Great Lakes
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3)Map 4)What is the GL? 5,7,9) photo 6)Geography 8)Water Levels 10)Rivers 12)Islands content
Great Lakes
The Great Lakes are a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America, on the Canada–United States border which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes Waterway. Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth comprising 21% of the world's surface fresh water . The total surface is 94,250 square miles (244,106 km2), and the total volume (measured at the low water datum) is 5,439 cubic miles (22,671 km3 ). The lakes are sometimes referred to as the North Coast or "Third Coast" by some citizens of the United States. What is the Great Lakes?
Lake Ontario
Though the five lakes reside in separate basins, they form a single, naturally interconnected body of freshwater. The lakes form a chain connecting the east-central interior of North America to the Atlantic Ocean. From the interior to the outlet at the St. Lawrence River, water flows from Superior to, southward to Erie, and finally northward to Lake Ontario. The lakes drain a large watershed via many rivers, and are studded with approximately 35,000 islands. Geography
Water levels of Lake Michigan have remained fairly constant over the past century. In fact, the variance has only been about two meters during that timeframe. According to geologist John King, of the University of Rhode Island, water levels are very sensitive to climate change and may change more drastically in the next century. Water levels
The Chicago River and Calumet River systems connect the Great Lakes waterways to the Mississippi Valley waterways through man-made alterations and canals. The St. Marys River connects Lake Superior to Lake Huron. The St. Clair River connects Lake Huron to Lake St. Clair. The Detroit River connects Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie. The Niagara River, including Niagara Falls, connects Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. The St. Lawrence River connects Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which connects to the Atlantic Ocean . Rivers
Dispersed throughout the Great Lakes are approximately 35,000 islands. The largest among them is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron, the largest island in any inland body of water in the world. The second-largest island is Isle Royale in Lake Superior. Both of these islands are large enough to contain multiple lakes themselves — Manitoulin Island's Lake Manitou is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest lake located on a freshwater island. Islands
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