Сценка "Золушка"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Рыбкина Инна Викторовна

Цель: формирование у учащихся навыков свободного языкового самовыражения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект конкурсного урока внеклассного мероприятия

(районный фестиваль иностранного языка)

6-7 класс

(2-й и 3-й год обучения)


Цель: формирование у учащихся навыков свободного языкового самовыражения.


Практическая: сформировывать у детей способность участвовать в непосредственном и опосредственном диалоге культур.

Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения, воспитание мотивов учения, положительного отношения к знаниям

Развивающая: гуманитарное развитие личности ученика,

Образовательная: повышение уровня знания английского языка

Ведущий: This is a story of Cinderella .She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. Her father has got a second wife now, and she is Cinderella’s stepmother. She is a horrible woman. She has got two daughters, Pat and Liz. They are Cinderella’s stepsisters.

Cinderella: Good morning, Daddy, dear!

Father: Good morning, my child. How are you today?

Cinderella: Fine, Daddy, and you?

Father: Oh! I'm, OK, but, my child...

Cinderella: Yes, Daddy?

(Enter Lady Sybil.)

Stepmother: Cinderella. What are you doing? You're not working!

Father: But...

Stepmother: Work, girl, work. Make the breakfast. I' m hungry. I want my toast, jam, cheese and a cup of tea.

Cinderella: Yes, stepmother.

Stepmother: And, you Basil, what are you doing ?

Father: Er - no...

Stepmother: My daughters are coming down and want their breakfast, too.

(Enter Pat.)

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Pat: Good morning, Mummy,dear.

Stepmother: And how are you today, Pat, dear?

Pat: Terrible, terrible.

Stepmother: Oh, dear.

(Enter Liz.)

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Stepmother: Ah, good morning, my child.

Liz: Terrible.

Stepmother: And how are you today?

Liz: Terrible.

Stepmother: Oh, my dear, you too?

Liz: Oh my head... , my teeth..., oooh...

Pat: Hmmmmp! Cinderella! Where is my breakfast. I' m hungry and thirsty. I want two eggs, pudding, cookies , two cups of tea today - milk, sugar and six pieces of toast -

Liz: I want a cup of coffee...Oh, my head...

Pat: - with cheese-

Liz: Coffee. Black. No sugar. I want my breakfast now, Cindirella. Oh , my teeth... oooh...

Pat: and an apple.

Cinderella: Yes, sister. Yes, sister. Coming.

Stepmother: We'll go to the ball today. What shall we wear, I wonder? We haven't got new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the ball. I want a party dress.

Pat: And me, too. I want a beautiful white evening dress. And I want a blue hat and white shoes.

Liz: And me, too. I want beautiful blue evening dress, blue shoes and white hat.

Cinderella: And me, too. I can't wear these old clothes. I want some new clothes.


Pat          -                           YOU???

Liz -

Cinderella: Yes, me.                                              

Stepmother: You can't go to the ball.

Pat: No, you can't go to the ball.

Liz: No, you can't go to the ball.

Postman: Oh yes, she can. Look here. The invitation card says: " To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their their three daughters". So she can go to the ball.

Stepmother: Oh no, she can't.

Postman: Oh yes, she can.

Pat and Liz: Oh no, she can't.              

Stepmother: Oh yes, she can.

Pat and Liz: What?

Stepmother: Yes she can go to the ball. Of course she can. Thank you , postman. You have a very busy day today. Goodbye, postman. Cinderella, you can go to the ball. But first there' s some work for you to do. Make beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make tea, wash my clothes...

Liz: Wash my clothes.

Pat: And my clothes!

Liz: Wash my dress!

Pat: And my dress!

Liz: My stockings!

Pat: My socks!

Stepmother: And only then can you make your dress for the ball. And then you can go to the ball.

Cinderella: Oh no! I can't do all that today! How can I go to the ball now?

To be continued…