Фильм "Кентервильское привидение" по Оскарду Уайльду.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Author-Kalinkina Nastya
Sir Simon de Canterville – ghost - Razhev Roman
Mr Hiram B. Otis - Radzhabli Sadig
Lucretia – wife – Nikitina Maria
Washington – son – Tolstoy Sergey
Virginia – daughter – Smirnova Nastya
Mrs Umney – Glebova Maria
Teacher – Abdulganieva Alina Ramilevna
В начале: Государственное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №362 Московского района Санкт-Петербурга. 7 а класс
The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde
Эпизод 1,2 - j.s._bach_air_on_a_g_string
Эпизод 3,4,5,6,7 bach_-_toccata__and__fugue_in_d_minor_midnight_storm
Эпизод 8,9,10,11 - j.s._bach_air_on_a_g_string (с начала)
Эпизод 1 (0,25 сек)
Author is sitting at the table. Opens the book “The Canterville ghost” by O.Wilde.
Author: This book is about Sir Simon de Canterville. He is a ghost. He has lived in his house for hundreds of years. His job is to terrify the people who stay there. Then Mr Otis, an American, buys the house. Than Mr Hiram B. Otis bought Canterville Chase and his family came to England from America. He had a wife called Lucretia, three sons and a daughter.
Эпизод 2 (0,07 сек)
Hall. Family and Mrs Umney (the housekeeper): “welcome to Canterville Chase! Would you like some tea?”
Mr Otis: “Yes, please”
Эпизод 3 (0,25 сек)
Library. A lot of books. A red stain on the floor.
Mr Otis: What is this red stain?
Mrs Umney: It is blood!
Mrs Otis: I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove it. Clean the floor immediately.
Mrs Umney: It is the blood of Lady Eleonore de Canterville. It cannot be removed.
Washington: Nonsense! I have some Pinkerton’s Stain Remover from America. It can remove any stain. Watch!” (remove the stain). “the blood stain has gone”
The sound of thunder and a flash. – звук грома
Эпизод 4 (0,12 сек)
Author: Next morning they went into the library. The blood stain had reappeared on the floor. Washington removed the blood stain again. The library floor was clean. But the next morning the stain had come back again.
Эпизод 5 (0,12 сек)
Night. Mr Otis woke up. Strange nose. The sound of metal chains. Hall. Mr Otis and the ghost.
Mr Otis: My dear sir, your chains make a terrible noise. You must put some oil on those chains. Here is some oil from United States. Please put the oil on your chins.
Close the door. The ghost made a terrible noise and shone a horrible green light in the corridor.
Twins with pillows in their hands. They threw the pillow at the ghost and laughed.
Эпизод 6 (0,12 сек)
The room. The ghost is sitting and crying.
Ghost: I have frightened people for three hundred years. Everyone had always been frightened. No one has given Oil to put on my chins, No one has thrown pillows at me. I am a very unhappy ghost.
Эпизод 7 (0,17 сек)
Washington is removing the blood stain and twins are staying near.
Virginia: can’t you leave the poor ghost alone? Why do you want to hurt him? The stain has been here for three hundred years. We have been here for three weeks. The poor ghost puts the stain on the floor every night. Cant you leave the stain there? Leave him alone!”
Эпизод 8 ( 0, 48 сек)
The library. Virginia and the ghost.
Virginia: “I feel very sorry for you. I’m sorry that my brothers were not very kind to you. But you did try to frighten them”.
Ghost: “Yes I did. It’s my job to frighten everyone who comes to Canterville Chase. I am so lonely and so unhappy. I don’t know what to do.
Virginia: “How can I help you?”
Ghost: “Have you read the writing on the library window?”
Virginia: “Yes, but I don’t understand it”.
Ghost: “Look! Read the lines on the window. When a golden girl shall weep for the ghost that cannot sleep, than the dead at last shall die and in restful earth may lie.” Could you come with me into the garden of sleep and weep for me.
Virginia : “I will come with you into the dark.
Эпизод 9 (0, 23 сек) Author: “Virginia did not come downstairs for supper. Mr Otis sent one of servants to her room. The servant could not find Virginia so everybody searched the house. They looked everywhere but they could not find her. Mr and Mrs Otis were very worried. They planned to search for Virginia again in the morning.
Эпизод 10 ( начало) (0,05 сек) Family in the library The clock struck twelve. Virginia with the small opened box with jewels in the hand.
Mr Otis: “Where have you been? You have frighten us all.”
Эпизод 10 (продолжение) (0,07 сек) Virginia: “Father! I have been with the ghost. He is dead and now can rest. He gave me this box before he died. Come with me, I will show you something”.
Эпизод 11 (0,17 сек) Room. Family. The skeleton is on the floor. Virginia: “This is the body of Sir Simon de Canterville. He murdered his wife in 1575. Then his wife’s brother’s shut him in this room. He was given no food. Sir Simon starved to death. His ghost was in this house for three hundred years. But now he has found peace.
Author: This book is about Sir Simon de Canterville. He is a ghost. He has lived in his house for hundreds of years. His job is to terrify the people who stay there. Then Mr Otis, an American, buys the house. Than Mr Hiram B. Otis bought Canterville Chase and his family came to England from America. He had a wife called Lucretia, three sons and a daughter.
Author: The photo of the eldest son. The voice background. «The eldest son, Washington, was almost twenty years old. He was good-looking and had fair hair.
The photo of twins. The voice background “Two young brothers were twins. They were twelve years old.
The photo of daughter. The voice background “the daughter, Virginia, was fifteen years old.
Author: Next morning they went into the library. The blood stain had reappeared on the floor. Washington removed the blood stain again. The library floor was clean. But the next morning the stain had come back again.
Author: “Virginia did not come downstairs for supper. Mr Otis sent one of servants to her room. The servant could not find Virginia so everybody searched the house. They looked everywhere but they could not find her. Mr and Mrs Otis were very worried. They planned to search for Virginia again in the morning.
Mrs Umney (the housekeeper)
Mrs Umney (the housekeeper): “welcome to Canterville Chase! Would you like some tea?”
Mr Otis: “Yes, please”
Mr Otis: What is this red stain?
Mrs Umney: It is blood!
Mrs Otis: I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove it. Clean the floor immediately.
Mrs Umney: It is the blood of Lady Eleonore de Canterville. She was murdered by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. The blood stain has been here for over three hundred years. It cannot be removed.
Washington: Nonsense! I have some Pinkerton’s Stain Remover from America. It can remove any stain. Watch!” (remove the stain). “the blood stain has gone”
The sound of thunder and a flash.
Mrs Umney: The ghost will come. You must not remove the blood stain. The ghost will be angry!”
Mr Otis
Mrs Umney (the housekeeper): “welcome to Canterville Chase! Would you like some tea?”
Mr Otis: “Yes, please”
Library. A lot of books. A red stain on the floor.
Mr Otis: What is this red stain?
Mrs Umney: It is blood!
Mrs Otis: I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove it. Clean the floor immediately.
Mrs Umney: It is the blood of Lady Eleonore de Canterville. She was murdered by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. The blood stain has been here for over three hundred years. It cannot be removed.
Washington: Nonsense! I have some Pinkerton’s Stain Remover from America. It can remove any stain. Watch!” (remove the stain). “the blood stain has gone”
The sound of thunder and a flash.
Mrs Umney: The ghost will come. You must not remove the blood stain. The ghost will be angry!”
Night. Mr Otis woke up. Strange nose. The sound of metal chains. Hall. Mr Otis and the ghost.
Mr Otis: My dear sir, your chains make a terrible noise. You must put some oil on those chains. Here is some oil from United States. Please put the oil on your chins.
Close the door. The ghost made a terrible noise and shone a horrible green light in the corridor.
Twins with pillows in their hands. They threw the pillow at the ghost and laughed.
Family in the library The clock struck twelve. Virginia with the small opened box with jewels in the hand.
Mr Otis: “Where have you been? You have frighten us all.”
Virginia: “Farther! I have been with the ghost. He is dead and now can rest. He gave me this box before he died. Come with me, I will show you something”.
Library. A lot of books. A red stain on the floor.
Mr Otis: What is this red stain?
Mrs Umney: It is blood!
Mrs Otis: I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove it. Clean the floor immediately.
Mrs Umney: It is the blood of Lady Eleonore de Canterville. She was murdered by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. The blood stain has been here for over three hundred years. It cannot be removed.
Washington: Nonsense! I have some Pinkerton’s Stain Remover from America. It can remove any stain. Watch!” (remove the stain). “the blood stain has gone”
The sound of thunder and a flash.
Mrs Umney: The ghost will come. You must not remove the blood stain. The ghost will be angry!”
The room. The ghost is sitting and crying.
Ghost: I have frightened people for three hundred years. Everyone had always been frightened. No one has given Oil to put on my chins, No one has thrown pillows at me. I am a very unhappy ghost.
The library. Virginia and the ghost.
Virginia: “I feel very sorry for you. I’m sorry that my brothers were not very kind to you. But you did try to frighten them”.
Ghost: “Yes I did. It’s my job to frighten everyone who comes to Canterville Chase. I am so lonely and so unhappy. I don’t know what to do.
Virginia: “How can I help you?”
Ghost: “Have you read the writing on the library window?”
Virginia: “Yes, but I don’t understand it”.
Ghost: “Look! Read the lines on the window. When a golden girl shall weep for the ghost that cannot sleep, than the dead at last shall die and in restful earth may lie.” Could you come with me into the garden of sleep and weep for me.
Virginia : “I will come with you into the dark.
Three brothers and Virginia. Washington is removing the blood stain and twins are staying near.
Virginia: can’t you leave the poor ghost alone? Why do you want to hurt him? The stain has been here for three hundred years. We have been here for three weeks. The poor ghost puts the stain on the floor every night. Cant you leave the stain there? Leave him alone!”
The face of ghost. He is smilling.
The library. Virginia and the ghost.
Virginia: “I feel very sorry for you. I’m sorry that my brothers were not very kind to you. But you did try to frighten them”.
Ghost: “Yes I did. It’s my job to frighten everyone who comes to Canterville Chase. I am so lonely and so unhappy. I don’t know what to do.
Virginia: “How can I help you?”
Ghost: “Have you read the writing on the library window?”
Virginia: “Yes, but I don’t understand it”.
Ghost: “Look! Read the lines on the window. When a golden girl shall weep for the ghost that cannot sleep, than the dead at last shall die and in restful earth may lie.” Could you come with me into the garden of sleep and weep for me.
Virginia : “I will come with you into the dark.
Family in the library The clock struck twelve. Virginia with the small opened box with jewels in the hand.
Mr Otis: “Where have you been? You have frighten us all.”
Virginia: “Father! I have been with the ghost. He is dead and now can rest. He gave me this box before he died. Come with me, I will show you something”.
Room. Family. The skeleton is on the floor.
Virginia: “This is the body of Sir Simon de Canterville. He murdered his wife in 1575. Then his wife’s brother’s shut him in this room. He was given no food. Sir Simon starved to death. His ghost was in this house for three hundred years. But now he has found peace.
Mrs Otis
Library. A lot of books. A red stain on the floor.
Mr Otis: What is this red stain?
Mrs Umney: It is blood!
Mrs Otis: I don’t want a blood-stain in my library. Please remove it. Clean the floor immediately.
Mrs Umney: It is the blood of Lady Eleonore de Canterville. She was murdered by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. The blood stain has been here for over three hundred years. It cannot be removed.
Washington: Nonsense! I have some Pinkerton’s Stain Remover from America. It can remove any stain. Watch!” (remove the stain). “the blood stain has gone”
The sound of thunder and a flash.
Mrs Umney: The ghost will come. You must not remove the blood stain. The ghost will be angry!”
Предварительный просмотр:
Фильм «Кентервильское приведение» по О.Уайльду.
учителя английского языка, Абдулганиевой Алины Рамильевны
- совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи с применением пройденной лексики;
- совершенствовать лексико-грамматических навыков;
- совершенствовать умение учащихся воспринимать на слух небольшие монологические высказывания по теме.
- развить артистические способности учащихся;
- развить умение вести дискуссию, высказывать свое мнение, обобщить и анализировать мнения других.
- Развить умение выражать эмоции, речевые навыки.
- уделить особое внимание литературному жанру
- сформировать собственное мнение учащихся о произведении О. Уайльда
- видеокамера
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