St Valentine's Day
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Разработка урока английского языка по теме "День Св. Валентина".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Kupreyeva Irina Vladimirovnа,
Bolshoy Izyum secondary school, Form 8
Купреева Ирина Владимировна, Большеизюмовская СШ,
Класс 8.
“St. Valentine’s Day”
Purpose: formation of the system of language knowledge and skills (pronunciation and lexical), expansion of country-study knowledge of pupils
- To form the system of language knowledge and skills;
- To use an available stock of language knowledge and skills in speech activity (speaking and listening)
- To develop the moral and emotional sphere of the identity of pupils;
- To develop culturological aspect of the personality;
- To develop communicative competence of the pupils.
- To impart the pupils’ interest to English studying;
- To cultivate respect for traditions and customs of the English-speaking countries;
- To cultivate respect of the pupils to each other.
Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, interactive board.
Expected results:
- Increase of interest of pupils to English studying;
- Expansion of an outlook of pupils in the field of country study;
- Increase of interest of pupils to customs and traditions of celebration of St. Valentine's Day;
- Development of the moral and emotional sphere of the identity of pupils;
- Activation of an available lexical stock;
- Listening and speaking practice.
Teacher: Good afternoon, my friends. Today we’ll speak about one of the holidays celebrated in the English-speaking countries. In Kazakhstan we began celebrating this holiday not so long ago? Can you guess what holiday I am speaking about? Well, we’ll check if your ideas are right solving some Picture Puzzle.
V | A | L | E | N | T | I | N | E |
V- vase, A – apple, L – lemon, E – elephant, N – nut, T – tiger, I – ice-cream, N – nose, E – eggs.
Teacher: So the hidden word is Valentine. We are going to speak about St. Valentine’s Day today. Let’s look it up in the Linguistic and Cultural Guide.
Pupil: In the Linguistic and Cultural Guide it is said: “St. Valentine’s Day (also Valentine’s Day) February 14th on which a greeting card (valentine) is sent to someone one loves, but usually without giving the name of the sender. Sometimes presents are exchanged or red roses are given, as a sign of love”.
Teacher: Thank you. St. Valentine’s Day is one of the favourite holidays in the English-speaking countries. Are you sure that you know the background of it? Clarify it. Use tags to finish the sentences and then answer them.
Tag questions (making tag questions, answering the tag questions):
St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends, …?
Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day, …?
Valentine was a Christian priest, …?
He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ in the Roman Empire, …?
On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian, …?
He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire, …?
St. Valentine’s Day is now a day for sweethearts, …?
Most people send “valentines”, sentimental and heartfelt greeting cards, …?
Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them, …?
Teacher: Very good. I see that you know the history of this holiday. Who will summarize it all to give us a full story of St. Valentine?
Pupil: Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believed in the Roman Gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown to prison for his teachings. On February 14 Valentine was beheaded, not only because he had performed a miracle. He supposedly wrote the jailer’s daughter a farewell letter, signing it “From your Valentine”.
Pupil: February 14th is a peasant day to remember. It is St. Valentine’s Day. It has lost its religious meaning and it is now celebrated by sending of special Valentine cards. Young people buy or make them and send them to those who they love. They do not write their names on the cards. Those who get a Valentine card must guess who has sent it.
It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street
There is freezing rain, and slush, and sleet
The wind is fierce. The skies are grey
I don’t think I’ll go out today.
But here inside the weather’s warm
There is no trace of wind and storm
And you just made the morning shine
You said you’d be my Valentine. (by Jack Prelutsk)
There are many things connected to this holiday. If you change the first letter in each word, you’ll get a word connected to St. Valentine’s Day.
Word scramble (lexical task):
(c) bandy
(g) lift
(b) vow
(l) move
(k) miss
(n) vote
(r) nose
(c) ward
(l) race
Teacher: Now look at the board and say what I mean (listening task) (pictures and words: Valentines, love, party, letters, rose, chocolate, heart, candy, friends, sweethearts, Cupid)
- A part of your body
- A heart-shaped card
- A boy who shoots arrows
- A kind of flower
- The feelings someone has towards anyone
- The presents you give to your sweetheart
- A person you love
- This is what all of you meet together for
Pupil: Valentine’s cards box. American people of all ages love to send and receive Valentine cards. Handmade valentines, created by cutting hearts out of colored paper, show that a lot of thought was put into making them personal. Valentines can be heart-shaped or have hearts, the symbol of love, on them. The texts are usually some love poems, serious or funny like that one:
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Honey is sweet,
But not as sweet as you.
Boys are silly.
Girls are smart.
I love you
With all my heart.
Teacher: Oh, we’ve got a mail. Here is a Valentine card. But I’m afraid there are some mistakes in it. Read the text of the card and find the mistakes. Correct them.
(Group work. Correcting the mistakes in the card – Who is the quickest?)
“Dear Mary!
I am hope that Valentine’s Day will brought you lots fun! I thinks you’re very nuce girls. To be my Valentine!
Best wishes, John.”
Teacher: We are going to have a game now. I want to see what else you know about the holiday. Let’s divide into two teams. On the board you see a table with sectors for quizzes. The numbers mean the difficulty of the task. For example, Quiz 10 is very easy while Quiz 25 is the most difficult.
You can choose any sector you like, I’ll give you your task. At the end of the game you ‘ll make a phrase from the red letters.
Quiz 10 | Quiz 15 | Quiz 20 | Quiz 25 |
Quiz 10 | Quiz 15 | Quiz 20 | Quiz 25 |
Quiz 10 | Quiz 15 | Quiz 20 | Quiz 25 |
Quiz 10 What colour is associated with St. Valentine’s Day?
- Orange
- Purple
- red
Quiz 15
How do you spell 14th?
- Forteenth
- Fourtienth
- Fourteenth
Quiz 20
It’s a bird, the symbol of the holiday.
- An eagle
- A dove
- An owl
Quiz 25
According to a popular belief, why was St. Valentine beheaded?
- Because he secretly married young couples.
- Because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter.
- Because he was always in love with someone.
Quiz 10
Which are the most common flowers given on St. Valentine’s Day?
- Roses
- Sunflowers
- Snowdrops
Quiz 15
Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day?
- Eros
- Cupid
- Apollo
Quiz 20
Where did St. Valentine Live?
- In Greece
- In Rome
- In Great Britain
Quiz 25
When St. Valentine was in prison, whom did he fall in love with?
- His prisoner’s daughter
- His prisoner’s wife
- His prisoner’s sister
Quiz 10
What date is Valentine’s Day?
- The 15th of February
- The 14th of February
- The 8th of March
Quiz 15
What greeting is often said on this day?
- Happy love life!
- Good luck!
- Happy Valentine’s Day!
Quiz 20
What is the symbol of St. Valentine’s Day?
- A heart
- A ball
- A red ribbon
Quiz 25
The girl St. Valentine fell in love with was …
- Deaf
- Blind
- Blind and deaf
Teacher: Well, you’ve done all the tasks of the game successfully. Now, look at your secret letters and guess the clue phrase.
Let’s count your points. The team which has got more points than the other is the winner of the game.
Teacher: Today we spoke much about love. Let’s compose a poem all together. Think and write down your ideas on the sheets of paper (cut in a shape of a heart and given to the pupils by the teacher beforehand). Begin your line with the words “Love is …” (at the end of the task the teacher reads the poem aloud).
Teacher: Well, the lesson is over. Today we’ve learned a lot of new things about St. Valentine’s Day, congratulated each other, wrote the poem about love, and answered questions. Happy Valentine’s Day!
- “Happy English 3” В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа и т.д., Москва, «Просвещение», 1996, с. 211, с. 107;
- “English 5th year”, А.П.Старков, Р.Р.Диксон, Б.С.Островский, Москва, «АСТ-Астрель», 2002, с.121
- Республиканский научно-методический журнал «Английский язык в школе», №5.2011, Б.Б.Ниетбаева, “St. Valentine’s Day”, с.38
- «Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку 5-8 класс», М.А.Трофимова, Москва, «Глобус», 2008, с.22
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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