Конспект урока английского языка "Остров сокровищ"
методическая разработка (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме
Подготовка учащихся к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку по разделам аудирование и чтение на примере романа "Остров сокровищ". На уроке использована электронная книга с одноимённым названием.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МОУ «СОШ с. Ивантееевка Ивантеевского района Саратовской области».
« Подготовка учащихся к итоговой аттестации по разделам аудирование и чтение на примере романа «Остров сокровищ»».
В рамках проведения РМО учителей английского языка «Подготовка учащихся к государственной аттестации».
Подготовлен и проведён
Учителем английского языка
Второй квалификационной категории
Афанасьевой М.В.
Ивантеевка 2010 г.
Цель урока: Демонстрация методов подготовки учащихся 9 классов к итоговой аттестации.
Задачи : Практика чтения текста,
Практика перевода и пересказа,
Практика аудирования,
Закрепление лексического материала.
Активизация словарного запаса,
Пробуждение интереса учащихся к предмету.
Оборудование: Презентации учителя, Электронная книга (компьютерная программа) «Остров сокровищ», Компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, тексты для чтения на печатной основе, карточки с заданием на печатной основе.
Класс - 9А
Количество учащихся по списку – 11человек
Присутствовало -9 человек
Дата проведения – 11 марта 2010 год
Ход урока.
- Good morning boys and girls! Let’s start our lesson.
- Ask anybody what date it is.
- Ask anybody if it is Thursday or Friday .
- Who is absent today?
Do you like reading?
What kind of books do you like to read?
Do you like to read adventure stories?
Do you like to read adventure stories?
What adventure- story have you read at home?
Did you like it?
2. ( Презентация на экране. Рассказ об авторе романа «Остров Сокровищ»). You have four variants of answer. You can choose only one.
- Who was “Treasure Island” written by?
1. Daniel Defoe
2. R. L. Stevenson
3. Alfred Coppard
4. L. Carroll
What do you know about him?
( Выступление учащегося рассказ об авторе )
- Who helped Stevenson to create the novel?
- His son
- His brother
- Another writer
- His stepson
What do you know about him?
( Выступление учащегося рассказ об авторе )
- Where was the “Treasure Island “ finally completed?
- In Scotland
- in England
- in German
- in Spanish
- When was the book published?
- In 1894
- in 1890
- in 1873
- in 1883
What do you know about it?
( Выступление учащегося рассказ об авторе ).
3. Постановка задач урока.
At our lesson we’ll work with the text “Treasure Island”. We shall read it and listen to some parts, and do some tasks .
4. Аудирование текста.
Let’s listen the beginning of the story. After that you will have some tasks. Be attentive. Who was the main character of the story?
( Прослушивание первой части текста)
Задание после прослушивания. (Презентация).
You’ve listened to the text. Now full in the gaps. Choose the correct variants.
You have the cards with the text in it on you desks. Put the words from the right column in the gaps. You can change the form of words if it is necessary. You have 2 minutes.
Let’s check your work.
- Чтение.
Let’s read about that what happened on the Island. It is the 3-4 parts. ( Читаем 3-4 частb текста)
Look to the screen. Continue the sentences from the story. Make the right choice.
One night Jim wanted to take apples..
- From barrel
- From the shop
- From bag
The pirates were stronger…..
- They were 7
- They were 19
- They were 10
Jim jumped ashore and ran away, suddenly….
- He heard gun shots
- He saw a tiger
- He met a strange man
The Doctor and his men decided to find….and live there
- A place called Log House
- Tropic fruits on the island
- A boat
Ben Gunn …….
- Gave Jim his boat
- Gave Jim the treasure
- Showed Jim his cave
Чтение 5 части текста. У каждого ученика предложение, которое они читают и устанавливают истинно оно или ложно.
Now read the 5part of the text. Now say what have you understood.
Everybody has one sentence. Read them and say if they are true or false or may be there is not information about it in the text. (На доске запись True / False / There is no information about it in the text)
1. Every men had a gun and knew where to stand. (true)
2. Jim was wounded in fighting. (false) (The Capitan)
3. In the evening Jim went to Ben’s Cave and found the treasure. (there is no inf)
4. Jim thought why Doctor had given Long John the map. (True)
5. When pirates came to the place they need they saw a big hole in the ground. On the bottom of it there was a treasure. (False)
6. Benn Gunn told that he had found the treasure and brought to his cave. (true)
- Рефлексия. Кроссворд
Look here . I have the crossword. Let’s play. Guess the meaning of the word and write it .
- The Nickname of the leader of pirates. ( Long)
- Gold pieces and bars of gold and silver, which were hidden by pirates. (treasure).
- Name of Admiral in honor of ….. was the inn called. (Benbow)
- It is the favorite Jim’s fruit. (Apple)
- He was brave and helped Jim and his mother. (Doctor)
6. Окончание урока. Выставление оценок.
Your work was great. Your marks for the lesson…..
Приложение №1. Текст для работы
My mother and I went to the Capitan's room to ______. In it we found _______, two pistols and other things. There is a ____ on the bottom of the chest. I was afraid pirates and ______ to Doctor Levesy and his friend ______________. The map was very _________. It showed an island where the pirates ____________ a treasure. | A suit of clothes Map Hide Go Squire Trelawney Detailed Open the chest |
Приложение 2. Текст для чтения.
Treasure Island.
Part 1 “The Admiral Benbow Inn”
Jim Hawkins lived with his mother and father in an old inn called the “Admiral Benbow”. It was near the sea. One day a man who looked like a sailor came to stay at the inn. He brought with him any box. The people from the village called him the “Capitan”, but he actually was the old pirate .In his box he had a map of an island in the West Indies where some pirates had hidden a treasure. After some time pirates found out where the “Capitan” lived. They came to the inn to get the map, but they came just after the “Capitan” had died, and Jim had taken the map from the Capitan’s box.
When Jim heard the pirates coming, he and his mother ran to the village to get help. People in the village were afraid of pirates and didn’t help. Then Jim went to the Doctor and told him about the “Capitan”, pirates and map. Doctor looked at it and said “ This is a map of Treasure Island! Shall we go and find the treasure?” So they went the Squire ( He was Doctor’s friend) and told all to him. The Squire also wanted to go and look for the treasure. He gave a lot of money to buy a ship and pay what it would need to sail to the West Indies.
One day the Squire went to Bristol to find a ship and also found a good capitan and sailors. There was an old inn . The innkeeper was an old sailor who had one leg only. He said the Squire then many sailors came to his inn and he could help to find a good group of sailors for his ship and he would like to go as a cook on the ship.
The Squire agreed. He didn’t know that the innkeeper was Long John Silver. Before he died the “Capitan” told Jim that a one-legged sailor was the leader of pirates who wanted to get the map and find the hidden treasure. After some weeks the ship set sail. The Squire and the Doctor kept the map in the cabin. They didn’t tell anybody about the map or the treasure, but all the sailors knew about the treasure. The capitan of the ship did not like this.
Part 2. On the ship.
Jim liked apples. So one night he went to the barrel of apples which was on the ship. There were some apples on the bottom of the barrel and Jim climbed down into the barrel and sat down inside. The ship rolled from side to side and soon Jim fell asleep. When he woke up he head men talking. It was Long John Silver. He said “ The Doctor Has the treasure map, but I don’t know where it is, we can not get it now. We must wait until Squire and Doctor find the treasure on the island, then we can take all the gold and silver from them. We are stronger than they are. They are only 7 men. We are 19. We will kill them and take the treasure”. Suddenly one sailor called “Land! Land!” And all pirates went to look at the land. Jim quickly climbed out of the barrel and ran to the Doctor and capitan. He told them what Long John had said to the sailors.
The next morning Jim saw the island from the ship. He saw trees and hills. But he was not happy , he was afraid Long John and his pirates. But capitan knew about their plan he let them have rum because they had come to the island. He allowed them to row ashore and see the island. Nearly all pirates jumped into the boats. At last minute Jim jumped into the other boat. When they came to the island Jim jumped ashore and ran into the woods. He ran until he was far away from John and his men. Then he walked along slowly and looked at the trees and flowers.
Part 3. Treasure Island.
As Jim walked along, he felt lonely and was a little afraid. Suddenly he heart a sound. He stopped and saw a man who came out of the woods. He was Ben Gunn. He told Jim his story. He had come to this island with some pirates who wanted to look for the treasure. “They didn’t find it ,but they left me alone here” Ben Gunn said. Ben liked Jim and said him that he was rich and he should make Jim rich if he helped him. Jim told about the pirates on the ship. Ben knew Long John. He said that he was a bad man and he was afraid him.
The Squire, the Doctor and the Capitan sat in their cabin and thought what should they do. The Doctor looked on the map and saw a place called Log House. They decided to take men and boat and find this place on the island. “We can take food and live there for a long time” said the Doctor. They filled the boat with food, guns and powder and sailed to log house. There was a high fence round it. They could hold the log house and fight the pirates.
By the way to log house Long John and his men ran out from woods to stop the Doctor and his friends, but The Doctor killed one of pirates with his pistol. And the rest ran back into the woods. The Doctor and his friends got into log house. The pirates fired at them with the big gun from the ship and killed one of the men.
Ben Gunn showed Jim his cave where he lived, and a boat he had tried to make. They heard gun shots. Jim ran as fast as he could and saw log house and his friends. Then he ran to the shore and saw the Jolly Roger- black pirate flag on the ship. Then he went to log house again and climbed over the high fence and found friends. Jim told them about Ben Gunn.
Part 4. Pirates.
When Jim woke up the next morning he heard a shout “It is Long John Silver! I am here!”. There were 2 men outside. One had white flag. The other was John. He began to speak with the Doctor. “ We want that treasure, so we want a map. Give it to me and we let you all sail home safely with us on the ship when we have found the treasure”. “Now listen to me” said the Capitan “ You can not sail the ship home, because you don’t know how to sail a ship. You can not find the treasure because you don’t have a map- and I am not afraid of you”. Long John was very angry. The Capitan knew that the pirates would now try to take the log house. He made a plan to keep it. Every men had a gun and knew where to stand. Jim and the Capitan loaded the guns.
The pirates came out from the wood. The fighting began. Before the fight was over 5 of the pirates were dead. The rest ran away into the wood. The Capitan was wounded. The Doctor took his pistols and put the map in his pocket. He climbed over the fence and went into the wood. Jim hoped to find Ben Gunn.
Part 5. What happened next.
Soon after Jim left the log house. He took a pistol and went to find Ben Gunn’s boat. When he came to the shore he saw the big ship and there were only 2 men on it but the pirate flag was still there. Jim waited until it was dark, found the boat and sailed to the ship. When Jim got up on the ship he saw that one pirate was dead now. The other man was wounded. He tried to kill Jim but the boy fired the pistol and the pirate fell with a cry into the water.
The ship was near the shore it stood on the sand. When it was dark Jim went on the shore and walked to log house. But he heard the voice of Long John and understood that pirates had log house. He tried to ran away but suddenly a hand took hold him. Jim saw Long John take out the map. The pirates looked at it and said “ We must find the treasure.”
Jim thought “Why did the Doctor give Long John the map?” Next morning the pirates took their spades and went to look for the treasure. When they came to the place they needed they saw a big hole in the ground. The pirates jumped into the hole and began to dig. But there was no treasure. Just then there came 3 shots from the wood. 2 pirates fell and the rest ran away. The Doctor and Ben Gunn ran out of the wood. After that all sat down and told each other what had happened. Jim heard that Ben Gunn had found the treasure When he was left on the island he looked it for a long time. He dug it and hid it in a cave. When the Doctor left the log house, he went to see Ben Gunn in his cave. And Ben told the Doctor about the treasure. Now Jim knew why the Doctor gave the map to Long John Silver.
Part 6. On the way home.
All friends were in Ben’s cave. Jim saw the treasure which was in the cave. There were gold pieces and bars of gold and silver. They all very happy. Next morning they took the treasure to the ship. They saw no pirates who had run away. The Doctor said “We must leave the pirates on the island, but we must give them some food, guns and powder, so that they can live” Now it was time to sail home. Jim was glad to leave Treasure Island. So many men left their lives their. After some weeks they were safely back in England. They all got their part of treasure . Jim went home to his mother at the “Admiral Benbow”.
Word list
Inn- гостиница barrel- бочка
Innkeeper- хозяин гостиницы inside- внутри
Treasure- сокровища roll- качаться
Squire- помещик to fell asleep- заснуть
Long John Silver- Долговязый Джон Сильвер rum- ром
To set sail-отплывать allow- позволять
To hide- прятать to row- грести
Sailor- моряк ashore- на берег
Sound- звук
Log house- блокгауз Shore-берег
Fence- забор Jolly Roger- Весёлый Роджер
Gun- оружие, пушка safely-В полной безопасности
Powder- порох to load- заряжать
The rest- остальные wounded- раненый
Filled- загружать outside- снаружи
Cave- пещера cry- крик
Shot- выстрел sand- песок
Fell- падать
bars - слиток To take hold- схватить
pieces- монеты Hole- яма
Deep- глубокий
To dig- копать
Spade- лопата
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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