План урока английского языка по коммуникативной методике обучения
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Кудаева Нариннэ Борисовна



Classroom management


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Предварительный просмотр:

Classroom management

I’d like to start with lesson planning, and we’ll talk about basic shape of any lesson

Lesson Planning

The basic shape of any lesson is as follows:

1/ Social introduction (settling the class down) Greetings

2/ Setting the scene and generating interest in the topic

Lead-in – the purpose of it is to engage the stds, to gain their attention, to set the context. For e.g. (the picture of a sad girl crying or something)

How does she feel?

What made her crying?

Her cat might have died!

It can be brainstorming activity for e.g. think of the most important things people look for when they want to buy a house.

3/ Presentation of the material or Pre-Task

Discovery task (match the sentences or the words) – normally used for grammar and vocabulary presentation.

Pre-teaching vocab for reading or listening.

4/ Development/ Explanation of the material or During Task

Explanation (focus on meaning, form, phonology if necessary finger-highlighting, time-line).

Then it requires pair work or group work

Peer - correction


5/ Closure/ Conclusion of material or Post Task

Controlled practice

If grammar

Have you ever ridden a bicycle?

When did you last ride a bicycle?

If it’s reading

Answer the questions or True and False activity

Freer practice

Make up your own dialogue

Or make up your own story.

Which things does the teacher have in mind

when he or she is preparing for the lesson?

1. The aim

2. Pacing a lesson

Change of pace is very important. This can be achieved by:

  1. variety of activities
  2. short breaks
  3. good balance of T-centered and S-centered phases
  4. unpredictable/interesting presentation

3. Interaction

The biggest mistake teachers make is not to involve the stds in the lesson, which is often manifested by the teacher droning on at the front for 40 minutes!

When you plan your lesson you must consider patterns of interaction at each stage of the lesson.

If it’s the lesson on reading, we should bear in mind three types of reading:

Skimming – to get the general idea/ gist reading

Scanning – read through to find detailed information

Intensive reading – reading for details

Suggested steps for reading/listening

  1. Pre-tasks
  1. pictures to set the scene
  2. vocabulary pre-teaching

- Guessing/predicting the content from a headline, title, picture.

- Discussion of the general topic.

- Relate the material to students' own experience and knowledge.

2. During tasks

1. gist question(s)

- easy, focuses on general understanding of the text.

2. Comprehension questions

- check understanding of the text in more detail

e.g. wh-questions, multiple choice, True/False, gap fill.

3. Vocabulary exercises

e.g. "Find a word in the text that means the same as...."

3. Post-tasks


Role play

Related writing activity

Language focus

Remember!! Students should check their answers in pairs or groups before the teacher checks with the whole class.


Русское предложение

Рекомендуемый эквивалент

Здравствуйте, ребята!

Good morning, boys and girls Or: Good afternoon. everybody! Or: Hello. Form 6! (very informal)


Sit down, everybody. Or:   Take your places.

"Sit down" is the universal and most usual form. It can be used when the pupil is standing at his desk or after he has finished writing on the blackboard, etc. "Take your places" is more often used if the pupils have moved away from their desks for a perfectly acceptable reason.

Приготовьтесь к уроку

Or: Get ready for the lesson. Prepare for the lesson.

Не шумите!

Don't be so noisy! Or: Don't make so much noise!

Or: Quiet, please!

Пересядь на свое место.

(Go and) sit in your own place, please.

Поменяйся местами с

Will you change places with Max?

Наведи порядок на своей парте.

Tidy your desk, will you?

Вставайте, когда я буду называть ваc.

Please stand up as I call(out) your names.

Давайте повторим этот звук.

Let's work again on this sound.

Мы должны поработать над этим звуком.

We must practise this sound.

Сегодняшний урок мы посвятим

We'll spend today's lesson doing smth or preparing for a test

Начнем с повторения

пройденного материала.

Let's go over the material we discussed at/in the last lesson. Let's revise the material we've done so far/this

Иди отвечать.

Will you come (out) to the front?

Не подсказывайте!

Don't tell him the answer! Or: No whispering the answer! Or: Don't help him!

Нет, это неправильно.

No, that isn't quite right. Or: You've got it wrong.

Ты это сказал наугад.

You've said it without thinking.

Я ставлю тебе «отлично».

I'll give you (a) five.

Перейдем к …

Let's move on/go on to

Достаньте книги.

Will you get out/take out your books? Or: Get/take your books out, please.

Читайте на странице 19.

Read page 19.

Читайте текст до стр.20

Read the text up to page 20.

Посмотрите в свои книги.

Look at your books.

Переверните страницу.

Turn over (the page).

Слушайте внимательно.

Listen carefully.

Ты видишь, где у тебя ошибка?

Do you/Can you see your mistake?

Поднимите руки.

Put up your hands.

Пиши  аккуратно.

Can you try and write tidily/neatly?

Вы уже сделали это упражнение?

Have you done the exercise yet?

Давайте проанализируем ваши ошибки.

Let's go over your mistakes. Or: Let's look at your mistakes.

Поменяйтесь ролями или тетрадками

Swap over

Работайте по парам

Practise in pairs  Work in pairs

Назовите историю

Think up a title for the story.

Читай выразительно.

Read it with a bit of feeling.

Громче. Я не слышу.

Louder, please. I can't hear.

Приведи свои доводы.

What makes you think so?

Разбейтесь на пары.

Split into pairs. Divide into pairs.

Выпишите незнакомые слова.

Write out the new words.

Найдите новые слова в словаре в конце книги.

Look up the new words in the vocabulary at the back of the book.

Постарайтесь сделать это задание самостоятельно.

Try and do it yourself/on your own.

Соберите свои вещи.

Get your things together.

Разойдитесь по классу и мы выполним упражнение

Mingle in and find out …

Walk around the classroom…

Быстро просмотрите текст, чтобы составить общее представление о …

Skim through the following text in order to get the general idea off

Передайте основное содержание своими словами

Tell the story in your own words.

Просмотрите текст, чтобы ответить на вопросы

Scan the passage to answer the questions

Переведите это на русский.

Could you put that into Russian? How do you say that in Russian?


Hold on a second. Wait a minute

До свидания!

See you tomorrow/next week/on Monday!


That was a very good piece of work.

Why don't you produce work like this every time?

Very well done.

Lovely work.

Excellent work.

It's very good indeed.

Very good.

Excellent so far.

Very good so far.

It sounds lovely. Good work.

I am so pleased with your work.

Good stuff.

Keep it up.

Shows some improvement.

Well tried.



Almost correct.

Nearly right.

Much better.

Better work.

You see what you can do when you really try.

I can see you are trying really hard.

I can see you put a great deal of effort into this piece of work.

This work shows a great improvement.

That's right. Neat work.

That was a good attempt.

Just one tiny mistake.

Not your best work.



Could do better.

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