Loch Ness monster-2
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Content Loch Ness 2 Loch Ness monster 4 A huge cluster of tourists 5 The history of Loch Ness Monster 6 Secret of Loch Ness Monster 7 Legend of Nessie 8 The theory of the appearance of Nessie 9 Theories about the origin of the Loch Ness monster 11 The first fact of the existence of 15 The second fact of the existence of 17 The third factor is the existence of 19 animal or old logs? 20 Sound scan 24 Scientists see evidence of 25 2
Loch Ness Loch Ness - a large deep freshwater lake in Scotland, stretching for37 kilometers to the south-west of Inverness. The lake is well known in the world thanks to the legend of the Loch Ness monster. There are numerous commercial routes across the lake for tourists wishing to enjoy the scenic beauty and, perhaps, to see the mythical monster. Loch Ness - the largest body of water over a geological fault Lake of sufficient size and depth, while its water is very turbid, owing to the high content of peat in the soil. Loch Ness is the second largest area of water surface of lakes in Scotland. On the shore of the lake is Loch Ness Monster Museum . 3
Loch Ness monster Loch Ness monster - according to legend, a big fish with head and neck snake that lives in the Scottish Loch Ness . Often called the Loch Ness monster Nessie-so-affectionately nicknamed his people. Nessie the monster is called, is primarily based on the size of the giant creatures. But the animal's behavior has led many to think about the fairness of this title. Loch Ness monster in the degree of aggressiveness is comparable only with the sea cow, which differs generosity. Nessie habitat is freshwater inland lakes located around the globe. Some individuals Loch Ness Monster, and adapted to existence in salt water. Loch Ness monster is harmless sympathy, because it ended up in Loch Nesses a trap for the shift of the poles of the earth. Nessie allegedly eats aquatic vegetation and fish, and protrudes from the water just in case goloda . Zrenie Loch Ness Monster is weak, but the smell reaches the highest development. Respiratory organs are gills , Nessie , and therefore ruled out version of the monster on land. 4
A huge cluster of tourists Loch Ness monster is known throughout the world. As a result of survey of British social scientists have identified the most famous representatives of Scotland. The study symbol of Scotland, according to most respondents, is the Loch Ness monster, which annually attracts the Loch Ness thousands of tourists. In the hope that the mystery of the Loch Ness monster is revealed, a large cluster of tourists watching the water surface of the lake, which is set on the banks of the web camera . 5
The history of Loch Ness Monster On the existence of Nessie, the friendly giant who dwells in the waters of Loch Ness, it was officially announced in 1933. According to legend, the first of the mysterious monster of the world told the Roman legionaries, sword in hand mastered Celtic spaces at the beginning of the Christian era. Local residents immortalized in stonewall members of the Scottish fauna - from deer to mice. The only stone statue, to identify which Romans could not have been a strange image of long-necked seal gigantic size.? The first written mention of the mysterious creatures living in the waters of Loch Ness date back to 565 AD. 6
Secret of Loch Ness Monster Secret of the Loch Ness monster - that is, fiction or reality, and this creature actually lives in Loch Ness? There are dozens of photos and videos, which would seem at first glance, confirm the existence offensive (the so-affectionately known as the essence of the locals).However, after careful examination, only a small portion of the material was authentic and the mystery of the Loch Ness monster and remains undisclosed. According to the locals Nessie is very difficult to call a monster, it was nicknamed the animal just because of their size. 7
Legend of Nessie It is obvious that if the lake is really inhabited by giant, unknown creature, someone had to see them until 1933 and to tell others about it. That is, according to the books devoted to Nessie, and it was. For centuries, the lake was considered a strange place, inhabited by some obscure and mysterious creatures. If I may say so, around the Loch Ness monster has developed even a kind of mythology. In the books on this subject is as follows. All available at our disposal, written sources indicate that the lake has always been a bad reputation, and one way or another, but it has always been associated with the monster. Woodcarving in the Neolithic Balmacaan, near Loch Ness, it seems, represents the first time a monster, and serves as a collection of stories of those who saw him, describing the vertical undulating motion, and a broad head. Another interesting fact: the Roman historian Dio Cassius mentioned that at the Caledonians - a tribe living on the shores of Loch Ness in the Roman Empire, there was a taboo against eating fish from this lake. The earliest written evidence of the existence of the monster - the 27th chapter of the second book "The Life of St.Columbus, "written about 565 years. Its originator, Adamnan, a highly credible author, tells how St. Columbus came to the tomb of a person who was attacked by a monster. Columbus decided to try my luck and ordered one of his men to swim across the lake behind a boat. After that there was a monster who rushed to the floating. Then, Columbus ordered the beast to swim away and the sound of voices saint is retired at high speed. 8
The theory of the appearance of Nessie The most widespread theory that an unknown creature is extinct millions of years ago, dinosaur-plesiosaurs. Proponents of this theory suggest that the plesiosaur was trapped, as a result of the tectonic shift of land rose, and some prehistoric sea into a lake. But the likelihood that an individual can live at least several centuries, is extremely small, and therefore the population of the Loch Ness monster has to reach several tens of individuals to be able to multiply . Besides, to feed this population would require a lot of food, but Loch Ness is a small area and hardly able to feed a herd of plesiosaurs . 9
There is this theory, and one minus. While several studies of Lake sonar, data were obtained only a few large sites. What were the objects could not be determined, but a large population of individuals, at least some of them had come to the attention of researchers. In fairness, we note that in 1997, when scanning the deep sonar, byla obnaruzhena cave 9 meters in width and depth of 252 meters. In what part of the lake, it was discovered, is not disclosed . Perhaps , plesiosaurs lived in this cave? Who knows ... Judging from the description, this monster belongs to the form of plesiosaurs, sea reptiles that lived some 160 million years ago. The length of the neck was about 2-feet - the same as was their long body and tail combined. Why they needed such a long neck, long remained a mystery, but Noah Leslie (Leslie Noe) of Sedgvikskogo Museum in Cambridge, UK, assumes "plesiosaurs used their long necks to reach the bottom and produce their own food," said Noe on the International Meeting of the Society Vertebral Paleontology in Ottawa, Canada. He explored the remains of plesiosaur called Muraenosaurus, and by studying articulated cervical bones, concluded that the neck was flexible and could move easily. Small skull plesiosaurs did not allow them to cope with the extraction of the solid shell . 10
Theories about the origin of the Loch Ness monster 1. In addition to the theory of the plesiosaur, there are more exotic versions: Loch Ness monster - long-necked species unknown to science seal, a giant fish or shellfish Nessie - a bathing elephant . V 2005 a hypothesis was put forward Neil Clark. His research showed that the number of meetings with the animals has increased dramatically, when at the lake began to make parking lot circus. People have taken a highly elevated part of the trunk and the back of an elephant swimming Loch Ness monster . Luigi Piccard, a scholar of the Italian seismologist, suggests that all the evidence the appearance of an unknown animal is nothing more than a hallucination. As already mentioned, the waters of the lake located in a zone of seismic activity, which resulted in Gases. At a certain concentration of these gases, and call a vision. However the theory does not explain why all of the witnesses describe the creature about the same . In 2005, a hypothesis was put forward Neil Clark. His research showed that the number of meetings with the animals has increased dramatically, when at the lake began to make parking lot circus . People have taken a highly elevated part of the trunk and the back of an elephant swimming Loch Ness monster. 11
2. Luigi Piccardi, a scholar of the Italian seismologist, suggests that all the evidence the appearance of an unknown animal is nothing more than a hallucination . As already mentioned, the waters of the lake located in a zone of seismic activity, which resulted in Gases. At a certain concentration of these gases, and call a vision. However the theory does not explain why all of the witnesses describe the creature about the same . 3. Loch Ness monster - a barrel of Scotch pine (Pinus S ilvestris ). This type of wood is very resistant to diseases and parasites, as well as generate a lot of resin, which distinguishes EET other conifers. When the heavy trunk of Scots pine falls into the water, it gradually sinks to the bottom. The water pressure and plenty of resin makes it virtually impenetrable, but it affects the process of slowly rotting wood, and as a by-product gases are allocated. In turn, the resin is squeezed outgases, and on the trunk of the formation of various tumors. When the pressure inside the barrel reaches a critical point, it pops up. If you change the pressure, the gases force their way out, through which a beam "floats", and growths on it are taken as part of the animal. When the gases escape the barrel back down to the bottom. 13
Loch Ness monster - a barrel of Scotch pine. 14
The first fact of the existence of For a long time about the existence of lake monsters were not known until the spring of 1933 his wife for the first time McKay is not reported in the newspaper about the meeting with an unknown animal. Driving along the road which runs near the lake, they watched as the thickness of the lake there was an unknown creature of enormous size, resembling a cross between a lizard and fish. Monster has remained on the surface of the lake is not more than twenty seconds, and then plunged into the water and never show up. Since the time of construction of this road, passing along the coast of Loch Ness, the people, it was noted almost five thousand appearances Loch Ness monster. After a couple communication MacKay for a meeting with the monster local newspapers seized on the sensation that has become known to the masses. 15
The second fact of the existence of In 1933, a surgeon from London managed to make some pictures of an unknown substance floating in the waters of Lake Lowness. In1994, on his deathbed, the author of the scandalous photos admitted that they were fake. However, at the time of its appearance pictures caused a huge public interest. After this event for 80 years has been collected about 4000 eyewitness accounts, photographs and video, which was sealed Loch Ness monster. Despite the abundance of information, for a long time the only credible evidence of the existence of Nessie was a video of Tim Dinsdeyla made from the air. It was seen as a kind of large creature moves in the water column. The experts who conducted the analysis of the film, concluded that the video is genuine. 17
Shapes of the purported sightings of the Loch Ness monster . 18
The third factor is the existence of In 2007 there was video of Gordon Holmes, accidentally imprinted a 15-meter animal, like a giant eel. In 2009, British Jason Cook, looking at a map of the planet using Google Earth, came across Avery interesting snapshot of the surface of Loch Ness (pictured below). It is clearly discernible outline, resembling, from the descriptions of eyewitnesses, Nessie . Based on the scale of the map, it was found that the object has a length of about 20 meters. Those who want to look at the picture in the original, can take advantage of the object coordinates: 57 ° 12'52 .13 "N, 4 ° 34'14 .16" west longitude. These facts have not put a dot on the question of existence of the Loch Ness monster, which gives rise to many theories about its origins. 19
animal or old logs? What kind of evidence do we have? First of all, four shots strange creatures that made Lieutenant Colonel of Medical Service surgeon Robert Kenneth Wilson April morning in 1934 at about 7 am. He used a camera with a telephoto lens, which lent for bird watching. The animal then surfaced at about 200-250 meters from the shore. As an amateur photographer acted in haste and that someone else shot camera, the picture quality was very low. But one of the images became widely known in professional circles. He, however, very small, is shown sticking his head above water on a long thin neck. Of course, zoologists treated the photographs submitted with the utmost suspicion. They argued that it is either diving bird or an otter. They suspected a trick, but examination confirmed the authenticity of the photos, and detailed analysis indicated that the head is held under water in a large trunk. Still photos of the military surgeon contributed to the 3 months to the lake went private expedition. It is funded by Edward Mountain, deputy chairman of one of the UK insurance companies. Led an expedition Captain James Fraser, a native of Inverness. Fraser was himself removed by two tele-minute film for the camera with Kodak 16mm film. Object was filmed at a distance of approximately 1500 m, but, apparently, its length does not exceed 5 m object was black, fast swimming, and finally disappeared in the spray foam. Zoologists Linnean Society in London was the essence of a seal. Nevertheless, the seals in the Loch Ness has never been seen, besides marine animals can barely survive in fresh water. And another thing: the size of the animal was so large that it can not be confused with the seal. 20
1936 , Malcolm Irvine again filmed "worn". The footage was visible head of the animal with a long neck sticking out parallel to the water surface. Being demonstrated various movements of a powerful body whose size is approaching 9 pm After that, a zoologist Eric Folksong of the Linnaean Society was forced to admit: "The animal does not fall under any of the known categories. The doubts of skeptics overcome. In the future, have to admit that the Loch Ness creature lives unknown to science. " The press and the scientific world deliberately ignored this statement, and E. Bulendzher, director of the London Zoological tank, suggested that all this is nothing more than a clever trick. July 14, 1951 30-year-old forester Lachlan Stewart witnessed a remarkable event. Later he said: "I got up around 6:30 to milk the cow. Looking out the window, I saw in the middle of the lake is something that at first took for a boat, sailing swiftly toward Doresa . But it seemed to me that the boat too quickly. On the surface it looked like a hump or back. Then came the second hump, and I thought that this must be a monster. I called my wife and Taylor Hay, who lived with us, grabbed the camera (a small Drawer camera), and ran up the hill. Taylor followed me ... I set the focus, he saw three humps in the viewfinder and snapped. The animal headed for the spit, jutting into the lake about 40 m All this time you could see three hump, and they face a long, thin neck with a head of no more than sheep, and sheep-like in shape. The head of the neck are constantly immersed in water. Having retired at 300 meters, the animal dived under the water, head first disappeared, then one after the other three hump. " 21
Some believe that the amateur photos in 1951 shows a giant creature with three humps on their backs. 22
Perhaps "Nessie" is one of the most ancient creatures, related elazmozavram . Sea monster is still unexplained phenomenon. 23
Sound scan Disappointed with the performance of imaging studies, the researchers turned to alternative methods of searching, in particular, sound scan. The first session of this kind was held in the mid 50s, and since then the work in this area continues without interruption. Thus, scientists have learned about the Loch Ness a lot, in particular, have calculated the total amount of biomass in the lake - a key factor in having a direct bearing on the possibility of the existence here of a large creature. In addition, the study revealed the existence of a sound effect in the lake seiches, which can cause an optical illusion. It is a sudden onset of high-power short-term flows of water, triggered by abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure. These currents can drag the large items that are moving against the wind, can create the illusion of progress "on their own." But at the same resonant scan revealed other, unexplained facts. It was recognized that in the lake at a great depth, there are huge objects capable of self-climb, descend and maneuver in the water. Answer to the question of what these objects may be, has not yet been received. 24
Scientists see evidence of Sir Peter Scott, Chairman of the endangered species of animals, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the chairman of the well-known fund 'World Wildlife': «In the underwater images taken command of Dr. Robert Rhinos of the Academy of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Office of Research Loch Ness In my opinion, shows the animal's body parts that we have with Dr. Rains described as nessiteras rombopteriks, in particular, in order that they might have taken the necessary measures to protect the unique environment. " Following this, Scott describes in detail the various fragments of photographs, which he defines as a large part of the body of living beings. Summarizing his position, the scientist concludes: "The underwater shots, from my point of view, do not admit of further doubt about the existence of a Loch Ness big animals." Hunt for "Nessie" continues with the same persistence. However, not only in Loch Ness, because such water creatures like elazmozavrov were seen in many other places: in one of the Canadian lakes in Sweden and Russia, in the Norwegian fjords in the North Sea, off the west coast of the British Isles and Scandinavia, the East Coast of North America and in many lakes in Scotland, primarily in the Loch Morar - the deepest inland lake in Britain. 25
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Mysterious Places. Loch Ness. Scotland
vLoch Ness monster, byname Nessie, large marine creature believed by some people to inhabit Loch Ness, Scotland. However, much of the alleged evidence supporting it...