginia)
  3. After the Vice-President, which political figure is next in line to succeed the President? (the Speaker of the House of Representatives)
  4. Name the two political parties in the U. S. and the animals that symbolize each party. (Democrats — donkey; Republicans — elephant)
  5. Which U. S. government agency is charged with the collection of taxes? (Internal Revenue Service — IRS)

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