Презентация к проекту "My Native Land"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Презентация к проекту на английском языке 


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Слайд 1

My Native Land Authors: Alimova D., Zhukova O. Form: 8C School : 67 Teacher: Vatoropina E.V. Ekaterinburg , 2013

Слайд 3

The aim of the project To learn information about the most interesting and significant places of Ekaterinburg and popular tourist routes in the Urals. To make a list of the most important places of Ekaterinburg and the Urals for guests of our city.

Слайд 4

The objectives of the work to develop skills of research work and their application to the solution of actual practical tasks; to find out answers to some questions closely connected with the topic; to improve our knowledge of the English language.

Слайд 5

Investigation Questionnaire What interesting places of Ekaterinburg do you know? If your friend comes to your native town, what interesting places would you like to show him/her first of all (not more than 3)? What do you think are the most interesting and significant sights in the Urals? How have you learnt about these sights? Would you like to learn more information about your native town and region at school?

Слайд 6

Questionnaire Results How have you learnt about interesting places of E katerinburg and the Urals? 1 – newspapers, magazines 2 – TV- programmes 3 – Internet 4 – radio 5 – friends, classmates 6 – teachers 7 – parents 8 – others (books, video)

Слайд 7

Would you like to learn more information about your native town and region at school ? 8 6% - Yes 8% - No 6% - Don’t know

Слайд 8

The most wide-known interesting places of Ekaterinburg Circus Voznesenskaya Hill “ Carabas ”, “Eldorado” Opera House Ekaterinburg “ Arbat ” The Concert Hall “ Kosmos ” Church on the Blood

Слайд 9

Places young people would like to show to their guests Circus Opera House Vayner street – Ekaterinburg “ Arbat ”

Слайд 10

The most famous and loved by our schoolmates sights in the Urals Verkhoturye . Trinity Cathedral Nevyansk . Leaning Tower Kungur . The Ice Caves Ganina Yama Chyortovo Gorodishe Park “ Deers ’ Streams”

Слайд 11

Tourist routes of the Urals

Слайд 12

Ekaterinburg is competing for the right to host the World Expo in 2020, alongside Ayutthaya (Thailand), Dubai (UAE), Izmir (Turkey) and Sao Paolo (Brazil). The city recommended a six-month Expo to be held from May 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020, which represents the ideal period in terms of climate and tourism capacity. The decision on the venue for World Expo 2020 will be decided by a vote of the BIE General Assembly at the end of 2013.

Слайд 13

Problems of tourism in the Urals Ecology Infrastructure

Слайд 14

To develop our tourism the following should be done to build comfortable hotels for our tourists and guests from abroad to build modern filters on the plants to keep our nature clean to save monuments and parks

Слайд 15

Conclusion The place we live in is rich in sights. Our schoolmates enjoy traveling and going on a hike around Ekaterinburg and the Urals. There are few TV programs about our native town and region. Our schoolmates are interested in history and culture of the Urals and would like to have more lessons about it.

Слайд 16

We love our motherland!

Слайд 17


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