prefer/would rather/had better
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная презентация нацелена на профилактику употребления оборотов prefer/would rather/had better.
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Prefer and would rather are both used to express preferences . Prefer I prefer basketball to football . (generally) I prefer playing basketball, rather than football . generally) I prefer playing basketball to (playing) football . (generally) I prefer to play basketball, rather than (play) football . (generally, or on this occasion) I prefer not to play basketball during the week . (generally, or on this occasion) I would prefer to play basketball this weekend rather than football . (on this occasion) We don't normally say I don't prefer ...
Would rather I would rather play basketball than (play) football. (generally, or on this occasion) I'd rather not play basketball. (on this occasion)
Had better is used for saying what someone should do. Try not to confuse them. We don't say would better. They are used like this ... Had better You'd better see a doctor. You'd better do your homework, rather than sit and watch TV. You'd better do your homework, instead of sitting and watching TV. You'd better not fail the test.
Check your understanding! 1. Which is correct? I would rather stay/to stay here. 2. You _______better see a doctor. Which word is missing? would/had/should 3. Which is correct? I wouldn't rather .../I don't rather .../I would rather not ...
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