Конспект открытого урока по теме "Покупки" (8 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка
с использованием компьютерных технологий в 8 классе
учитель Маркина Т.Н.
Ход урока
- Good morning girls and boys. I am glad to see you, sit down. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson in a computer class. And many guests came to our lesson. So don’t worry, be active and everything will be O’K. Let’s start to work.
Today we are going to have a lesson devoted to shopping. So the theme of our lesson is “Shopping: the world of money’’.
Слайд №1
Please, look at the plan of our lesson. ( screen )
Слайд №2
- Different kinds of shops. ( we’ll speak about different kinds of shops and things people can buy in these shops )
- The interview “Shopping in Britain”. (we’ll work with the interview “Shopping in Britain”, you will listen to the interview and do some exercises on listening and reading comprehension)
- Own dialogues about modern shopping centers. (you will make up your own dialogues about modern shopping centers )
- Adverbs hard/hardly, late/lately, high/highly and others. (we’ll remember irregular forms of adverbs and do exercise on using these adverbs)
- Discussing the topic “What money means to people”. (we’ll try create a discussion on the topic “The value of money”)
- Is everything clear? O’K, let’s start to work.
- Probably the best way to spend your money is to go shopping.
- How often do you your parents go to the shops?
- To what shops do you usually go: local food shops, big shopping centres, supermarkets or markets and why?
- Do you like choosing presents for your friends and relatives? What presents on Christmas do you usually buy and where?
- Have you got any pocket money? What do you spend it on?
- If you had much money what would you do with it? Why?
- Now, let’s remember the names of the shops. Please look at the screen and repeat the names of the shops after me: Sweet shop, Clothes, Stationer’s, Greengrocer’s, Butcher’s, Dairy shop, Florist’s, Baker’s, Grocer’s, Fishmonger’s, Confectioner’s.
Слайд № 3
Please, read the words themselves. And now look at the photos, say what shop it is and what people can buy in the shop.
Слайд №4 | Слайд №5 | Слайд №6 | Слайд №7 |
Слайд №8 | Слайд №9 | Слайд №10 | Слайд № 11 |
- O’K. Say what your favourite shop is and why
Слайд № 12
III. 1) Now, we’ll work with the interview “Shopping in Britain”. You will listen to the interview then read it and do some exercises on listening and reading comprehension. Please open your books at p.100 and find the interview. As you can see there are only answers in this interview and the questions are missing. Please look at the screen, here you can see the questions but they are mixed. Your task is to listen to the interview and match the answers with the following questions. But at first let’s read the questions. (screen)
Слайд № 13
A) What are the most famous shops in London?
B) What does “to withdraw from the High Street” mean?
C) What are the largest supermarkets in London?
D) What other department stores exist in London and other parts of the country?
E) Where do English People usually buy food nowadays?
F) What has happened to C and A which used to be one of the main department stores in London?
G) And what has happened to traditional English shops: baker’s, butcher’s, greengrocer’s…?
“withdraw” means to put to another place
“C and A” this is the name of the shop “Coats and Ats”, Ats means hats
2) Did you manage to match the questions with the answers? O’K, then let’s read the interview. (the pupils read the interview by parts)
- Ex.15, p.99. Here you can see the statements from the interview about the British shops. Let’s read them and say if the statements are “true” or “false”. And if the statements are false , please correct them.
- Let’s go on to work with the interview. Find ex.16, p.101. Let’s read the task. (2 minutes to prepare)
- Our next task will be to match the types of shops with their descriptions. You have sheets of papers with the descriptions of the shops and at the screen you can see the types of shops. Let’s read them
- shopping centre
- department store
- shopping outlet
- supermarket
- corner shop
Слайд № 14
- If you were in London what shop would you go to buy food, clothes, presents and other things?
IV. And now I suggest you to explain what a big modern shopping centre is like to people. Do it in the form of a dialogue. Work in pairs. The questions in ex.73 at p.134 will help you. It was your home task to answer these questions. So, I’ll give you 3-4 minutes to prepare your own dialogues.
V. 1) Our next part of the lesson is devoted to grammer. Today we’ll remember irregular forms of adverbs and do one grammer exercise. Let’s read and translate the adverbs: (on the screen) hard, hardly, late, lately, high, highly, near, nearly, most, mostly, right, rightly, wrong, wrongly, wide, widely.
Слайд № 15
2) That’s right. Please, look at the screen. I prepared a grammer exercise on using these adverbs. The task is to choose the right word to complete the sentences. (on the screen)
Слайд № 16
- Selfridges is (wide/widely) known in London.
- People can buy different clothes in this shop (most/mostly) clothes for women.
- Betty lives (near/nearly) the shopping centre.
- The job of a shop assistant is (high/highly) paid in this place.
- Have you been to “ Tesco” (late/lately).
- Unfortunately I’ve spent (near/nearly) all my pocket money.
- (Most/Mostly) of my friends prefer choosing presents for their relatives in modern centre.
- I (hard/hardly) know where to go to buy a new fancy-dress for the party.
Now I see that you know all the words and can use correctly in the sentences.
VI. We have some time. And we have one more task for today.
- I want you to comment on this saying.(on the screen):
Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps.
Слайд № 17
Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view with examples.
- Now say what money means to people.
VII. O’K, our lesson is over. You worked very well today, you were active and I liked your answers. I am going to give you the following marks…
You home task will be ex.79,p.136.
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