путешествие по Великобритании - методическая разработка урока
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Обобщающий урок по теме" Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии". В урок включены такие разделы как символика Великобристании ( флаг, герб, флористические символы) и особенности географического положения стран , входящих в состав Объединённого Королевства, традиции и обычаи.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока по теме
«Объединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»
Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции через обобщение знаний по теме «Объединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»
Задачи урока: Учебная – обобщение и повторение пройденного материала по теме “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, контроль знаний по теме.
Воспитательный аспект – формирование умения работать в группах, самостоятельно, формирование положительной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу.
Развивающая – развитие логики, произвольного внимания, речевой догадки.
Развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия
Образовательная – научить применять изученный лексический материал по теме в речи, используя, полученные знания о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Дидактический материал: учебник Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English»
Презентации по теме « Страны Великобритании»
« Достопримечательности Лондона»
Необходимое оборудование и материалы.
Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор (презентация), оформленная доска (задание), раздаточный материал, карточки с заданиями
Ход и содержание урока
I. Приветствие
Glad to see you, dear pupils. Hope you are doing well today, aren’t you? Very well. OK. Ready to go? Let’s start.
II. Организационный момент
1. Who is on today?
2. Is everybody here?
3. Who is away?
4. What date is it today?
5. What is the weather like today?
III. Постановка цели
T: Good morning ! I am glad to see you. I think you ready to begin the lesson.
At the lesson we’ll speak about this topic….
Read the poem and find the words which help you to definite the topic.
So many countries all over the world,
So many people life tales told!
Different cities, language, poems,
Amazing traditions, legends,stories.
We travel East, we travel West
To know so much is best,
If South is warm, North is cold,
We start our trip and off we go!
P1: We are going to travel.
T: Why do the people travel?
P2: They want to know much.
T: Look on the screen and say what country we are going to travel.
P3: The UK.
T: You are right. It’s a great pleasure for me to talk about Great Britain. Many years ago the greatest English poet William Shakespeare said “Britain is a world by itself. ” Today we are going to travel round the UK to check your knowledge and to know who has the best knowledge and who knows more information about the UK.
IV. Основной этап.
1. T: Let’s start our travelling. I’ll divide you in 3 groups and you try to work very hard to prove your good knowledge. First of all look at the blackboard. Here you can see 3 columns of words (1st column is for the 1st group, 2nd – for the 2nd one, 3 d – for the 3d one)
- …Northern Ireland - … Cardiff - … London
- …Scots (nation.) - …Thames - … Irish
- …Wales - … … Scotland - … Oxford
- …Edinburgh - … … British Isles- …Cambridge
- …Welsh(nation) - …United Kingdom’s flag - …English(nation0
- …Belfast - … … United Kingdom … Severn
Your task is to choose one person in group who will read these words. you read and translate them correctly. Don’t forget about articles!
Very good! I see that you know the correct pronunciation of words. And what about your knowledge of capitals, symbols, flags, people and languages of some countries. Now you’ll work like that.
T: Look at the map and answer my guestions:
- How many countries does the UK consist of ? Name them.
- What are the capitals of these countries?
- What is the largest island of the country?
- What countries does Great Britain include?
- What is the official language of the whole country?
- How do British people call the national flag?
T: Well. Now let’s speak about the floral symbol. Look on the screen and tell about the symbols of each country.
P4: The symbol of England is the red rose, the symbol of Scotland is thistle, the national symbol of Wales is daffodil, the symbol of Northern Ireland is shamrock.
T: Read the text and try to understand why the people chose these plants.
P5: Thistle saved the country from the enemies during the War. Daffodils are
a sign of love to St.David. Shamrock is a symbol of trinity. Red rose is a symbol of love.
2. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания.
T: Now you’ll work in your groups.
T: Each country has it’s own peculiarities. Now let’s divided into 4 groups , choose any country you would like to tell us. Take tables and fill in them some interesting facts about countries. I give you 4 minutes. Let’s check !
country | |
population | |
land | |
language | |
nationality | |
National day | |
National costume | |
National game | |
Natural wonders | |
National competition, festival |
T: Listen to them and ask guestions. Thank you .
P1: England represents a red cross on a white field. It’s Saint George’s Cross of England. England is the heart of Great Britain. s land is 130,000 sq. km. The population of England is 48 mil. people. The largest cities are Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield and others. People who live in England are called the English. They speak only English. The famous river Thames is situated in London. The national emblem of England is red rose. The national flag of England represents a red cross on a white field. It’s Saint George’s Cross of England. England is the heart of Great Britain.
P2: Scotland is smaller than England but larger than Wales. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Scotland is the second part of the UK. Its land is 78,800 sq. km. The population of Scotland is 5,3 mil. people. The largest cities are Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee. People who live in Scotland are called the Scottish or Scots. They speak Scottish and English. The biggest rivers are Clyde and Spay. There are a lot of beautiful lakes in Scotland. But the most famous of them are Loch Lomond and Loch Ness. The lake “Loch Ness” is famous all over the world because of its monster. The greatest mountains are Ben Nevis and Grampian Hills.
The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. The national flag is a blue field with white diagonal crossed stripes on it. It’s Saint Andrew’s Cross.
P3: Wales is the smallest country in the UK. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. Its land is 20,800 sq. km. Its population is about 2,8 mil. people. The largest cities are Swansea, New Port. The biggest river is Usk and the biggest lake is Wirnwel. One of the biggest mountain is Snowdon. The national symbol is a yellow daffodil. The national flag is white and green with a red dragon on it.
P4: Northern Ireland is the fourth country in the UK. Its land is about 14,000 sq. km. The population is about 1,5 mil. people. The capital of the Northern Ireland is Belfast. The largest cities are Ulster and Dublin. The biggest rivers are Shannon, Bun. Northern Ireland is a land of lakes and rivers. The biggest lake is Lough Neigh. People who live in Ireland are the Irish. They speak Irish and English. The national flag of Ireland represents a diagonal red cross on a white field. It’s Saint Patrick’s Cross. The national symbol is a green shamrock.
3. Развитие навыков аудирования
T: (Презентация блока “Политическая структура Великобритании”) слайды 13–17
T: You work very hard. I see that you know much information about the geography of the UK. And now your task is to prove your knowledge in political system of the country. I’ll give you cards and your task is to tell me about the queen and the parliament in the UK.
In Britain the Queen is the Head of State. In fact, the Queen does not rule. She is the symbol of the country. She travels about the UK, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special place
The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Houses of Lords doesn’t have much power but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy, taxes and many other things.
V. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.
T: So. Let’s sum up everything. What did we do today? Today we remember the information about the UK, repeat our words on this topic.
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путешествие по Великобритании
обобщающий урок по теме" Великобритания и Северная Ирландия" Урок затрагивает такие разделы ,как символика страны, традиции, обычаи и особенности географического положения стран , входящих в состав Объединённого Королевства Британии и Северной Ирландии.