Legend of Saint Valentine
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Рассказов Андрей Александрович

Legend of Saint Valentine


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Valentine was a priest in Rome who lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. To strengthen his army, the Emperor needed to recruit soldiers. However, Claudius found that not many soldiers were keen to join the army because of their wives and families. Legend of Saint Valentine

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Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Valentine - a romantic at heart priest, defied this decree of Claudius by secretly arranging marriages. When Valentine's defiance was discovered by the Emperor, he was brutally beaten up and put to death on February 14 , about 270 AD.

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Valentine was named a Saint after his death. By Middle Ages, Saint Valentine became popular as the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France to the extent that Pope declared February 14 as Valentine's Day on 498 AD

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There are several symbols attached to the romantic festival of Valentine's Day. Valentine's Hearts. Red heart pierced by the Cupid's arrow is a traditional symbol of Valentine's Day. Heart symbolizes love and giving someone a heart means to hand over one's existence to someone.

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Valentine's Day Roses Rose is one of the most popular flower and one of the most powerful symbol of Valentine's Day. Every year on February 14 lovers long for a gift of Rose from their Valentine as the flower has come to denote ‘I love you'.

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Cupid Winged little angel called Cupid is one of the very famous Valentine's Day Symbols. Cupid was described as the son of Venus - the Goddess of Love. Cupid had a bow with arrows and anyone hit by Cupid's arrow did not die but fell in love .

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Lovebirds & Doves Lovebirds and Doves are prominent Valentine's Day symbols. The symbol traces its origin from a belief that birds found their mate on February 14. Reason why doves and lovebirds are considered strongly as a symbol of Valentine's Day is that while doves signify purity, innocence , picture of lovebirds conjures up the vision of couple in love.

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Love Knots Love knot is yet another symbol of Valentine's Day. Representing love that will last forever, that have neither a beginning nor an end. Valentine's Day symbol of Love Knots traces its origin to early Arab traditions. Young Muslim women living in strict orthodox households used to express love to young men through secret messages woven through the knots of a carpet.

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Red Roses - means Love and passion Lily's -means beauty,

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Asters - fidelity

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Azaleas - passion

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Daffodils – chivalry

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Baby's breath - innocence and purity of heart

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The first greeting card was produced in the 15 th century because, until that time, parchment was scarce and the majority of people were illiterate. The Valentine was often made out of lace paper, velvet and satin ribbons, embossed with the best quality material. Valentines Day Card History

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Modern cards

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