English prepositions:to,on,for. 9 класс. Учебник Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Данный материал направлен на отработку употребления предлогов "to, on, for".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Fill in the gaps with the right preposition.
- Mike is very sad because he hasn’t got an invitation ….. Jane’s birthday party.
- My parents can’t understand his attitude …. the problem.
- Nobody could explain the reason …… her visit.
- Mr Black is not in the office now, he is …. holiday.
- He has been waiting for a long time but still hasn’t had a reply …. his question.
- During the war all people had their hopes ….. the future.
- Let’s meet at five in the evening and find a solution …. the problem.
- She went to France ….business and we don’t know when she will come back.
- The firefighters came late and the whole house was …. fire.
- It’s not a secret that there is an exception …. all the rules.
- All Bob’s friends ignored his demand ….. money.
- Her reaction ….. Philip’s words was absolutely unpredictable.
- Jill, you are wanted …. the telephone but I don’t recognize the voice.
- There was nothing on the table but just a key …. the door.
- Tourists went ….. an excursion to London on Sunday morning and they did a lot of different sights.
- Students couldn’t help feeling great respect … their professor.
- She is a very slim girl. I believe she is …. a diet.
- John was shocked when he saw all the damage … his car.
- Their desire … freedom was the only reason of their rebellion.
- The Government introduced an amendment ….the law two months ago.
The key:
- To; 2) to; 3) for; 4) on; 5) to; 6) for; 7) to; 8) on; 9) on; 10) to; 11) for; 12) to; 13) on; 14) to; 15) on; 16) for; 17) on; 18) to; 19) for; 20) to.
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