тест 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Мазуренко Елена Николаевна

УМК Кузовлев В.П. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тест 11 кл. II четверть

I. Benefits for the jobless vary widely from country to country. The problems that arise also vary.

What are they? Transform the statements using the appropriate conjunctions and prepositions.

  1. In  Europe the lowest unemployment rate is in Britain. A new Labour government promised to transform the welfare system. (because of/in spite of)
  2. Many people are sure that “six months of joblessness is a career killer …” and seek a job, some other unemployed people don’t want to find a job and be paid minimum wage. (while / because of)
  3. There are 3 million unemployed in France. Almost all of them believe “they are entitled not just to a job, but to the right kind of a job.”(although/ while)
  4. German taxpayers (налогоплательщики) pay tens of billions of marks to finance a lot of benefits. (despite / because)
  5. Many unemployed people want to have an interesting and well-paid job. They say there’s life after work. (because/ while )
  6. A married man with two children in Germany gets about 2,800 marks if he’s on the dole. An employed man with an unqualified job in a hotel or restaurant takes home only 1,800 marks. (despite / while)
  7. In France, some unemployed people, any part- time job at minimum wage simply isn’t worth having. The fact is that the pay for part-time minimum wage work is almost the same as the welfare. (because of (the fact that)/ in spite of the fact (that))

II. Fill in the blank squares (vertically) with the words.

Обеспечение                    Страхование        

Доход                                 Благополучие

Вклад/ взнос                    Служба

Налог                                 Работодатель

Работник                           Регулярное денежное пособие

Пенсия / пособие             Оплата / выплата





III. What do you know about the way social service systems are organised in Britain and in the USA? 

  1. A country that has a system of ensuring the welfare of its citizens by means of social services provided by the state is called a … (welfare state/ security state/ insurance state).
  2. In Britain, at the national level the Government is responsible for . . . (the National Health Service / National Insurance / Social Security).
  3. In Britain, an unemployment benefit is known colloquially as …, while in the USA it is known as… (the welfare / the dole or the dole money).
  4.  In Britain, private medical insurance scheme is called … while in the USA the two major medical programmes are called … and … (BUPA/ Medicaid/Medicare).
  5. In Britain, the exceptions to free medical care are … (teeth / teeth and eyes / eyes).
  6. Child benefit is available to each child until he / she leaves school at … or longer if the child continues his or her education up to … (16/17; 16/18; 16/19).













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