А Local Wonder.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Матвеева Надежда Александровна

Урок английского языка в 10 классе к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. по теме: "Civilisation and progress". Цель: актиуализация страноведчекого материала; совершенствование речевых навыков и умений ; побуждение интереса у учащихся к культурным ценностям твоего региона.


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Слайд 1

A Local Wonder Выполнил: учитель английского языка Пролетарского района города Тулы Матвеева Н.А. 10.12. 2010

Слайд 2

Museum « Tula Samovar »

Слайд 3

In 1990 in the building in 8 Mendeleyevskaya Street the museum « Tula Samovar » was opened. It ᾽ s one of the youngest museums of our town .

Слайд 4

The Lisitsyns brothers Ivan and Nazar maked the beginning of the samovrs ᾽ production in Tula by opening in 1778 the first samovar workshop in Shtykovaya street.

Слайд 5

The shapes and models of the samovars worked out by Tula masters during the XIX and the beginning of the XX century are multiformed .

Слайд 6

The ball-shaped samovar

Слайд 7

The vase-shaped samovar

Слайд 8

The pear –shaped samovar

Слайд 9

The electric samovar The kerosene samovar

Слайд 10

The differentiation of samovars according to the purpose was very wide : samovars for boiling water, samovars- coffee-pots, portable samovars

Слайд 11

At the post-war time the production of samovars in Tula was concentrated at the plant « Stamp »

Слайд 12

Many wares of Tula samovar masters were presented at the largest exhibitions in Russia and abroad. More than once they were marked with the greatest rewards .

Слайд 13

Tula Honey Cake Museum

Слайд 14

Tula Honey Cake Museum is of is one the youngest museums of Tula. It became very popular not only in Tula but also in many other towns of our country . The exposition presents the smallest gingerbread (a bit larger than a coin, and a giant one – one pood in weight).

Слайд 15

You will be told about the ancient traditions and ceremonies, you will see the modern productions of gingerbread and the way they were cooked in old – time forms .

Слайд 16

Modern productions of gingerbread

Слайд 18

Complete the following sentences : When we speak about Tula, we remember the famous Tula… . One of the first Tula samovar made in the ... workshop. The tourists will have the opportunity to taste the … with the tea. The true fame to the samovar was created by Tula … .

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