Викторина "Путешествие в Страну Знаний"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Занимательная викторина для 5 класса. Учащиеся путешествуют по 7 станциям страны и выполняют различные задания по лексике, грамматике, фонетике, читают стихи, разыгрывают диалоги, решают пазлы и поют песни. Прекрасная отработка пройденного материала!
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Предварительный просмотр:
A Travel to Knowledge Land
Teacher: “Good afternoon, boys and girls! Today we are going to travel to Knowledge land. Imagine that you are the passengers of the train. There will be seven stations on your way where you should do different tasks on phonetics, grammar, lexis, poetry and others. Pay attention! Our train is leaving”.
Station 1 “ Phonetics”
1. Every team gets a task to read words in transcriptions.
[bent∫] [wit∫]
['pju:pl] ['j ^ mi]
['ba:Өru:m] ['kit∫әn]
['pikt∫ә] ['wό:drәύb]
['a:mt∫eə] ['bύk∫elf]
2. The contest of tongue twisters. Every team gets a tongue twister and reads it.
1) A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat. [æ]
2) That’s the man who sat on my hat in the tram. [æ]
Station 2 “Poetry’’
Here the children read the poems they have learnt during the school year by heart.
A happy gnome
A gnome is at home.
His gold is at home.
It is a happy old gnome.
A dog and a cat
A cat is wet
And a dog is wet.
It is not a happy dog.
It is not a happy cat.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.
My friends and I want to play.
Mother, father, sister, brother
Hand in hand
With one another.
Station 3 “Grammar”
1. Fill in the gaps with the verb “to be” (am, is, are):
1. He … a pupil.
2. There … two pictures on the wall.
3. I … from Russia.
4. We … brothers.
5. My friend …very funny.
6. They … in class 5.
7. Ann's cat … black and white.
2. Put the words into the right order and form sentences:
1. mother’s/ nice / my/ is/ dress.
2. on/ there is/ the table/ a pen.
3. Where/ your/ is/ father?
4. at home/ at/ I/ 3 o’clock/ am.
5. job/ what/ his/ is?
Station 4 “Lexis’’
1. Find the right word for each line:
Family house job school |
Teacher, doctor, manager, singer: _________.
Mother, brother, father, sister: ___________.
Living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom: _________.
classroom, pen, workbook, desk: _________.
2. Match two:
1. bookcase a) адрес
2. address б) ковер
3. street в) город
4. city г) книжный шкаф
5. carpet д) улица
3. Find the numbers (from 0 till 12):
fivesixotn eceighteni
utwovrrinn vefourteig
rhelevenoe ennootwelve
rrlonezero ninefeiune
seventhree oettenonei
Station 5 “Conversation”
Every team makes up a dialogue on any subject “Meeting”, “My family”, “My house” and then act it out.
Station 6 “Puzzles”
Two teams have to find10 words on the topic “My House” in the puzzle.
c | o | m | p | u | t | e | r |
u | f | l | o | o | r | w | e |
w | e | s | s | t | o | i | b |
i | u | c | t | a | b | l | e |
n | e | h | e | r | i | k | d |
d | c | a | r | p | e | t | y |
o | v | i | d | e | o | r | a |
w | a | r | d | r | o | b | e |
Station 7 “Musical”
The both teams sing the song “The ABC”.
Teacher: “Dear friends! It was the last station and your last task. Our trip is over. I hope you have liked it. And now let’s sum up!”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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