Игра по англоязычным странам
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Игра по страноведению англоязычных стран. Распечатать и разрезать по карточкам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
What parts does the UK consist of ? | What is the largest part of the UK ? | What is the capital of England ? |
What is the capital of Northern Ireland ? | What is the capital of Scotland ? | What is the capital of Wales ? |
What is the symbol of England? | What is the symbol of Wales? | What is the symbol of Scotland?
What is the symbol of Northern Ireland ? | What does the abbreviation “ Mc” mean ? | What river does London stand on ? |
Where does British Queen Elizabeth II live ?
| What is the name of the big Clock tower ? | Where did Sherlock Holmes live ? |
What is the national Scotland’s instruments? | What is the name of Scottish skirt? | What is the name of the most famous lake in Scotland ?
What is the capital of Australia ? | When does the summer begin in Australia ? | What is the largest city in Australia ? |
What is the capital of the USA ? | What does the abbreviation “USA” mean ? | How do American people call their flag ? |
In What state is Hollywood ?
| What is the largest state in the USA ? | Who was the first president of the USA ? |
Who presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA ? | When did Ch. Columbus discover America ? | What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July ? |
How many states are there in the USA ? | How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA ? | How many stars are there on the flag of the USA ? |
What color is the American flag ? | When do Americans celebrate Christmas? | When do Americans celebrate Halloween? |
Name some famous Americans writers and their books ?
| Name some famous English writers and their books ? | Where does the American president live and work ? |
After whom the capital of the USA was named ? | What important government buildings are situated in Washington ? | What is Big Ben ? |
How often does it rain in England ? | Who was St. Paul’s Cathedral built by ? | How long did it take to Sir Christopher Wren to build St. Paul’s Cathedral ? |
What place in London was used as a fortress, a royal palace, a prison and a museum ? | What kind of sport is associated with Britain ? | When do Americans celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? |
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