Лимерики (фонетическая зарядка)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
Данная презентация содержит информацию о жанре лимерик. Здесь Вы найдете несколько коротких стихотворений в юмористической форме (лимерики), которые можно использовать в качестве фонетической разминки в основной школе.
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L imerick is a kind of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem, especially one in five-line. with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. The form can be found in England as of the early years of the 18th century . Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
Form of L imerick is a stanza of five lines, with the first, second and fifth usually rhyming with one another and having three feet of three syllables each; and the shorter third and fourth lines also rhyming with each other, but having only two feet of three syllables. The defining "foot" of a limerick's meter is usually the anapaest , ( ta - ta -TUM ), but limericks can also be considered amphibrachic ( ta -TUM- ta ) Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
The first line traditionally introduces a person and a place , with the place appearing at the end of the first line and establishing the rhyme scheme for the second and fifth lines. Form of L imerick The second line represents what the person was doing, and the last lines introduce the result of the person’s actions\activity. In early limericks, the last line was often essentially a repeat of the first line, although this is no longer customary. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
The origin of the name “limerick” The origin of the name limerick for this type of poem is debated. As of several years ago, its usage was first documented in England in 1898 ( New English Dictionary ) and in the United States in 1902, but in recent years several earlier uses have been documented The name is generally taken to be a reference to the City or County of Limerick in Ireland Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
The origin of the name “limerick” The name of the city gave the name to humorous poems of five lines. The origin of the word “limerick” isn’t really known but it is supposed to be taken from the name of the soldier’s song of the 18 th century “Will you come up to Limerick?”( Вы приедете в Лимерик?) Another version of the origin of the name limerick is connected with the custom to compose and sing humorous songs at parties. The refrain of the song contained the phrase “Will you come to Limerick?” (Вы приедете в Лимерик?) Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was an old woman of Leeds Who spent all her time in good deeds; She worked for the poor Till her fingers were sore, The pious woman of Leeds. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
Doctor Forster went to Glouster In a shower of rain; He stepped in a puddle, Right up to his middle, And never went there again. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was a poor man of Jamaica, He opened a shop as a baker: The nice biscuits he made Procured him much trade With the little black boys of Jamaica. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was an old man of Peking, Who sat on the point of a pin, He jumped up in pain, Then sat down again: The silly old man of Peking. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was an old woman of Norwich Who lived upon nothing but porridge; Parading the town, She turned cloak into the gown, The thrifty old woman of Norwich. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was a young lady of Sweden, Who went by a slow train to Weedon , when they cried: “ Weedon Station!” She made no observation, But she thought she could go back to Sweden . Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was an old lady of France, Who taught little ducklings to dance. When she said: “Tick-a-tack!” The only said: “Quack!” Which grieved that old lady of France. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was a young lady whose nose Was so long that it reached to her toes; So she hired an old lady Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was a man of Calcutta, Who spoke with a terrible shutter. At breakfast he said: “Give me b-b-b-b-bread And b-b-b-b-b-b-butter”. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was a young lady of Niger, Who went for a ride on a tiger, They returned from the ride With the lady inside And a smile on the face of the tiger. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There was an old person of Chilly, Whose conduct was painful and silly; He sat on the stairs, Eating apples and pears, That imprudent old person of Chilly. Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
There once was a student named Bessor , Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser. It at least grew so small He knew nothing at all, And today he’s a college professor! Автор: Ераст ова Т.В., учитель английского языка, МОБУ « Рассветская СОШ им.В.В. Лапина» Тульская область Ленинский район
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