КВН по английскому языку для 7 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Меняйлова Галина Ивановна

Сценарий КВН "School is fun!" для учащихся 7 класса. Цель данного внеклассного мероприятия: обобщение изученного материала по теме"Школа",развиие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

КВН по английскому языку «Школа – это весело!»

для учащихся 7 класса.

Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Школа»; развитие аудитивных, грамматических и лексических навыков; развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;

Оборудование: компьютер; проектор и экран; магнитофон; карточки с транскрипцией слов; жетоны.

Ход мероприятия

- Hello, my dear boys and girls! Today we shall have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition.

После каждого конкурса учитель дает детям жетоны за правильные ответы. После проведения всех конкурсов команды подсчитывают количество жетонов и выявляют команду-победительницу.



Дети придумывают название своей команды: все члены команды по цепочке рассказывают, почему они выбрали такое название.


На столах лежат школьные принадлежности: резинка (a rubber), ручка (a pen),  карандаш (a pencil), линейка (a ruler), словарь (a dictionary), точилка (a sharpener), фломастер (a felt-tip pen), учебник (a text book), тетрадь (an exercise book).  Дети из разных команд по очереди задают сначала вопросы, а потом отвечают на вопросы соперника.

1 команда

2 команда

Have you got a rubber?

Yes, I have got a rubber.

Have you got a pen?

No, I have not got a pen.

2 команда

1 команда

Have you got a rubber?

Yes, I have got a rubber

Have you got a pen?

No, I have not got a pen.

1.Фонетический конкурс «Впиши пропущенный звук»

У детей на столах лежат карточки с транскрипцией слов, некоторые звуки в них пропущены: 

1 команда: physics, desk, language, count, rubber

2 команда: classroom, mark, Biology, learn, break.

2. Конкурс рассказчиков.

- It’s time to tell about our school subjects.

Участники каждой команды  получают карточки с названиями школьных предметов, в течение нескольких минут они должны приготовить рассказ о них, а затем по очереди представляют их. Дети могут составить рассказ по предложенной модели:

We have English on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. We read stories and translate different texts at the English lessons. We learn English because we want to speak English well. We like English because it is a very useful subject.

1 команда


What do we do at the lessons?


We draw pictures


We run, jump and play games


We solve different problems


We translate texts


We study events in the past

2 команда


What do we do at the lessons?

 Russian Language 

We learn poems by heart


We do experiments


We discover new things

 Information Technology 

We write dictations


We learn how to use computers

3. Конкурс «На уроке математики» 

Участникам обеих команд предлагается ввести код на электронном замке, набрав трехзначные и четырехзначные числа. (Используется электронный диск «Дракоша и занимательный английский»)

4. Конкурс  «На уроке английского языка».

Участникам обеих команд предлагается один и тот же текст с пропусками. Команды  должны вставить в пропуски необходимые по смыслу слова и по очереди перевести  все  предложения.

Words: another, presents, sales, colored, important, consists, cheaply, Christmas, a lot of, holiday. 

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a public (1)…. Families usually spend the day opening their (2) … which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) … toys. The most (4) … meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) … of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6)… traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake.

In Britain, the day after (7) … is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (8)… sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special (9)…, where things can be bought (10)…, on the day after Christmas.    


1-holiday, 2- presents, 3-colored, 4-important, 5- consists, 6-another, 7-Christmas, 8- a lot of, 9- sales, 10-cheaply.

5. Конкурс «Урок музыки».

Команды исполняют заранее разученные песни.

6. Конкурс «На уроке биологии» 

Участники обеих команд получают  карточки с названиями частей лица и тела. Им должны рассказать о строении человека. Команды по очереди рисуют части лица и тела. Предлагается назвать такие слова как: голова (a head), туловище (a body), руки (arms), ноги (legs), глаза (eyes), нос (a nose), рот (a mouth), зубы (teeth), уши (ears),  брови (eyebrows).

7. Конкурс «На уроке литературы»

Каждая команда получает стихотворение, состоящее из  8 строк. Нужно расположить строчки стихотворения в рифму и выразительно прочитать.

1 команда

I wish I were a Snowman,

So tall and big and white.

I’d never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snowman

Wishes he were me,

For I’ll be here when summer comes,

But where will the Snowman be?

2 команда

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass,

White are the clouds,

As they slowly pass.

Black are the crowds,

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails

Of the ship in the breeze.

8. Конкурс «На уроке географии»

Болельщики каждой команды  должны ответить на вопросы:

1 команда

«Geographical  Outlook»

1. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (4 points)

(The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)

2. What is between Great   Britain   and   Ireland?  (1 point)

(The Irish Sea is between Great Britain   and Ireland.)

3. Where is the UK   situated? (1 point)

 (The UK   is situated on the British   Isles.)

4.  What is the UK   washed by in the north?  (1 point)

(The UK is washed   by the Atlantic   Ocean   in   the north.)

2 команда

«Geographical  Outlook»

  1. What is the capital of Australia? (1 point)

(Canberra is the capital of Australia)

  1. What Ocean washes Australia in the east? (1 point)

(The Pacific Ocean washes Australia in the east)

  1. What are the names of three Australian deserts? (4 points)

(They are the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Simpson Desert)

  1. What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north? (1 point)

(Asia is the continent which is the nearest to Australia in the north.)

Учитель предлагает детям подвести итоги, благодарит их за активное участие и объявляет победителей интеллектуальной игры.

Раздаточный материал:

а rubber     a pen    a pencil  

 a ruler   a dictionary  

 a sharpener    a felt-tip pen

a text book        

an exercise book          a pencil  

Words: another, presents, sales, colored, important, consists, cheaply, Christmas, a lot of, holiday. 

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a public (1)…. Families usually spend the day opening their (2) … which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) … toys. The most (4) … meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) … of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6)… traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake.

In Britain, the day after (7) … is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (8)… sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special (9)…, where things can be bought (10)…, on the day after Christmas.  

 1 команда

I wish I were a Snowman,

So tall and big and white.

I’d never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snowman

Wishes he were me,

For I’ll be here when summer comes,

But where will the Snowman be?

Words: another, presents, sales, colored, important, consists, cheaply, Christmas, a lot of, holiday. 

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a public (1)…. Families usually spend the day opening their (2) … which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) … toys. The most (4) … meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) … of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6)… traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake.

In Britain, the day after (7) … is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (8)… sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special (9)…, where things can be bought (10)…, on the day after Christmas.    

a head        a body           arms legs               eyes           a nose        

 a mouth     teeth               ears    


2 команда

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass,

White are the clouds,

As they slowly pass.

Black are the crowds,

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails

Of the ship in the breeze.

1 команда

«Geographical  Outlook»

1. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (4 points)

(The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)

2. What is between Great   Britain   and   Ireland?  (1 point)

(The Irish Sea is between Great Britain   and Ireland.)

3. Where is the UK   situated? (1 point)

 (The UK   is situated on the British   Isles.)

4.  What is the UK   washed by in the north?  (1 point)

(The UK is washed   by the Atlantic   Ocean   in   the north.)

2 команда

«Geographical  Outlook»

  1. What is the capital of Australia? (1 point)

(Canberra is the capital of Australia)

  1. What Ocean washes Australia in the east? (1 point)

(The Pacific Ocean washes Australia in the east)

  1. What are the names of three Australian deserts? (4 points)

(They are the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Simpson Desert)

  1. What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north? (1 point)

(Asia is the continent which is the nearest to Australia in the north.)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

School is Fun! Intellectual game

Слайд 2

1. Фонетический конкурс «Впиши пропущенный звук» 2 команда 1 команда Physics desk language count rubber Classroom mark Biology learn break

Слайд 3

2. Конкурс рассказчиков Mathematics English Art P.E. History --------------------------------------- Russian Language Geography Literature Information Technology Biology We draw pictures We solve different problems We run, jump and play games We translate texts We study events in the past ----------------------------------- We learn poems by heart We do experiments We discover new things We write dictations We learn how to use computers

Слайд 4

2. Конкурс рассказчиков Модель: We have … on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. We … at the … lessons. We learn … because we want to … . We like … because it is a very useful subject.

Слайд 5

3. «На уроке математики» 1 команда 2 команда Напиши цифрами : Twenty thousand and fifty-one Three hundred thousand four hundred Напиши цифрами : Four hundred and thirty-two Twelve thousand and three

Слайд 6

4. На уроке английского языка Words: another, presents, sales, colored, important, consists, cheaply, Christmas, a lot of, holiday. Christmas Day Christmas Day is a public (1) holiday . Families usually spend the day opening their (2) presents which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) colored toys. The most (4) important meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6) another traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake. In Britain, the day after (7) Christmas is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (8) a lot of sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special (9) sales , where things can be bought (10) cheaply , on the day after Christmas .

Слайд 7

« Geographical Outlook » What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (4 points) What is between Great Britain and Ireland? (1 point) Where is the UK situated? (1 point) What is the UK washed by in the north? (1 point)

Слайд 8

5. На уроке музыки Auld Land Syne By Robert Burns 1. Should old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? Chorus: And days of auld lang syne, my dear, And days of auld lang syne, Should old acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? 2. And there’s a hand, my trusty friend, And gi’s a hand o’thine, We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet For auld lang syne. Chorus: For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll take a cup o’kindness yet, For auld lang syne.

Слайд 9

5. На уроке музыки Come to the party come to the party Come to the party come right now Think of something you want to do And you can do it right now You can eat cake on your own You can eat cake with a friend You can eat cake with everybody And you can do it right now Come to the party … You can have a dance on your own You can have a dance with a friend You can have a dance with everybody And you can do it right now Come to the party … Come to the seaside come to the seaside Come to the seaside come right now, Think of something you want to do And you can do it right now. What can you do at the seaside? You can have a paddle on your own You can have a paddle with a friend You can have a paddle with everybody And you can do it right now. Come to the seaside…

Слайд 10

6. На уроке биологии 1 команда 2 команда 1.a head 3.legs 5.a mouth 7. teeth 9.eyebrows 2.a body 4.arms 6.eyes 8. a nose 10.ears

Слайд 11

«На уроке литературы» 1 команда 2 команда I wish I were a Snowman, So tall and big and white. I’d never have to clean my teeth, Or go to bed at night. But maybe Mr Snowman Wishes he were me, For I’ll be here when summer comes, But where will the Snowman be? The North wind does blow And we have muc h snow , And what do the children Do then poor things? When lessons are done Th ey skip, jump and run Until they are warm, poor things

Слайд 12

« Geographical Outlook » What is the capital of Australia? (1 point) What Ocean washes Australia in the east? (1 point) What are the names of three Australian deserts? (4 points) What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north? (1 point)

Предварительный просмотр:




Form «7Б»




Morning exercises



1.Phonetic  competition



2.Tellers competition



3.At the Mathematics lesson



4. At the English lesson



                                 Total score:

20 points

29,5 points

Winner – form «7Б»!    Our congratulations!

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