Урок Модальные глаголы
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Modal Verbs
Method of Communicative Grammar
form 7
Semenova A.M.
Rasskazovo , school № 3
-to train the usage of modal verbs in speech
-to develop the skills of ohral speech,reading,writing
Material : a set of cards,computer,presentation
I.Teacher’s introductory word.
Good morning,students! I am glad to see you.Lets begin our work.During our lesson you will do some interesting exercises to train modal verbs and develop your skills of ohral speech,reading and writing.
II.Pre-activity .(Warm up.)
(Possible answers: A school should be a place where you make friends.)
1) . Think of some sentences with modal verbs to
the phrase: My brother is a first-former now.
1)He must get up early now.
2)He should
3)He can
2)Hopefully you like your school.
Going to school is your work,isn’t it?
What do you have to do at school?
answer teacher’s questions
make reports
do tests
wear a uniform
tidy up classrooms ets.
3).Group work.”Safety at school.”
Make up a list of rules to be safe at school.
Then every group will present the rules in the class and we’ll see whose rules are the most useful.Use verbs must,mustn’t,should,shouldn’t.
Example:Students mustn’t write on the walls.
Students should always listen to the teacher.
1.)And what do you think of a teacher’s job?
Could you be a teacher yourself?
Answer the questionnaire and mark your score.
1.Teachers should be quite strict.There should be some fun in class,but pupils shouldn’t be allowed to make noise and be lazy during lessons.-1
2.teachers should be strict.Pupils should not be allowed to speak in class unless the teachers asks them to.-2
3.Teachers should be easy-going as possible.Pupils should be allowed to do whatever they like.If they don’t learn it’s their problem.-3
4.Teachers don’t need a sense of humour.They should just teach the lesson as clearly as possible.-1
5.teachers should have a good sense of humour and make lessons fun and enjoyable.But they shouldn’t tell jokes instead ofteaching.-2
6.Teachers should keep their class entertained with jokes and stories if the class is bored by the lesson.-3
Score:2 points- you’re born teacher
4points- you’ll be a very strict teacher,but boring too.
6points- you’ll enjoy your work but your students will not learn much.
2).And what are you going to be when you grow up?
Do you know much about your future profession?
Work in pairs.Use cards.
Example: -I’m going to become a model.
-A model?What must model do?
-A lot of interesting things.She must learn how to wear clothes,how to pose before cameras.
a secretary use a computer
a teacher treat ill people
a doctor show clothes
a businessman sell and buy things
a lower explain rules
a model communicate with people
V.Summing up.
Your hometask is to make up a dialogue using phrases:
I’m going to…,What should I do?,Don’t worry.,You should/You shouldn’t.,You need/You needn’t.,You can.
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