Контрольные работы 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
5 контрольных работ основных разделов учебника (УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой V класс для гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test №1
World Around Us
I. Make up true sentences using Passive Voice:
1. Moscow/found /in 1247. ……………………………………………………………………………..
2. English/ speak / in America. …………………………………………………………………………
3. A lot of cartoons /show /on TV /last week. ………………………………………………………….
4. Tables / make/ of wood. ………………………………………………………………………………
5. Roses /buy/ yesterday at the florist’s. ……………………………………………………………………….
II. Complete the following sentences using
at 5 o’clock yesterday, while I was reading a book, yesterday, 3 days ago:
1.He bought his car …………………………………………………………………………….
2.They were talking ……………………………………………………………………………
3.He was buying his car ……………………………………………………………………….
4.They talked ………………………………………………………………………………….
III. Choose the right variant:
1. What is … of this river? a)long b)the length c)length
2. I would like to sit … Olga & Maria. a)among b)neither c)between
3. That woman was very … a)long b)tall c)high
4. How … is this lake! a)width b)the width c)wide
5. The song … sad. a)sounds b)smells c)tastes
IV. Fill in a / an when it is necessary:
1. What … curious child! 4. What … rainy weather!
2. What … mild climate! 5. What … easy work!
3. What … tasty cookies! 6. What … dangerous bird!
V. Choose the right variant:
1. The flower smell / smells pleasant.
2. The music sound / sounds wonderful.
3. The men feel / feels bad.
4. The oranges taste / tastes sweet.
VI. Fill in neither … nor, both … and:
1.He is bad at English. He can ………………… read …………………. speak English.
2.I like flowers. I grow ……………………… daisies ………………….. lilies.
3.A lot of animals are disappearing . People must ……………………. hunt …………………kill them.
4.I’ve hidden two toys. I’ve hidden ……………………a fox …………………… a tiger.
VII. Write the same in English:
1.Я готовил обед в то время как они охотились………………………………………………………………….
2.Эти дома построили в прошлом году. …………………………………………………………………………
3.Я не люблю ни рыбу ни мясо. …………………………………………………………………………………
4.Ромашки были выращены в нашем саду. ……………………………………………………………………..
5.Сыр делают из молока. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6.Тед – самый высокий мальчик среди одноклассников……………………………………………………….
7.В наши дни люди защищают и животных и растения…………………………………………………………
8.Когда я пришел, дети играли в теннис…………………………………………………………………………
9.Какой вкусный сок! …………………………………………………………………………………………….
10.Моя бабушка раньше садила много нарциссов. …………………………………………………………….
Test №2
The Geography & Political Outlook.
I.Complete the following sentences:
1. He can play the flute. (I) So ………….
2. We are good students. (I) So …………
3. I live in Komarov Street. (my friend) So ……….
4. We took part in the performance last week. (they) So ……..
5. My brother has already done his homework. ( I) So…….
II. Write the following sentences in the Reported Speech:
Sam: I saw a new film about wild animals yesterday. –
Polly: My brother can draw. –
Michael: I don’t like Pepsi. –
Mother: Ann, open the door, please! –
Den: Are you a good swimmer?( Nick) –
Sally: Do you often go to the Gallery?(Paul)
Mother: What are you doing? (son)
The teacher: Where do you live?(Sarah)
Tim: Don’t take my pen, Max! –
Bill: How did you get there?(Alex) –
III. Give the English Equivalents:
1.Кто защищает животных на нашей планете? Мы.
2.Кто из вас выращивал ромашки? Я.
IV. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences:
Either Sarah or Sally ……………. cornflakes with milk for breakfast. ( to have)
Neither my aunt nor my uncle ……………………………….. visit us. (to be going to)
- Neither my father nor my mother ………………… the law. (to break)
- Either my father or my brothers ……………the carpets with the vacuum cleaner every week. (to clean)
V. Correct each sentence. Don’t change the underlined word:
- I don’t like cola. I don’t like mineral water too.
- You must to learn this rule.
- You can’t offend neither your parents nor your grandparents.
- Either Mr. Smith or Mrs. Smith were at the cinema last Sunday.
- You shouldn’t to talk with your mouth full.
VI. Give the English equivalents:
1.Саше не следует пропускать занятия.(to miss)
2.Ты должен учиться хорошо.
3.Мама просит меня купить конфеты.
4.Или Насте или Кате нужно полить цветы.
5.Мой брат всегда дерется.- И мой брат тоже.
Test №3
Health & Body Care
I. Look at the table below & fill in the necessary words:
Imaginable, respectable, readable, breakable, movable, whiteness, illness, politeness, weakness |
1.Though the cup is made of thin glass it is not …………………………… .
2.Everybody respects this gentleman. He is very …………………………. .
3.She is very ill but doctor doesn’t know what ……………………… it is.
4.Strong people don’t like …………………… .
5.I can’t read this book. I don’t think it’s ……………………. .
II. Match the words to make a right word-combination & translate them:
1) to break a) ill 1 - …………………………………………………..
2) blood b) way of living 2 - ………………………………………………….
3) to have c) for headache 3 - ………………………………………………….
4) a medicine d) one’s temperature 4 - ………………………………………………….
5) to hurt e) a cold 5 - ………………………………………………….
6) a healthy f) one’s feelings 6 - ………………………………………………….
7) to take g) a sore throat 7 - ………………………………………………….
8) to fall h) one’s pulse 8 - ………………………………………………….
9) to feel i) the law 9 - …………………………………………………
10) to have j) pressure 10 - ………………………………………………….
III. Circle the correct variant:
1.The upper part of the body of a person or animals is called a … .
a)throat b)neck c)chest
2.One of the two organs of breathing is called a … .
a)head b)heart c) lung
3.When you cut your finger you can see ……
a)blood b)water c)pulse
4.He was in prison, because he often … the law.
a)respected b)broke c)followed
5.When person is not ill, he is ….. .
a)boring b)clever c)healthy
6.The … in the chest was so bad that he went to see a doctor.
a)illness b)hurt c)pain
7.It was a wonderful show which … everybody.
a)excited b)hurt c)worried
8.The children speak English, their … tongue.
a)foreign b)English c)mother
9.She followed the doctor’s advice & now she is healthy. She … very quickly.
a)sneezed b)hurt c) recovered
10.The illness was very serious & the doctor …. a very good medicine.
a)asked b)wanted c)prescribed
11.The girl ate a lot of ice-cream & had a … .
a)sore throat b)bad throat c)cold throat
12.If you want to be slim & healthy you should keep a … .
a)sneeze b)bicycle c)diet
13.They … potatoes in McDonalds.
a)boil b)fry c)smash
14.She had a sore throat & it hurt her much to … .
a)go b)swim c)swallow
15.Medicine is not always sweet, it can be … .
a)soft b)bitter c)hurt
16..Children mustn’t drink alcohol, they should drink … .
a)hard drinks b)bitter drinks c)soft drinks
IV. Write the following sentences in the Reported Speech:
1. He said: “I am happy”. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I said to my teacher: “I can swim very well”. ……………………………………………………………….
3. Daniel said: “My friend offends his little brother every day”
4. Mother said to my father: “The doctor examined Helen 2 hours ago”.
5. Ann asked : “Granny, did you take your temperature yesterday?”
6. Frank: “What are you doing, Paul?”………………………………………………………………………….
7. Liz: “I don’t like milk.” ……………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Mr. White: “My son fell ill last week”. ……………………………………………………………………
9. The doctor said to his patient: “You won’t cough in a week”.
10. Helen: “Mum, I have swallowed this medicine!”
V. Choose one of the forms given in the right column:
1.Я не знал, что вы заняты | a) are busy b) have been busy c) were busy |
2.Он сказал, что никогда не был в Канаде | a) had never been b) has never been c) was never been |
3.Бетти сказала, что завтра пойдет к врачу | a) will go b) goes c) would go |
4.Рональд сказал, что у него болит живот | a) has a stomachache b) had a stomachache c) touch a stomachache |
5.Мама спросила, навещал ли Ник вчера друга | a) visited his friend b) has visited his friend c) had visited his friend |
Test №4
I. Choose the right form of the pronoun:
Don’t use this knife! It’s my/ me/ mine.
I am not sure I understand they / them/ their
I think she/ her/ herself has seen we / us / our
The computer belongs to Pat & Den, it is …
She is a strange girl. She often talks to …
We looked at ………………… in the mirror.
They always think about …………………….
This is my bar of chocolate, where is you / your/ yours?
II. Use Present Simple or Future Simple:
She ………………… to work when the boss …………………. ( to begin / to arrive)
If she ………………………hard she …………………a good specialist. (to work/ to become)
Если дети смешают ( to mix) синий и жёлтый, они получат зелёный цвет.
Если он постирает шерстяные вещи в горячей воде, они сядут. ( to shrink)
Вода станет льдом, если ты поставишь её в морозилку. (freezer)
III. Give the English Equivalents:
Следующая неделя………………………………..
Тренер по футболу……………………………….
Закончиться вничью…………………………….
Отличное образование………………………………..
Попасть в беду……………………………………….
Интересное соревнование……………………………
Изобрести ………………………..
Футбол распространен во всем мире…………………………………
Гольф распространен в Британии……………………………………..
Соревноваться за 1место………………………………………………..
Заниматься греблей………………………………………
Любить лодочный спорт……………………………………
Сильная команда…………………………………………..
Ходить пешком по лужайке……………………………….
Существовать без воздуха…………………………………
Иметь (проводить) соревнование по боксу ……………………………..
Путешествовать в лодке…………………………………..
Серьезное соревнование…………………………………..
Принимать гостей………………………………………….
Быть на тренировке………………………………………..
Test №5
I. Use one or ones where necessary:
1. I don’t want to buy this pillow, please give me another …
2. Which sheets do you like best? – The cotton …
3. Don’t eat that bad sour cream, take this …
4. I don’t like this juice, I’d like to have that pure …
5. Do you like these coloured towels? – No, I don’t. I like those white …
II. Complete the following sentences:
Tom isn’t thirsty. – Neither … I
Silvia can’t play football. – Neither … I
I haven’t got a boat. – Neither …my brother.
She doesn’t have a can of coca-cola. – Neither …I
They won’t buy yoghurt. – Neither … she.
III. Give the Russian Equivalents:
1. cabbage
4.to do (the) shopping
5.a piece of furniture
6. ten pounds
7. a bit
8. pork
9. a fat man
10. to wrap-wrapped,
12.a modern tie
13. store
14. department
15. price
16. necessary
17. a warm blanket,
18. cotton sheets
19. a clean towel
20. a soft pillow
21. wool- woolen
22. pure silk
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