презентация по теме Изобретение книгопечатания
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Aim s : to learn more about the development of printing from Johann Gutenberg up to the informational technologies of Bill Gates; to develop skills in reading foreign texts using different methods. Tasks: to get acquainted with the invention of printing in Europe and in Russia ; to prove that modern informational technologies is the result of the development of printing.
1. Guess what these words mean: Cylinder Metal Secret Papyrus Collection Manuscript Public Tablets
2. Match the words and their definitions: 1.Skins of young animals 1. книги и рукописи 2.Middle Ages 2. уникальные коллекции 3.Books were quite common 3. шкуры молодых животных 4.Books and manuscripts 4. дожили до наших дней 5.Unique collections 5. средние века 6.Went quickly 6. приковывать книги 7.Survived until the present 7. книги были широко day распространены 8.To chain books 8. быстро распространилось
3. Read each word-combination and guess what the sentence can be about: on tablets of wood or pieces of bark in Assyria and Babylonia the Chinese a great event in history editors, publishers and booksellers rich collections of books to keep books, journals…
4. Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the highlighted words: Milestones of the History : 1. In the Nile valley there was a Greece town founded by Alexander Makedonsky. The best – known ancient library situated there included 700 thousand volumes . 2. Three thousand years ago in the valley between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates there was a mighty empire Assyria. Many clay tablets were discovered there during the excavations.
3. The king of Pergamum kingdom decided to create the library much bigger than the Egyptian one. People of that kingdom learnt to create books from skins of animals. This material was called “ parchment ”. 4. Cai Lun crushed up fiber mulberry , ash wood, cloth and hemp. All this he mixed with water and the mass is put on the form. After drying in the sun, he smoothed this mass with stones. The result is a solid sheet of paper.
5. Find the key-words in the sentences: Although the clay tablets didn’t look very beautiful, they were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day. Though paper has been known in China since the first century, the secret of papermaking came to Europe much later. By the time of the Middle Ages all books were handwritten and often beautifully decorated. Libraries used to chain books to the shelves so that they could not be removed from the building.
6. Make up a cluster Ancient book country material Things used for writing
Ancient book s Greece - Rome Egypt Assyria China wood papyrus, skins of animals clay mulberry tablets of wood, pieces of bark strips, rolled from one cylinder to another clay tablets paper
7 . Give the headings to the passages: China : the invention of printing The first printing technology appeared in ancient China by the end of the II century. By that time the Chinese had already had three important elements: paper ; colours ; they could impress writings on any surface .
Printing in Europe By the 1275 the secret of papermaking came to Italy through the port cities; in the middle of the 14 th century during the Renaissance paper came to France and Germany.
The early printers In Europe there were several people who can be called the inventors of printing. The best- known were Johann Gutenberg from Germany and William Caxton from England. Johann Gutenberg (1400-1468 гг.)
The invention of printing press in Russia The first printing press in Russia was set up by Ivan Fedorov in Moscow in 1564. The first Russian book “ Apostol ” is now kept in Harvard Library in the USA. By the end of the 15 th century there were more than 200 presses.
8. Put the sentences in the right order: 1. Advances of Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the bourgeois revolutions in England, France, the Netherlands, the reform movement in Germany and other Western European countries owe much of book printing, activity of publishers, printers, booksellers. 2. For centuries, the book was used as a powerful instrument of knowledge, science and culture. 3. The number of new works, issued in the country, to a certain extent, can serve as a measure of progress. 4. A book is a mean of communication. 5. The success of printing contributed to the scientific, technical and social progress, and in turn depended on the status and development of technology, scientific advances, the level of culture and education, achieved by a particular country.
"The appearance of the first printed book in the language of one or another nation marks the beginning of a new era of cultural life" Tihomirov M.N.
The 19 th century saw the appearance of a proper system of public libraries.
A computer or a book? The computer replaces the book. BUT : will the computer replace the book?
Conclusion: We found out that today both the book and information technology of Bill Gates are important and interesting sources of information for a modern educated person.
Self-preparation work: Write down the advantages (3)and disadvantages (3)of eBooks: 6 sentences
Презентацию подготовила преподаватель английского языка СК СВУ Гуссаова З.О.
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