Словарные тесты к учебнику Верещагиной И.Н. IV (1 - 7 уроки)
тест по английскому языку по теме
Представлены словарные тесты по 1 - 7 уроку (раздел Повторение) к учебнику Верещагиной И.Н. IV. Формат - вставить слово по смыслу в предложение, даны русские слова-подсказки. В конце - простые предложения на перевод. включающие устойчивые фразы и выражения каждого урока.
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Vocabulary Test Lesson 1
Кататься на санках, ужасно, прекрасный, на самом деле, осень, всегда, яркий, август, в 8 часов, лепить снеговика, потому что, разный
- Mike likes summer __________ he can swim in the river and go for a walk very often.
- My friends will go to the country if the weather is __________.
- Tom’s granny grew a lot of nice flowers of __________ colours.
- Children like to __________ from the hills in the park.
- __________ is a very beautiful season.
- Where did you go last __________? – I went to Spain.
- Schools in Russia are __________ from schools in America.
- The day was __________ hot and all children went to swim in the lake.
- There is no much snow and it’s difficult to __________.
- Did you really like the film? – Oh, yes. I liked it very much __________.
- When will we meet? – I think, let’s meet __________.
- It isn’t __________ very cold in Russia in winter.
- Какая сегодня погода? – Сегодня тепло и сухо.
Vocabulary Test Lesson 2
Быстро, великий (здорово), приносить, цвет, колготки, пальто, снимать (одежду), свитер, примерять, туфли, завтра, самый плохой
- Come to my birthday party, please! - __________! When shall I come?
- If the weather is cold, people put on warm clothes: __________, fur caps, boots and gloves.
- Girls wear __________ on their feet.
- It’s a good idea to __________ clothes before you buy them.
- Some animals can run very __________.
- People usually __________ their raincoats, hats and boots in the hall.
- What __________ jeans would you like to buy?
- Will he go to school __________? – I don’t think so. He is ill.
- Will you put on __________ with your new trousers? – Of course not. I will put on socks.
- Don’t forget to __________ a notebook for tests for the next lesson!
- It was the __________ day in Mike’s life: everything was so bad.
- She is wearing a nice blue __________ and a long black skirt.
- Эта блузка тебе очень идет. Интересно, какой у тебя размер?
Vocabulary test Lesson 3
Инженер, извиняться, ученики, вместе, все еще, большой, космонавт, чей, думал, дочь, муж, тоже самое
- __________ book is this? – I don’t know but I think it’s Mike’s.
- All __________ in our school have long summer holidays.
- My family is not very __________.
- Let’s go to the swimming-pool __________.
- Read the __________ text again, please.
- My uncle is an __________. He works a lot.
- Are you at home? – No, I’m __________ at school.
- Mrs. Smith’s __________ works in a hospital. He is a doctor.
- I __________ that you knew my telephone number.
- Who wants to become a __________? – Bob does.
- __________ me, could you tell me the time, please?
- My aunt’s __________ is my cousin.
- Было приятно с ним познакомиться.
Vocabulary Test Lesson 4
Жалость, без, сок, каша, овощи, карман, сильно хотеть пить, деньги, голодный, конечно, на завтрак, наслаждаться
- Mum, I’m __________! – What about a glass of water?
- Do you like sweets and ice-cream? - __________, I do! I can eat them every day.
- What is there in your __________, I wonder? – Oh, there are so many good things.
- What do you usually have ___________? – I usually eat eggs in the morning.
- I like apple and orange __________ most of all.
- Would you like coffee with milk? – Oh, no. __________ milk, please.
- I __________ cooking cakes when I have time.
- Are you __________, dear? – Yes, I am. I think I can eat everything.
- A lot of children in Great Britain eat __________ in the morning.
- If you want, take __________ and buy something tasty.
- I’m afraid I can’t come to your party. – Oh, that’s a __________.
- Carrots and potatoes are __________.
- Можно мне немного хлеба? – Да. Вот, пожалуйста.
Vocabulary Test Lesson 5
Сто, слон, медленно, любимый, попугай, плечо, учил, красивый, черепаха, пытаться (стараться), жираф, глаза
- A __________ has got the longest neck.
- An __________ has got one of the biggest ears in the world.
- A __________ can fly and speak.
- A __________ can’t run quickly but some of them can swim.
- There are eight __________ students in our school.
- In my opinion, foxes are the most __________ animals in the world.
- What animals go very __________?
- Dogs like to look into people’s __________.
- My father __________ our dog to bring slippers when he comes home.
- Will you __________ to teach your puppy to answer to its name?
- Tom’s pet, which is a bird, likes to sit on his __________ and sing songs.
- Lions are my __________ animals.
- Хомяки умнее, чем мыши.
Vocabulary Test Lesson 6
Подарок, праздновать, отправил, прошлый, та, эти, никто, украшать, что-то, игрушки
- I don’t like this doll. Can I have __________ doll, please?
- Did you __________ the Christmas tree last year?
- A little funny puppy was the best __________ from my grandparents.
- Orange juice and three cakes. __________ else? – No,thanks.
- People __________ Memorial Day on the last Monday of May.
- That’s a pity - __________ came to his party!
- There were a lot of beautiful __________ for children in the shop.
- Last year Tom __________ a lot of Valentine’s cards to his friends.
- My parents were not in the country __________ month.
- __________ boxes are too big. I can’t bring them.
- Мои родители были дома в конце сентября.
- Кто-то положил те сумки на стол.
- Все встали в 7 часов утра.
Vocabulary Test Lesson 7
Природа, земля (планета), горы, рассказ, классики, поле, листья, океан, холмы, занятый, другой, рисовал
- Some animals eat grass and __________ from the trees.
- My little brother __________ a really nice picture yesterday.
- He swam in the __________ last year.
- We live on the planet which is called the __________.
- My parents never have time to speak to me – they are very __________.
- I saw a lot of beautiful flowers which grew in the __________.
- Last winter we went to the __________ to ski.
- The __________ about the grasshopper and the ant is very interesting.
- There are some _________ near our country house – we go for a walk there every day.
- I love watching __________ programmes on TV.
- Girls often play __________ near our school after lessons.
- Let’s sing __________ song – I don’t know the words of this one.
- Посмотри! Дети играют в прятки на спортивной площадке.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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