Военно – патриотическое воспитание на уроке английского языка.
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Военно – патриотическое воспитание на уроке английского языка.
Пояснительная записка
Метод проектов является составной частью обучения иностранному языку. Он наиболее полно отражает два основных принципа коммуникативного подхода к обучению иностранному языку: мотивации к учению и личный интерес.
Учащиеся кадетского корпуса осуществили интегрированный проект в рамках изучения английского языка, истории, географии, музыки. Тематика проекта была выбрана с учетом необходимости патриотического воспитания учащихся и возможности его осуществления при изучении вышеуказанных предметов.
Паспорт проекта.
Вид проекта: коллективный, долгосрочный.
Форма работы: урочно-внеурочная.
Форма проведения: творческий отчет.
Работа над проектом.
Организационный этап.
Перед началом работы над проектом учащимся была предложена тема проекта: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков»
Поскольку тема очень обширная, возникла необходимость решить в каком направлении будет осуществляться проект. Было решено сделать краткий обзор событий в Брянской области в период ВОВ и рассказать как наше поколение чтит память участников войны. Учащиеся разделились на группы и спланировали свою деятельность.
Поисковый и исследовательский этапы.
Учащиеся изучали документы, собирали информацию по теме на русском и английском языках, переводили тексты на английский язык, фотографировали памятники в городе .Учитель контролировал сроки выполнения и уровень задач, корректировал недостатки.
Творческий этап.
Учащиеся обсуждали свои высказывания, создавали презентацию для сопровождения своих высказываний.
В результате учащиеся продемонстрировали продукт своей работы – творческий отчет в форме конференции.
Ожидаемые результаты: повышение уровня самооценки учащихся, развитие их творческой активности, определение социальной позиции.
Тема урока: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков». (Урок – конференция).
- практическая – систематизация и обобщение знаний учащихся по теме; практика в умении говорить о героическом прошлом своей страны на английском языке;
- образовательная – обучение логическому построению высказывания, формирование отношения к иностранному языку как к источнику получения информации для межкультурного общения; расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование у них интереса к истории своего края;
- воспитательная – воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой народ; создание положительной мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
- развивающая – развитие коммуникативных способностей, направленных на обогащение лексики английского языка; развитие инициативы в иноязычной речевой деятельности; развитие исследовательских и творческих способностей учащихся, познавательных интересов; формирование умений и навыков самостоятельного поиска.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, музыка, литература.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, экран, карточки с заданиями для учащихся.
Литература: 1.Пахомова Н. Ю. Метод учебного проекта в образовательном учреждении. – М. АРКТИ, 2003.
2. Постнов Н. И. В Брянском лесу тишина. - Тула. Приокское книжное издательство. 1985.
3. Петрова З. А. , Ткаченко А. И., Фишман И. И. Партизаны Брянщины. – Тула. Приокское книжное издательство.1970.
4. Чашан В. Н. Брянск. – М. «Советская Россия»,1981.
5. Теребунов А. …И сосны слышали в ответ. – ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2006.
6. Горбачев О. В., Колосов Ю. Б. и др. История Брянского Края. 20 век. - ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2003.
7. Полат Е. С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии. – М., 1999.
8. Ахманова О. С. , Выгодская Е. С. и др. Русско-английский словарь. –М. Русский язык.1975.
9. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. –М. Русский язык. 1977.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Военно – патриотическое воспитание на уроке английского языка.
Пояснительная записка
Метод проектов является составной частью обучения иностранному языку. Он наиболее полно отражает два основных принципа коммуникативного подхода к обучению иностранному языку: мотивации к учению и личный интерес.
Учащиеся кадетского корпуса осуществили интегрированный проект в рамках изучения английского языка, истории, географии, музыки. Тематика проекта была выбрана с учетом необходимости патриотического воспитания учащихся и возможности его осуществления при изучении вышеуказанных предметов.
Паспорт проекта.
Вид проекта: коллективный, долгосрочный.
Форма работы: урочно-внеурочная.
Форма проведения: творческий отчет.
Работа над проектом.
Организационный этап.
Перед началом работы над проектом учащимся была предложена тема проекта: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков»
Поскольку тема очень обширная, возникла необходимость решить в каком направлении будет осуществляться проект. Было решено сделать краткий обзор событий в Брянской области в период ВОВ и рассказать как наше поколение чтит память участников войны. Учащиеся разделились на группы и спланировали свою деятельность.
Поисковый и исследовательский этапы.
Учащиеся изучали документы, собирали информацию по теме на русском и английском языках, переводили тексты на английский язык, фотографировали памятники в городе .Учитель контролировал сроки выполнения и уровень задач, корректировал недостатки.
Творческий этап.
Учащиеся обсуждали свои высказывания, создавали презентацию для сопровождения своих высказываний.
В результате учащиеся продемонстрировали продукт своей работы – творческий отчет в форме конференции.
Ожидаемые результаты: повышение уровня самооценки учащихся, развитие их творческой активности, определение социальной позиции.
Тема урока: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков». (Урок – конференция).
- практическая – систематизация и обобщение знаний учащихся по теме; практика в умении говорить о героическом прошлом своей страны на английском языке;
- образовательная – обучение логическому построению высказывания, формирование отношения к иностранному языку как к источнику получения информации для межкультурного общения; расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование у них интереса к истории своего края;
- воспитательная – воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой народ; создание положительной мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
- развивающая – развитие коммуникативных способностей, направленных на обогащение лексики английского языка; развитие инициативы в иноязычной речевой деятельности; развитие исследовательских и творческих способностей учащихся, познавательных интересов; формирование умений и навыков самостоятельного поиска.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, музыка, литература.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, экран, карточки с заданиями для учащихся.
Литература: 1.Пахомова Н. Ю. Метод учебного проекта в образовательном учреждении. – М. АРКТИ, 2003.
2. Постнов Н. И. В Брянском лесу тишина. - Тула. Приокское книжное издательство. 1985.
3. Петрова З. А. , Ткаченко А. И., Фишман И. И. Партизаны Брянщины. – Тула. Приокское книжное издательство.1970.
4. Чашан В. Н. Брянск. – М. «Советская Россия»,1981.
5. Теребунов А. …И сосны слышали в ответ. – ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2006.
6. Горбачев О. В., Колосов Ю. Б. и др. История Брянского Края. 20 век. - ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2003.
7. Полат Е. С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии. – М., 1999.
8. Ахманова О. С. , Выгодская Е. С. и др. Русско-английский словарь. –М. Русский язык.1975.
9. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. –М. Русский язык. 1977.
(На доске эпиграф к уроку
“Let no one forget.
Let nothing be forgotten.”)
T.: Good morning everybody!
I am glad to see you today.
Ps.: Good morning!
T.: Sit down, please. I hope you are quite well.
Today we shall speak about the Day of Liberation of the Bryansk region from fascists. The Bryansk region was liberated on the 17 of September in 1943. The 17 of September is a special day. It’s a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It’s a national holiday and at the same time a very personal one. Young generations know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. But it is hard to believe that your hearts are not exited when you meet with war veterans. And you cannot find a family where those who defeated their lives for our Motherland are not commemorated on the 17 of September. Look at the blackboard, please: ”Let no one forget. Let nothing be forgotten.” These words will be a slogan of our today’s lesson.
We are going to speak about the heroic struggle of our country-men in the Great Patriotic War. On June 22nd, 1941, 190 of Hitlers troops attacked our country. On May 9, 1945, the Great Patriotic War, which lasted almost four years, ended. It was the most terrible war in the history of mankind. The soviet soldiers, women and children bravely fought against the Nazis.
But you are going not only to listen to your group-mates speeches but to prepare for your special reports about the way the fallen heroes’ memory is kept green in our country. Fill in your tables. It will help you to do your homework.
The Bryansk Region In the Great Patriotic War.
The 1st pupil’s report.
On the 22nd of June 1941 began the war against fascism.
We call the war against fascism the Great Patriotic War, because all soviet people, not only soldiers and officers fought against the enemy.
In the first days of the Great Patriotic War thousands of our countrymen were ready to defend our Motherland.
They joined the Red Army and partisan detachments.
The Bryansk region sent more than 200,000 of its sons and daughters to the front.
The division of armoured trains was formed in Bryansk in June 1941.
In a week the division of armoured trains participated in the battles with the enemy.
The 331 Proletarian Division was formed in Bryansk too. Volunteers joined the division.
The 331 Proletarian Division fought heroically and met the victory in Prague.
The Bryansk Front was formed on the 16 of August 1941 .The Bryansk Front had to halt the panzer group Guderian and other kinds of troops which wanted to attack Moscow.
The 2nd pupil’s report.
The greatest heroism was shown by the people from the Bryansk region. People from the Bryansk region did everything to help the front.
2,5 million rubles were collected to help the front.
They collected warm clothes –sheepskin coats, valenki, furcaps, gloves and sent to soldiers.
1,400 nurses and 7,000 medical orderlies were taught and sent to the front. Volunteer units were formed in every town and village .
Soldiers born in the Bryansk region made a lot of glories in the annals of victory over the enemy .
200 soldiers born in the Bryansk region were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Tanker Dragunski, pilot Kamosin and Brigade Commander Golovachov were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
30 soldiers were the bearers of the Order of Glory of the First, Second and Third Class.
Pyotr Pyatnitski and Alexandr Lisimenko were among those who hoisted the Victory banner over the Reichstag.
The 3d pupil’s report.
Our cadet school is named in honour of our country- man Tarasenko Alexandr Ivanovich.
He was born in the village of Kurkovichi in Starodub district. During the Great Patriotic War he was a commander of a sabre troop of guard cavalry regiment. On the 22nd of September he took part in the battle near the village of Kulikovka in Chernigovsk region. The battle was very hard. Tarasenko rushed under the tank with anti-tank bomb. He was hard wounded and died. For his feat he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
The 4th pupil’s report.
Partisan detachments and underground organisations were formed in the occupied territories of the Bryansk region. The Bryansk region became one of the main hotbeds of partisan movement. Forest gave shelter to the partisans. Partisans fought in terrain that the Germans found impossible to control.
They engaged in a classic guerilla activity – hit and run tactics. Railway bridges were destroyed as were destroyed locomotives. One of the most important operations was the destruction of the Blue bridge on the 8 of March in 1943.
There were 139 armed partisan struggle groups which were united in 27 brigades.
Over 60,000 men fought against fascists in partisan groups.
Partisans won many times because of their courage during the Great Patriotic War. They often won at the cost of their own lives. Youth made up 60 – 70% of the partisans. There were special youth groups in Dyatkovo and Navlya districts. The leader of the Dyatkovo group was Vadim Ryabok. The leader of the Navlya group was Filipp Strelets. Female partisan group named after N. K. Krupskaya acted in the partisan brigade “Death to the German invaders” in the Navlya district. It was only one partisan group of women in the Bryansk region.
The 5th pupil’s report
By the spring of 1942 partisans had liberated over 500 settlements with the population of 2,000 people including town Dyatkovo from fascists. Dyatkovo was named Partisansk.
During the war partisans destroyed 993 troop trains, 226 armoured cars and tanks, 120 plains, 99 railway bridges and hundreds of wood bridges, lots of mortars , self – propelled guns and machine guns.
Children took an active part in the war against fascists. One of them was Volodya Kasnacheev. He lived in the village of Kukushkino in Kletnya district. He was 13 years old when fascists killed his mother. Volodya joined a partisan detachment. He was the messenger and later the miner. Together with elder partisans he destroyed ten fascists trains. He was awarded with the Order of Lenin
The 6th pupil’s report
Works of arts played a great role during the Great Patriotic War. Poets dedicated poems to the defenders of our Motherland. In their poems they glorified the fidelity, fearlessness and courage of the defenders of our Motherland.
Poet Anatoli Safronov and composer Sigismund Katc wrote the song “Shumel surovo Bryanski les”/”Grim murmur of the Bryansk forest”. Later the song became hymn of the Bryansk region. The song “Katysha” was created by the native of the Pochep district Matvey Isaacovich Blanter. These songs helped our soldiers and partisans to fight against fascists. War has become a major theme in the work of an outstanding writer, state prize laureate Peter Proskurin. His trilogy “Fortune”, “Earthly Love”, Your Name…” is very popular.
Soviet people not only saved their Motherland but the whole world from the fascists. Streets and factories, parks and towns, ships and schools bear the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
The 7th pupil’s report.
The celebration of the Day of Liberation of the land of Bryansk from the fascists has become a tradition for all people in the Bryansk region. The Bryansk region also receives guests from Ukraine and Byelorussia. Every year on the 17th of September war veterans come together to celebrate the Day of Liberation in Bryansk and in all towns and villages. They traditionally go to the war memorials to honour the memory of war heroes who died in the war.
On this Day people march with banners and slogans and show their respect to those who shed their blood for our Motherland.
Later they celebrate this holiday in the parks and restaurants, cafes and their homes. In the evening we can see salutes in honour of the war heroes.
The 8th pupil’s report
We honour the memory the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In 2010 the city of Bryansk was awarded the title “City of Military Glory.” Walking tours are made to the places where partisans, soldiers and officers fought heroically during the Great
Patriotic War. There are monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in Bryansk and in every town and village of the Bryansk region. The memorials don’t keep silent.
The Partisan Glade is a war memorial located in Bryansk forests 12 km away from the city. It was a traditional meeting place for partisans and clandestine fighters. Here, in September 1941, a general meeting of partisan detachments took place to launch their combat actions.
The village of Khatsun where hundreds of civilians were killed by a punitive squad in October 1941 is the memorial to all of the burnt villages. Everything is sacred here: soil, things…. Every day people keep on coming here.
The Barrow of Immortality. The creators of the Memorial aimed to find such an artistic language which would express the majesty of the feat of the heroes of Bryansk region and bring its great historic significance to the contemporaries. Everything is symbolic here. And everybody who comes to the Barrow of Immortality considers it to be his duty to pay tribute to those who shed the last drop of their blood in the name of bright sky, happiness and justice.
The 9th pupil’s report
There are also monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in Starodub.
In the centre of the town on the Soldatskaya Gorka there is a Monument to Tankers.
Here we can also see the memorial plaque to our country-men who fell in the struggle against fascism. Their names are written in golden letters on the memorial plague.
There are also portraits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from Starodub district.
At the end of the Lenin Street there is a Monument to Artillerymen.
In the Krasnooktyabrskaya Street near the cinema there is a Monument to the Hero-Liberators of 348 and 250 infantry divisions.
There is a Memorial to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the Ilinskoe graveyard.
The feat of the defenders of our Motherland will live in the memory of people for ages. It will live and call upon the people for selfless devotion to Russia.
The 10th pupil’s report
The famous Russian writer Konstantin Simonov said that we, living people, have many human rights. We have the right to work in the name of our Motherland and the right to defend it, the right to love, the right to be happy. But we have no right to forget what our dead comrades did in the name of Victory, in the name of Motherland, in the name of life.
T.: Thank you very much. Today we’ve discussed an important and serious problem. I think it will be very useful for you.
Your homework for today.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Kate who writes:
…I love reading very much. Now I am reading a book called “Bryansk’s Partisans. “ and I rather like it, though I was told to read it at school.
The Great Patriotic War was really a people’s war. All people, not only soldiers and officers, fought against the enemy….
Write a letter to Kate about the way the fallen heroes’ memory is kept green in our country using the facts you’ve filled in in your tables.
Опоры для выполнения: members of their families are helped and taken care of, walking tours are made to places where soviet soldiers and partisans fought heroically during the Great Patriotic War; school museums and Heroes’ rooms tell about the heroes of our country and their great deeds.
Раздаточный материал.
Fill in the table.
1. … has become a major theme in the work of an outstanding writer, state prize laureate Peter Proskurin. His … “Fortune”, “Earthly Love”, Your Name…” is very popular.
2. The celebration of the Day of Liberation of the land of Bryansk from the fascists has become a … for all people in the Bryansk region.
3. They traditionally go to the war … to honour the memory of war heroes who died in the war.
4. … was a traditional meeting place for partisans and clandestine fighters
5. And everybody who comes to the Barrow of … considers it to be his duty to pay tribute to those who shed the last drop of their blood in the name of bright sky, happiness and justice.
6.There are also monuments to the … of the Great Patriotic War in Starodub.
7. On this Day people march with … and … and show their respect to those who shed their blood for our ….
8. Later they celebrate this holiday in the … and …, … and their homes.
9. In the evening we can see salutes in honour of the ….
Учитель английского языка ГБОУ – казачий кадетский корпус «Стародубский казачий кадетский корпус им. Героя Советского Союза А. И. Тарасенко»
Лавриненко Надежда Александровна.
Павел Михайлович
Александр Алексеевич
Давид Абрамович
Александр Иванович
The map of the partisan movement in the Bryansk region.
The Partisan Glade
The Barrow of Immortality
The Monument to the Heroes-Liberators of the 348 and 250 Infantry Divisions.
The Memorial Plaque to Our Country-men.
Предварительный просмотр:
Военно – патриотическое воспитание на уроке английского языка.
Пояснительная записка
Метод проектов является составной частью обучения иностранному языку. Он наиболее полно отражает два основных принципа коммуникативного подхода к обучению иностранному языку: мотивации к учению и личный интерес.
Учащиеся кадетского корпуса осуществили интегрированный проект в рамках изучения английского языка, истории, географии, музыки. Тематика проекта была выбрана с учетом необходимости патриотического воспитания учащихся и возможности его осуществления при изучении вышеуказанных предметов.
Паспорт проекта.
Вид проекта: коллективный, долгосрочный.
Форма работы: урочно-внеурочная.
Форма проведения: творческий отчет.
Работа над проектом.
Организационный этап.
Перед началом работы над проектом учащимся была предложена тема проекта: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков»
Поскольку тема очень обширная, возникла необходимость решить в каком направлении будет осуществляться проект. Было решено сделать краткий обзор событий в Брянской области в период ВОВ и рассказать как наше поколение чтит память участников войны. Учащиеся разделились на группы и спланировали свою деятельность.
Поисковый и исследовательский этапы.
Учащиеся изучали документы, собирали информацию по теме на русском и английском языках, переводили тексты на английский язык, фотографировали памятники в городе .Учитель контролировал сроки выполнения и уровень задач, корректировал недостатки.
Творческий этап.
Учащиеся обсуждали свои высказывания, создавали презентацию для сопровождения своих высказываний.
В результате учащиеся продемонстрировали продукт своей работы – творческий отчет в форме конференции.
Ожидаемые результаты: повышение уровня самооценки учащихся, развитие их творческой активности, определение социальной позиции.
Тема урока: «17 сентября – День Освобождения Брянщины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков». (Урок – конференция).
- практическая – систематизация и обобщение знаний учащихся по теме; практика в умении говорить о героическом прошлом своей страны на английском языке;
- образовательная – обучение логическому построению высказывания, формирование отношения к иностранному языку как к источнику получения информации для межкультурного общения; расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование у них интереса к истории своего края;
- воспитательная – воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой народ; создание положительной мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
- развивающая – развитие коммуникативных способностей, направленных на обогащение лексики английского языка; развитие инициативы в иноязычной речевой деятельности; развитие исследовательских и творческих способностей учащихся, познавательных интересов; формирование умений и навыков самостоятельного поиска.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, музыка, литература.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, экран, карточки с заданиями для учащихся.
Литература: 1.Пахомова Н. Ю. Метод учебного проекта в образовательном учреждении. – М. АРКТИ, 2003.
2. Постнов Н. И. В Брянском лесу тишина. - Тула. Приокское книжное издательство. 1985.
3. Петрова З. А. , Ткаченко А. И., Фишман И. И. Партизаны Брянщины. – Тула. Приокское книжное издательство.1970.
4. Чашан В. Н. Брянск. – М. «Советская Россия»,1981.
5. Теребунов А. …И сосны слышали в ответ. – ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2006.
6. Горбачев О. В., Колосов Ю. Б. и др. История Брянского Края. 20 век. - ОАО «Агентство «Брянск – Пресса». 2003.
7. Полат Е. С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии. – М., 1999.
8. Ахманова О. С. , Выгодская Е. С. и др. Русско-английский словарь. –М. Русский язык.1975.
9. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. –М. Русский язык. 1977.
(На доске эпиграф к уроку
“Let no one forget.
Let nothing be forgotten.”)
T.: Good morning everybody!
I am glad to see you today.
Ps.: Good morning!
T.: Sit down, please. I hope you are quite well.
Today we shall speak about the Day of Liberation of the Bryansk region from fascists. The Bryansk region was liberated on the 17 of September in 1943. The 17 of September is a special day. It’s a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It’s a national holiday and at the same time a very personal one. Young generations know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. But it is hard to believe that your hearts are not exited when you meet with war veterans. And you cannot find a family where those who defeated their lives for our Motherland are not commemorated on the 17 of September. Look at the blackboard, please: ”Let no one forget. Let nothing be forgotten.” These words will be a slogan of our today’s lesson.
We are going to speak about the heroic struggle of our country-men in the Great Patriotic War. On June 22nd, 1941, 190 of Hitlers troops attacked our country. On May 9, 1945, the Great Patriotic War, which lasted almost four years, ended. It was the most terrible war in the history of mankind. The soviet soldiers, women and children bravely fought against the Nazis.
But you are going not only to listen to your group-mates speeches but to prepare for your special reports about the way the fallen heroes’ memory is kept green in our country. Fill in your tables. It will help you to do your homework.
The Bryansk Region In the Great Patriotic War.
The 1st pupil’s report.
On the 22nd of June 1941 began the war against fascism.
We call the war against fascism the Great Patriotic War, because all soviet people, not only soldiers and officers fought against the enemy.
In the first days of the Great Patriotic War thousands of our countrymen were ready to defend our Motherland.
They joined the Red Army and partisan detachments.
The Bryansk region sent more than 200,000 of its sons and daughters to the front.
The division of armoured trains was formed in Bryansk in June 1941.
In a week the division of armoured trains participated in the battles with the enemy.
The 331 Proletarian Division was formed in Bryansk too. Volunteers joined the division.
The 331 Proletarian Division fought heroically and met the victory in Prague.
The Bryansk Front was formed on the 16 of August 1941 .The Bryansk Front had to halt the panzer group Guderian and other kinds of troops which wanted to attack Moscow.
The 2nd pupil’s report.
The greatest heroism was shown by the people from the Bryansk region. People from the Bryansk region did everything to help the front.
2,5 million rubles were collected to help the front.
They collected warm clothes –sheepskin coats, valenki, furcaps, gloves and sent to soldiers.
1,400 nurses and 7,000 medical orderlies were taught and sent to the front. Volunteer units were formed in every town and village .
Soldiers born in the Bryansk region made a lot of glories in the annals of victory over the enemy .
200 soldiers born in the Bryansk region were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Tanker Dragunski, pilot Kamosin and Brigade Commander Golovachov were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
30 soldiers were the bearers of the Order of Glory of the First, Second and Third Class.
Pyotr Pyatnitski and Alexandr Lisimenko were among those who hoisted the Victory banner over the Reichstag.
The 3d pupil’s report.
Our cadet school is named in honour of our country- man Tarasenko Alexandr Ivanovich.
He was born in the village of Kurkovichi in Starodub district. During the Great Patriotic War he was a commander of a sabre troop of guard cavalry regiment. On the 22nd of September he took part in the battle near the village of Kulikovka in Chernigovsk region. The battle was very hard. Tarasenko rushed under the tank with anti-tank bomb. He was hard wounded and died. For his feat he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
The 4th pupil’s report.
Partisan detachments and underground organisations were formed in the occupied territories of the Bryansk region. The Bryansk region became one of the main hotbeds of partisan movement. Forest gave shelter to the partisans. Partisans fought in terrain that the Germans found impossible to control.
They engaged in a classic guerilla activity – hit and run tactics. Railway bridges were destroyed as were destroyed locomotives. One of the most important operations was the destruction of the Blue bridge on the 8 of March in 1943.
There were 139 armed partisan struggle groups which were united in 27 brigades.
Over 60,000 men fought against fascists in partisan groups.
Partisans won many times because of their courage during the Great Patriotic War. They often won at the cost of their own lives. Youth made up 60 – 70% of the partisans. There were special youth groups in Dyatkovo and Navlya districts. The leader of the Dyatkovo group was Vadim Ryabok. The leader of the Navlya group was Filipp Strelets. Female partisan group named after N. K. Krupskaya acted in the partisan brigade “Death to the German invaders” in the Navlya district. It was only one partisan group of women in the Bryansk region.
The 5th pupil’s report
By the spring of 1942 partisans had liberated over 500 settlements with the population of 2,000 people including town Dyatkovo from fascists. Dyatkovo was named Partisansk.
During the war partisans destroyed 993 troop trains, 226 armoured cars and tanks, 120 plains, 99 railway bridges and hundreds of wood bridges, lots of mortars , self – propelled guns and machine guns.
Children took an active part in the war against fascists. One of them was Volodya Kasnacheev. He lived in the village of Kukushkino in Kletnya district. He was 13 years old when fascists killed his mother. Volodya joined a partisan detachment. He was the messenger and later the miner. Together with elder partisans he destroyed ten fascists trains. He was awarded with the Order of Lenin
The 6th pupil’s report
Works of arts played a great role during the Great Patriotic War. Poets dedicated poems to the defenders of our Motherland. In their poems they glorified the fidelity, fearlessness and courage of the defenders of our Motherland.
Poet Anatoli Safronov and composer Sigismund Katc wrote the song “Shumel surovo Bryanski les”/”Grim murmur of the Bryansk forest”. Later the song became hymn of the Bryansk region. The song “Katysha” was created by the native of the Pochep district Matvey Isaacovich Blanter. These songs helped our soldiers and partisans to fight against fascists. War has become a major theme in the work of an outstanding writer, state prize laureate Peter Proskurin. His trilogy “Fortune”, “Earthly Love”, Your Name…” is very popular.
Soviet people not only saved their Motherland but the whole world from the fascists. Streets and factories, parks and towns, ships and schools bear the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
The 7th pupil’s report.
The celebration of the Day of Liberation of the land of Bryansk from the fascists has become a tradition for all people in the Bryansk region. The Bryansk region also receives guests from Ukraine and Byelorussia. Every year on the 17th of September war veterans come together to celebrate the Day of Liberation in Bryansk and in all towns and villages. They traditionally go to the war memorials to honour the memory of war heroes who died in the war.
On this Day people march with banners and slogans and show their respect to those who shed their blood for our Motherland.
Later they celebrate this holiday in the parks and restaurants, cafes and their homes. In the evening we can see salutes in honour of the war heroes.
The 8th pupil’s report
We honour the memory the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In 2010 the city of Bryansk was awarded the title “City of Military Glory.” Walking tours are made to the places where partisans, soldiers and officers fought heroically during the Great
Patriotic War. There are monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in Bryansk and in every town and village of the Bryansk region. The memorials don’t keep silent.
The Partisan Glade is a war memorial located in Bryansk forests 12 km away from the city. It was a traditional meeting place for partisans and clandestine fighters. Here, in September 1941, a general meeting of partisan detachments took place to launch their combat actions.
The village of Khatsun where hundreds of civilians were killed by a punitive squad in October 1941 is the memorial to all of the burnt villages. Everything is sacred here: soil, things…. Every day people keep on coming here.
The Barrow of Immortality. The creators of the Memorial aimed to find such an artistic language which would express the majesty of the feat of the heroes of Bryansk region and bring its great historic significance to the contemporaries. Everything is symbolic here. And everybody who comes to the Barrow of Immortality considers it to be his duty to pay tribute to those who shed the last drop of their blood in the name of bright sky, happiness and justice.
The 9th pupil’s report
There are also monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in Starodub.
In the centre of the town on the Soldatskaya Gorka there is a Monument to Tankers.
Here we can also see the memorial plaque to our country-men who fell in the struggle against fascism. Their names are written in golden letters on the memorial plague.
There are also portraits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from Starodub district.
At the end of the Lenin Street there is a Monument to Artillerymen.
In the Krasnooktyabrskaya Street near the cinema there is a Monument to the Hero-Liberators of 348 and 250 infantry divisions.
There is a Memorial to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the Ilinskoe graveyard.
The feat of the defenders of our Motherland will live in the memory of people for ages. It will live and call upon the people for selfless devotion to Russia.
The 10th pupil’s report
The famous Russian writer Konstantin Simonov said that we, living people, have many human rights. We have the right to work in the name of our Motherland and the right to defend it, the right to love, the right to be happy. But we have no right to forget what our dead comrades did in the name of Victory, in the name of Motherland, in the name of life.
T.: Thank you very much. Today we’ve discussed an important and serious problem. I think it will be very useful for you.
Your homework for today.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Kate who writes:
…I love reading very much. Now I am reading a book called “Bryansk’s Partisans. “ and I rather like it, though I was told to read it at school.
The Great Patriotic War was really a people’s war. All people, not only soldiers and officers, fought against the enemy….
Write a letter to Kate about the way the fallen heroes’ memory is kept green in our country using the facts you’ve filled in in your tables.
Опоры для выполнения: members of their families are helped and taken care of, walking tours are made to places where soviet soldiers and partisans fought heroically during the Great Patriotic War; school museums and Heroes’ rooms tell about the heroes of our country and their great deeds.
Раздаточный материал.
Fill in the table.
1. … has become a major theme in the work of an outstanding writer, state prize laureate Peter Proskurin. His … “Fortune”, “Earthly Love”, Your Name…” is very popular.
2. The celebration of the Day of Liberation of the land of Bryansk from the fascists has become a … for all people in the Bryansk region.
3. They traditionally go to the war … to honour the memory of war heroes who died in the war.
4. … was a traditional meeting place for partisans and clandestine fighters
5. And everybody who comes to the Barrow of … considers it to be his duty to pay tribute to those who shed the last drop of their blood in the name of bright sky, happiness and justice.
6.There are also monuments to the … of the Great Patriotic War in Starodub.
7. On this Day people march with … and … and show their respect to those who shed their blood for our ….
8. Later they celebrate this holiday in the … and …, … and their homes.
9. In the evening we can see salutes in honour of the ….
Учитель английского языка ГБОУ – казачий кадетский корпус «Стародубский казачий кадетский корпус им. Героя Советского Союза А. И. Тарасенко»
Лавриненко Надежда Александровна.
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