Обсуждаем темы "Театр", "Кино"
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Discussing the Topic “Theatre”
- Let's speak about theatre in English. People go either to the theatre to see plays or to the opera house to see a ballet or to listen to an opera. There are several famous opera houses in the world: The Bolshoi Opera House, Moscow; The Mariinsky Opera House, St Petersburg; The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London; La Scala, Milan and others. Some of the popular theatres in Moscow are:
The Moscow Art Theatre The Maly Theatre
The Children's Theatre The Satire Theatre
The Sovremennik Theatre The Malaya Bronnaya Theatre
The Taganka Theatre The Mayakovsky Theatre
- Inside the theatre you can go to:
- the box-office the house
- the bar the cloakroom
- the foyer [foiei]
- People who work for a theatre are called a theatre company. People who take part in a particular show are called a cast. Some of the members of the company are:
- directors actors actresses
- designers stars costume designers
- singers conductors dancers
- ballet dancers soloists
- Plays are written by playwrights or dramatists and can be of different kinds:
- a tragedy a comedy a tragicomedy
- a drama a musical
- Dancers, actors, actresses, singers dance, play or sing:
- the main part (role)
- the leading part (role)
- supporting parts (roles)
- People who come to the theatre (the audience):
- buy tickets/seats for a play (opera or ballet)
- leave their coats and hats in the cloakroom
- buy a programme
- take out (prepare) opera glasses
- find their seats
- watch the performance
- applaud to the actors
- Answer these questions.
1. How often do you go to the theatre or an opera house? 2. What is (are) your favourite theatre(s)? 3. What was the performance you liked most of all/least of all? 4. What seats in the theatre do you prefer? 5. With whom do you like to go to the theatre? Why? 6. What do you usually do during the interval? 7. Have you ever been backstage (за кулисами)? Would you like to go? Why? 8. What makes a performance successful? 9. Is there a drama circle in your school? What is it like? If you haven't got one, would you like to have one? Why? 10. Have you ever acted in a play? When? What part did you play?
- Read these talks and say in what parts of the theatre they are taking place.
- A: Are there any seats left for Saturday night?
В: Would you like something in the front stalls?
A: Haven't you got anything cheaper?
В: Let me see ... I think you can have seats in the dress-circle.
- A: Well, how did you like the first act?
В: I loved it! Especially the soloists. I think it's the best singing I've ever heard.
A: Quite so. It was really good.
В: I hope the second act will be just as excellent.
- A: It's a little hot in here, isn't it? I'm thirsty. I think I'll have some lemonade. And
what about you?
В: I'll have a glass of lemonade or an ice cream.
A: Ice cream? I can have it too.
B: Good. I hope they have my favourite strawberry ice cream.
- A: Are these seats ours?
B: No, I don't think so. These are C-14 and C-15, and we have C-16 and C-17.
A: I see, they are further in the row.
B: Let's hurry up. The lights will be going down in a minute.
Discussing the Topic “Cinema”
- Let's speak about cinema in English. Cinema means the same as pictures and movies (AmE). So you can say that you often go to the cinema, pictures or movies. But you see or watch films. People who go to the cinema are cinema-goers. Cinemas usually have names like:
The Coliseum, the Zenith, the Saturn, the Rossia, the Odeon, the Forum.
- Inside a cinema has:
- stalls rows of seats a balcony
- a foyer a box-office a screen
- You can sit:
- at the front at the back at the side in the center/in the middle
- You can go to:
- an evening performance
- a matinee
- the nine o'clock performance
- the two o'clock performance, etc.
- There are different kinds of films:
- a feature film a tragedy a comedy a musical
- a western a documentary a drama a crime film
- a science fiction film a thriller a cartoon
- a historical film a war film a horror film
- People who make films are:
- Match the names of these films with their types.
- A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future. a) a musical
- A film about criminals and detectives. b) a western
- A film with lots of music and dance. c) a comedy
- A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West. d) a science fiction film
- A funny film with a happy ending. e) a crime film
- A film in which mysterious and frightening things happen. f) a horror film
- Answer the questions.
- Is cinema a popular art nowadays? Do people often go to the cinema? What about your family and friends? 2. Where do you like to sit when you go to the cinema? 3. Do you think television and videos influence the popularity of cinema? In what way? 4. Which of the two arts, cinema or theatre is more popular? Why do you think it is so? 5. What are the most popular cinemas in the place where you live? Where are they situated? 6. What war or historical films do you know? Do you like such films? 7. What famous cartoons are made in Russia/in the USA? Can you say a few words about their characters? 8. Do you think small children should be allowed to watch horror films? Why (not)? 9. Why do you think a lot of people are interested in documentaries? 10. What are your favourite kinds of films?
- Match the names of these actors and actresses with the information about them.
Marilyn Monroe
Jean Marais
Sophia Loren
Yury Nikulin
Charlie Chaplin
Lubov Orlova
- He was born in 1889 in England and lived a long life. He was a film actor and director who worked mainly in the US in silent black-and-white comedy films. His favourite role was that of a tramp1 wearing funny clothes and walking in a funny way. During his life he was tremendously popular and is still admired. He died in 1977.
- She is a beautiful Italian actress, born in 1934, who has become an interesting film star and has won several Academy Awards. She was most popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Her art is loved and admired in Russia.
- This Russian actor was born in 1921. He was at the front during the Second World War. In 1950 he began to work in the circus as a clown. He became a popular film actor and is remembered for his comic and tragicomic parts.
- She is an American film actress, born in 1926, whose real name was Norma Jean Baker. She played a number of characters in many successful films. She was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. She had a tragic life and died at the age of 36. Since her death she has become one of the most written-about film stars.
- He is a popular French actor who was born in 1913 and died in 1998. He starred in a number of well-known films. Probably, he is best remembered for the parts of the count of Monte Cristo and Phantomas.
- She was born in 1902 in Russia and died in 1975. She played in one of the Moscow theatres but was better known as a film star. Some of her parts are in the films The Spring, The Circus and Volga-Volga.
A. Find information about a modern actor or actress and speak about him or her.
B. Speak about one of the films that you like. Say who directed the film and played in it.
Explain why you like it.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Урок на тему: Обсуждаем планы на выходные.
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