Loch Ness monster!
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Loch Ness monster Legends The first written mention Photograph surgeon Shooting Dinsdeyla Sound scan Nessiteras rhombopteryx M ovie Gordon Holmsa The picture from the satellite Pros and cons V ersion
Loch Ness monster ( lat. Nessitera rhombopteryx , Nessie ) - water monster, according to legend, living in Loch Ness.
According to legend, the first to tell the world about the mysterious creature in the remote Scottish lake, were the Roman legionaries, sword in hand, mastered Celtic spaces at the beginning of the Christian era. Local residents have immortalized in stone all members of the Scottish fauna - from deer to mice. The only stone sculptures, to identify which Romans could not have been a strange long-necked seal image of giant proportions.
The first written mention of a mysterious creature inhabiting the waters of Loch Ness, goes back to the VI century AD. In the biography of St. Columba, written a hundred years after the events Adomnanom , abbot of the monastery in the Ionian Scotland, described the triumph of the holy "water beast" in the River Ness. According to his Life, one of Columbus went to Loch Ness, and saw that the local people buried one of his men - he was crippled and killed while swimming in the lake. His ruined Nisag (Celtic name monster). Local residents, armed with spears to ward off a monster dragged the dead body to the shore. One of the disciples of St. lightly into the water and swam across the narrow strait that to drive the boat. When he sailed from the coast, "the water stood a strange-looking beast, like a giant frog, but it was not a frog." Columbus drove a monster with the help of prayer .
Then the "monster" seems to be a long time to calm down, but suddenly in 1880 with no wind and clear sky in the lake has turned over and sank with the people a small sailboat. Immediately reminded of the monster, since there were people who saw it.
Thus began the legend of the Loch Ness monster. In the spring of 1933 the newspaper "Inverness Courier" was first published a detailed story of a married couple MacKay, who personally encountered Nessie . That same year, on the northern shore of the lake began to build the road. You never know what possessed greater being - anger or curiosity - but at this time he was seen frequently. Some E. Maunter organized around the lake network of observation points. For 5 weeks, the monster appeared 15 times.
"Photograph surgeon." Gradually these descriptions in the public imagination was the looming image of a prehistoric creature that inhabits the depths of the pond. A year later, this image was a real embodiment due to the so-called "surgeon's photograph". Its author, a London doctor Robert Kenneth Wilson, claimed that filmed the monster by accident when traveling around, watching the birds. In 1994, it was found that this picture - a fake, made by Wilson and three accomplices. Two of the accomplices, Wilson voluntarily confessed to the crime.
Shooting Dinsdeyla . In 1960, engineer-aeronaut Tim Dinsdeyl surveyed the lake from the air, recording the movement of it being a huge long. Dinsdeyl , anticipate possible arguments of critics, has photographed for comparison foamy trace left behind his boat. The independent experts of British Intelligence Joint Center for Aeronautics (JARIC) came to the conclusion that the film is genuine and truly demonstrates the movement of "animate object" sailing at a speed of 16 km / hr. For many years the film was considered the main Dinsdeyla and the only convincing proof of the existence of a giant lake creature, but in 2005, experts have revised their JARIC the verdict, declaring that filmed the effect is nothing more than a trace of foam swim here shortly before the boat. Post has caused a storm of protests .
Sound scan. Disappointed the effectiveness of visual studies, researchers turned to alternative methods of searching, in particular, sound scan. The first session of this kind was held in mid-50s, and has since been working in this area continues without interruption. Thus, scientists have learned about the Loch Ness a lot, in particular, have calculated the total amount of biomass in the lake - a key factor having a direct bearing on the possibility of the existence here of a large creature.
In addition , the study revealed the existence of a sound effect in the lake seiches that could cause an optical illusion . It is a sudden onset of high-power short-term flows of water , triggered by abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure . These currents can drag the larger items that are moving against the wind , can create the illusion of moving forward " on their own ."
But the same sonar scan also revealed other unexplained facts . It was recognized that in the lake at a great depth , there are huge objects capable of self-climb , descend and maneuver in the water . Answer to the question of what may be the objects , so far not been obtained .
Nessiteras rhombopteryx . In 1972 a group of experts led by American researcher Dr . Robert Rhines of the Academy of Applied Sciences ( Academy of Applied Sciences ) conducted a series of studies using a combination of sonar and photographic equipment . During the tests were received unexpected images , one of which - a giant diamond-shaped fin - in 1975, was published and caused a sensation . Rhines and British naturalist Sir Peter Scott , jointly proposed to give " Nessie " Scientific name : Nessiteras rhombopteryx ( from the Greek ' miracle Nessie with diamond-shaped fin "). There were skeptics who have questioned not only the results of computer processing of sound and photographic research , but also seeing in " scientific " term anagram : ' Monster hoax by Sir Peter S' (« monstrous forgery , Sir Peter S.")
In 2003, the team designed the BBC B, with 600 conducted a complete investigation of the acoustic radiator of the lake and did not find it unusual . But three years later , a new documentary evidence that the lake there are unexplained things
M ovie Gordon Holmsa . In May 2007, an amateur researcher Gordon Holmes has decided to place the microphones in the lake and explore the sounds emanating from the depths . On the western shore , he noticed movement in the water and immediately turned on the camcorder , which recorded the movement of the water a long dark object on its way to the northern part of the lake . The body is being largely remained under water , but the head emerges from time to time , leaving a foamy tail .
After a few days shooting fragments appeared in television news reporting in many countries . Experts who have studied film , confirmed his identity and came to the conclusion : being about 15 meters long traveling at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour . However , shooting Holmes is not considered conclusive evidence of the existence of a prehistoric lake monster . There were opinions that it could be a giant worm or so , the light or the illusion of logs , set in motion the internal flow .
The picture from the satellite In summer 2009, a resident of the United Kingdom said that while watching satellite photos on Google Earth site saw being sought . The photo service is really seen anything remotely resembling a large sea animal with two pairs of fins and tail .
Pros and cons The main argument of the skeptics is the undeniable fact that the amount of biomass in the lake is not enough to sustain life being kind of space assigned to Loch Ness monster . Despite the enormous size and plenty of water ( here brought by seven rivers ), the Loch Ness has a poor flora and fauna . However , sound scan showed that the lake is only 20 tons of biomass . Calculations based on the study of fossils of a plesiosaur , show that 15-foot reptile would weigh 25 tons . Edriant Schein believes that the search should be more than one creature , but a " colony , which consisted of a 15 to 30 individual animals ." In this case , all of them to feed themselves , must not exceed 1.5 meters in length
Pros and cons Supporters of the reality of " Nessie " link to the old legend that on the bottom there is a network of caves and tunnels that allow you to float away into the sea monster and go back . However , surveys of bottom and banks suggest that the existence of these tunnels are unlikely .
V ersion Most supporters of the existence of monsters believed his relict plesiosaurs , but after 70 years of observations could not find any animal carcass . Plesiosaurs were from the warm tropical seas , and the possibility of their existence in the cold waters of Loch Ness is strong doubts .
There were , and the hypothesis of kriptidah - animals unknown to science ( a huge fish , long-necked seal , a giant clam ). Offered other theories of origin of Nessie , do not require the hypothesis of relic or unknown to science beings .
V ersion 1 In 2005, Neil Clark , curator of paleontology at the Museum of the University of Glasgow , compared the first reliable observations of the monster with the schedule of trips traveling circus on the road to Inverness . And I realized that the locals have seen no prehistoric dinosaurs , and swimmers slonov.Ucheny concluded that most reports of Nessie are 1933 and subsequent years . It was at this time in Lake County stopped traveling circus on the road to Inverness . Vprochem , this version does not explain all the sightings .
V ersion 2 According to the Italian scientist Luigi Piccardi , seismologist at the bottom of the lake is huge tectonic fault called the Great Glen . Huge waves on the surface of the lake , as well as rising from the bottom of his huge bubbles , according to the Italian , - nothing , as a result of tectonic activity on the lake bottom . All this , says Piccardi , may be accompanied by emission of flames , characteristic sound like a muffled roar , and cause slack earthquakes , which are mistaken for a monster .
V ersion 3 One of the alternative explanations for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the owners of hotels and other institutions located near the lake , using an ancient legend about a monster in order to attract tourists . With this purpose in the local newspapers were published " testimonies " and photographs allegedly proving their assertions , and even plaster casts were made of Nessie . This version does not explain the earlier mention of the creature .
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