урок по теме "daily life"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок по теме «Daily life»
Цель: совершенствование грамматических навыков употребления времен
- проверить знания обучающихся в употреблении present simple\ continuous
- тренировать чтение с полным пониманием содержания
- тренировать употребление Past simple
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Предварительный просмотр:
Киселева Екатерина Сергеевна
Учитель английского языка
Гимназия № 6 г.Междуреченска
Учебник: И.Н.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева
Урок по теме «Daily life»
Цель: совершенствование грамматических навыков употребления времен
- проверить знания обучающихся в употреблении present simple\ continuous
- тренировать чтение с полным пониманием содержания
- тренировать употребление Past simple
Ход урока:
1 организационный момент
Good morning, pupils. How are you today? Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent? What was your home task for today?
2 речевая разминка (p.24 ex.10), :
look at the blackboard and try to read transcription, then write it.
[ilek’trisiti], [gǣs], [kəuld], [wͻ:tə], [kən’vi:niənsiz]
Very good, and now repeat these words after me, please:
Electricity, gas, cold and hot running water, a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, modern conveniences, central heating, to turn on, to turn off, to be on, to be off
3 Основная часть урока:
And now children we should check your knowledge about usage of present simple and present continuous tenses. Tell me please, when do we use simple and when do we use continuous tenses?
Good, and now it is your turn to show me how you have learnt it.
( Проверочная работа на употребление настоящего простого и продолженного времени)
1Mr tompson___(live) in London.
2 Be quiet! The baby (sleep) now.
3 ___you__ ice-cream? (like)
4 the dog ___ 4 legs.(have)
5 I____ him at the moment.(not, hear)
6 She (say) she (hear) nothing now.
7 ___you ___me now? (understand)
Hand over your papers and let’s do another work.
You should read the text “Peter’s holiday” and answer the questions:
What modern conveniences do Gray’s have in their summer cottage?
What Peter disliked most?
Peter's holiday
Mr and Mrs gray lived in a big city. Mr Gray worked in a bank and spent a lot of time at work.
Mrs Gray was fond of music and art. The Grays had a son whose name was Peter.
Peter was good at all the subjects at school but didn't like to wash. Не hated water.
Mr and Mrs Gray wanted to spend the summer in the country. They found а nice small house not very far from Mr Gray's office. Mrs Gray and Peter went there оnе weekend at the
beginning of June. Later Mr Gray wanted to join them. Peter and his mother went there for two weeks. It was late in the evening when they arrived at the house. Mrs Gray said to Peter, "We're
going to stay here for fourteen days."
The bоу ran into the house, turned оn the light and looked into аll the rooms. Не saw а nice kitchen with а white fridge, two cupboards, а cooker and а sink. There was gas and electricity in the house. Peter also saw а vacuum сleaner in the corner. The sitting room with а tall mirror and а wonderful fireplace was fantastic. you could play football there.
Peter ran back to his mother and shouted: "Mummy! It's great! But I haven't found а bathroom. Where is it?" "It's very difficult to get water here," his mother answered, "and there is no hot and cold running water here.' "That's very good Mum." Реter said. "Тhat is going to bе а very nice holiday indeed!
4 Завершение урока. Подведение итогов.
You have worked very good today, everybody gets a good mark.
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