Merry Christmas
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
Мероприятие для 9-11 классов по
празднованию католического Рождества
Рождественские встречи
Оформление зала:
Елка, газеты, посвященные Рождеству, рождественские открытки,
камин,носок, елочные игрушки
Звучит музыка. На экране зимний пейзаж. Несколько картинок меняет друг друга, пока говорят ведущие.
На сцену выходит
ведущий1:Dear friends! We are very glad to see you!
Ведущий 2 . Дорогие друзья! Мы рады видеть вас в этом зале.
Ведущий 1. Today you can learn more about Christmas. People in Europe celebrate it on the 25- th of December. In the weeks before Christmas people are very busy. They make or buy Christmas cards and send them to the nearest and dearest.
Ведущий 2. People buy Christmas trees and decorate them with garlands, colored balls and lights. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets. On Christmas Eve everybody puts their presents under the Christmas tree. Children hang their stockings on their beds. They believe Santa Claus puts presents into their stockings.
Ведущий 1. Рождество все вокруг превращает в сказку. Вечером всюду зажигаются цветные огни. Разноцветными огоньками увиты даже ветки деревьев. В витринах магазинов вы непременно увидите фигурки добродушного толстяка с белой бородой, одетого в ярко-красную шубу. Это, конечно, Санта Клаус. Как и у нашего Деда Мороза у него есть мешок с подарками. Он разнесет их всем в Рождественскую ночь. А помогут ему в этом северные олени, которые промчат его по ночному небу.
Ведущий 2. Санта Клаус известен в разных странах под разными именами: San Nicholas, Nicolas или Claus. Сохранилась легенда, что когда-то епископ по имени Николас помог трем бедным сестрам. Он через дымоход подбросил девушкам несколько золотых монет, которые упали прямо в их чулки. Вот и теперь дети, ложась спать в рождественскую ночь, обязательно подвешивают у камина свои чулки, а утром в них находят сладости и подарки.
Pupil 1. It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas!
Pupil 2 It's time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs.
Pupil 1 It's time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly overeating.
Pupil 2. Oh! I love you, merry Christmas,
You are the best holiday.
Pupil 1. We were nervous
And excited assembly today
For our parents came to visit us
And watch our Christmas play.
Pupil 2. Our teachers helped us a little
But we did most ourselves,
The fattest kid played Santa
And the smallest kids are elves.
Narrator. The British people celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December. The old festival symbolizes a birth of Jesus Christ. People decorate Christmas tree with lights and toys, buy presents for children and relatives, send cards. The children are the happiest this day. They get presents, eat tasty things, and wait for Santa Claus
Ведущий 1. А мы и сейчас продолжаем верить в чудеса.
Ведущий 2. Let’s decorate our Christmas tree with coloured balls, lamps and a star. Oh, dear! There is no star in the box.
Голос за сценой Yes, there is no star there. I have taken it.
Ведущие (хором) Who are you?
Voice. I am Snow Queen.I don’t like holidays. I don’t like fun! I like only snow and ice!
На сцену выходит снежная королева.
Oh, this is Christmas nonsense!
When will it stop?
You will go shopping
And shop will you drop!
You look for some presents,
And what can you buy?
You write letters to Santa,
But he’ ll never reply.
You must go to parties,
When you can watch TV.
You go out in cold weather,
And get a Christmas tree.
So, thank you, but never!
No Christmas foe me!
Dear Snow Queen! We want to have a Christmas party! We want to see Santa Claus! We have worked well and got good marks at school. We help our parents and try to be polite.
Snow Queen: Let's see! If you do my tasks, may I’ll give your star again. Maybe you'll have your Christmas Party! Are you ready?
Yes, we are
Snow Queen: So, my first task. Here are some pieces of ice. There are some encoded words on them. Try an guess what I mean. Then you should make up a new word.
В презентации на ледяных глыбах написаны зашифрованные слова, подсказка на обратной стороне ледяной пластинки. Расшифруйте слово, переставив буквы. Из первых слов сложите название сезона.
Игра со зрителями. Они составляют слова, выделяют первые буквы.
1 платина: EWIHT . It is color .
(white) W
2 пластина: ECI It is frozen water.
(ice) I
3 пластина: UNT. We like to eat this fruit in cakes, chocolate and with ice.
(nut) N
4 пластина: UTKYRE It is national Christmas food in Great Britain and the USA.
(turkey) T
5 пластина: EEV The day before Christmas
(eve) E
6 пластина: ENERRIDE These animals we can see with Santa Claus.
(reindeer) R.
Выходит олень Rudolph под музыку Rudolph the red nosed reindeer и читает стихи: Fill the Christmas with friendliness
And little loving deeds,
And you will have the gladdest year
That anybody needs!
Do you like to guess riddles? Listen to me carefully! Вы любите отгадывать загадки?Сейчас я вам их загадаю! Слушайте внимательно!
It’s blue by night, By day it’s white
It’s cold, not dry, it falls from the sky! (snow)
Higher than a house, higher than a tree-
Oh, what can that be? (sky)
It comes with cold and snow but you like it and know! (winter)
A precious stone, as clear as diamond. Seek it out whilst the sun’s near the horizon. Though you can walk on water with its power, Try to keep it, and it’ll vanish ere an hour. (Ice)
Snow Queen: Oh, I see you are very clever! Now I want to play a game with me.
This box is full of questions and presents.
Step1. Recite a poem. (раздаются стихи о Рождестве. Кто лучше прочитает?)
- Here’s a little candle dressing in white
Wearing a hat of yellow light.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be.
- Here’s a little candle straight and tall,
Shining its light upon us all.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be.
- Here’s a little candle burning bright,
Keeping us safe all through the night.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be.
Step 2. Sing a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas…”
а выступающие выполняют движения под песню зала
Snow Queen: Very good! I am pleased with you! But I am hot. I want you to bring me some snow.
Ведущий 1: Sorry, dear Queen! The snow will melt. We can draw snowmen for you.
Snow Queen: Really? All right. But you should draw them with closed eyes.
(дети рисуют снеговиков по команде с завязанными глазами)
Snow Queen: I will give you instructions.
Draw 3 circles.
Draw two eyes.
Draw a nose
Draw a mouth
Draw a hat
Draw two arms
I think the picture is very nice. The snowmen are so cold and I feel better.
Звучит мелодия Jingle Bells. На сцену выходит Санта Клаус с мешком в сопровождении снеговика и оленя.
Santa Claus: Hello, my dear children! I know you are waiting for Christmas because it brings you a lot of fun!
Snow queen: a lot of fun? But who can make this fun?(обращается к снеговику)
Snowman, snowman are you the one
Who makes Christmas so much fun?
Snowman: Oh, no,no,no. It’s not me who makes Christmas so merry!
I sing and play each snowy day,
But with the sun I melt away!
Snow Queen (обращается к северному оленю): Rudolph, Rudolph, are you the one who makes Christmas so much fun?
Rudolph: : Oh, no,no,no. It’s not me who makes Christmas so merry!
On Christmas Eve, I light the way
But home I go with Santa’s sleigh!
Snow Queen: (обращается к Санта Клаусу): Santa, Santa are you the one who makes Christmas so much fun?
Santa Claus: Oh, no,no,no. It’s not me who makes Christmas so merry!
I do bring gifts to girls and boys
But Christmas is much more than toys!
Christmas is peace, laughter and fun
And sharing love with everyone.
Snow Queen: I have understood. I can’t prevent you to have fun at Christmastime because you love each other so, I must go.
Ведущий1:Don’t go away
Ведущий2: Stay with us!
Santa Claus: You can have much fun at Christmas too!
Rudolph: You can sing merry Christmas songs with us! Let’s sing!( музыкальный номер Happy new year)
- When is Christmas Day observed? (on the 25 of December)
- What do the British decorate their homes with at Christmas ?(Holly, mistletoe and other evergreens)
- Who were the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations?
(The Germans)
- When did the Christmas tree gain popularity in England? (Under
Queen Victoria, because of the influence of her husband, Prince Albert, who was German)
- What do people decorate the Christmas tree with? (fairy lights, small toys, little packets of nuts, candies and special biscuits, artificial frost, etc.)
- Why is holly known as the Holy tree? (It promises everlasting life because it bears berries in winter )
7. What magic properties does mistletoe have? (It gives protection from thunder and lightning)
8. What should people do if they stop under the mistletoe? (Kiss each other)
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