Открытый урок на тему"День Святого Валентина"
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Открытый урок на тему:
«День Святого Валентина»
Цель урока:
1.Расширить по сравнению с базовым уровнем знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в англоязычных странах.
2.Активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.
Ход урока
Teacher: Love! Happiness! Beauty! There`re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today, you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and camaraderie, to take part in party games, to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!
По сцене навстречу друг другу медленно идут юноша и девушка. При этом юноша читает стихотворение и дарит цветок девушке.
Here`s a special valentine
With lots of love for you
And since you`re very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
Дети смотрят презентацию на тему:»День Святого Валентина»
Ведущий 1(В1): Ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon!
Ведущий 2(В2): It`s lovely to meet you here, at St. Valentine`s party!
B1: Love, me do,
You know I love you,
I`ll always be true,
So please, love me do.
В2: Someone to love,
Somebody hew,
Someone to love,
Someone like you.
B1: I hope that St. Valentine`s Day
Will bring you lots of fun!
He thinks you`re extra-specially nice,
And so does every-one!
B2: You`re just the nicest king of boy/girl
So very grown-up, too.
No wonder that this Valentine
Brings lost of love for you.
B1: it`s here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lover, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment.
B2: St. Valentine`s Day, February 14, has been a customary day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine`s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage or it could be people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.
B1: What king of holiday is St. Valentine`s Day?
B2: St. Valentines Day is a religious holiday mhich is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St. Valentine`s Day has roots in several legends.
B1: One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrows.
Звучит музыка и появляется священник. Он идёт медленно. В это время звучит голос из-за кулис:
Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ
B1: My sweetheart, look! I can not believe it. Is it St. Valentines himself?
B2: you’re welcome, patron of lovers.
Священник: My children! I’ve come from distant past, to remind you of kindness and love, friendship and patience in your wicked world.
Not only when it’s St. Valentine’s Day
But always, all year through
You’re throught about wit world of love
And wished mush gladness, too!
B1: Do please Take us dack to the 1st century when the Roman Emperor Claudius ll ruled our country.
Священник: All right! I see you love each other and may your dreams come true!
Из-за кулис слышится голос: This is the legend of how Saint Valentine’s Day began when the Roman Emperor Claudius 2 needed soldiers, made a law against marrying because he fief that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the Emperor s decision when he saw that young couples were truly in lave, he married them secretly.”
Далее следует инсценировка легенды.
Входит юноша и девушка. Они падают на колени и жестами умоляют священника совершить обряд бракосочетания. Священник выполнит их просьбу
Священник: My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!
Звучит марш Мендельсона. Вырывается стража.
Стражник1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!
Стражник2: To prison! To the Tower!
Следующая сцена: священник в тюрьме. Входит тюремщик с дочерью.
Священник: What a beautiful girl!
Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is blind! She will probadly never see the light, the trees! (рыдает)
Священник: I’ll help her by working a miracle!
Через некоторое время дочь тюремщика показывает, что к ней вернулось зрение.
Девушка: I’m so grateful to you. Even in prison you, Valentine, shoved your love for everyone and restored my sight!
Священник: Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February 14, I am to die. But l am not scared and l want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I am your Valentine”.
Голос из-за кулис: Just before his death, on February 14, he sent her a farewell message signed “From your valentine”
На сцену выходят ведущие.
B2: We’ve just been back into the ancient legend. Febryary14was right in the middle of a Roman festival called the Lupercalia. When Christianity became the religion of Rome, this joyous day was renamed into St. Valentine’s Day, in honour of the saint who had given his life to help lovers.
B1: There are many other legends about how St. Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows tor sure whether any of them are true. Also, there is a lot traditions of celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in different countries.
. Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left bent right
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!
Stand still
Выходят почтальоны
Почтальон (П1): Dear friends! Let’s introduce ourselves we are postmasters.
Почтальон (П2): Greetings on St. Valentine’s Day.
П1: Although l know that Friendship reaches
Far across the miles
I`d still be glad to see one of
Your warm and friendly smiles.
And though l know
The times we’ve shared
Will last within the heart
I can’t help wishing
We weren’t so far apart!
П2: Today we have brought some valentines!
I have a little valentine
That someone sent to me
It’s pink and white and red and blue
And pretty as can be
Are round the edge
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace
The very palest blue.
And in the centre
There’s a heart
As red as red can be!
And in gold ‘To you,
With love from me.
П1: Do you know that the 14th of February is a day of fun and greetings? There is a valentine party. Usually it’s just a hat box or a big shoe box decorated with paper. Each boy or girl, takes a turn reaching into the box. Or a ‘postmaster passes the valentines round.
П2: Do you know that the valentine box is even older that valentine cards? We are observing a custom that began more that 2000 years ago. It’s wonderful to think how many people have said «Be My Valentine!»
Дети рассказывают стихи про любовь.
Funny Valentines
Boys are silly
Girls are smart
I love you
With all my heart
Boys are noisy.
Girls are, too.
You like me.
And I like you
Mama loves coffee
Papa loves tea
I love my teacher,
And my teacher loves me!
The birds won’t shine,
The starts won’t shine,
If you won’t be
My Valentine
Roses are red.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you!
Our love
Ours love will pass all tests
It’s too early fo the rest!
You are me we both together
Will be glad for any weather
Let me call you sweetheart,
I’m in love with you
Let me hear your whisper
That you love light glowing
Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes so true.
Let me call you sweetheart
I’m in love with you
A happy family.
I love mother, she loves me. I love sister, she loves me.
We love daddy, yes sire; We love brother, yes sire;
He loves us and so you see, He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family We are a happy family.
Mother and Father
Mother is the dearest
Of all the friends l know.
She helps me work and helps me play.
That’s why I love her so.
Father is the kindest
Of all the Friends l know
He likes to take me out with him
That’s why I love him so.
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Love is blind.
Love laughs at locks myths.
Love will find a way
Love me little, love me long.
Love me, love my dog
Love of money is the root of all evil.
All is fair in love and war.
It is love man makes the word go round.
2) Любовь слепа.
4) Любовь не замок не закроешь.
1) Любовь найдёт себе дорогу.
3) Люби меня не сильно, только долго
6) Любишь меня, люби мою собаку.
7) Сребролюбие – корень всех зол.
5) В любви и на войне всё дозволено.
8) Любовь движет миром.
В заключении дети слушают историю про любовь на русском языке.
The lesson is over.
Thank you for talking an active part in it. Good bye.
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Подписи к слайдам:
It’s that time again. Time to buy little valentines with messages like “Be mine” and “You are tops.” It’s time for all the nifty candy to come out. But most important of all, it’s the time to show those dear to you how much you love them. Isn’t it great that we have an entire holiday devoted to loving one another? Valentine’s Day has dubious origins. There are three main theories on how it came to be. Some scholars believe that it came from the Roman festival on February 15 called Lupercalia , performed to ensure protection from the wolves. Another theory is that Valentine’s Day is in honor of two Christian saints named Valentine. One lived in Rome in the AD 200s and married young couples against the law of the then-Emperor Claudis II. The second, who lived in a city about 60 miles outside Rome, made great friends with the children of the town. He was later imprisoned for not worshipping the right gods. The children missed him so much that they threw loving notes through the bars of his cell window. Both were executed February 14 in Rome. In AD 469, St. Pope Gelasius I named February 14 Valentine’s Day. The third theory is English in origin. Many believed that birds chose their mates on this day. Whatever the origins, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated in different ways over the years. Originally, the names of all the ladies of the town were put into a hat, and the men would each draw one. That lady would become his Valentine. Most young men would buy presents for their valentines. Sometimes they were very expensive! In the 1400s, however, this changed, and Valentine’s Day became less about gift giving and - getting and more about declaration of love. It’s too bad it has begun to shift back, recently, to the gifts, flowers, and candy mentality. Instead of spending much money saying “I love you” with flowers and candies, do it by giving gifts that come from the heart, not necessarily the store. VALENTINE’ S DAY HISTORY
SOME VALENTINE SYMBOLS Lace Lace is a pretty fabric made by weaving together fine threads. Hundred of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. If a woman dropped her handkerchief, a man nearby might pick it up and return it to her. Sometimes a woman might see a man she wanted to meet. She might drop her lace handkerchief on purpose to encourage romance. Soon people thought of romance when they thought of lace. They began using paper lace to decorate chocolate boxes and Valentine cards. Red Rose The rose was a favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. This is why the red rose is a flower of love. Heart Emotions are feelings such as love, happiness, anger, or fear. A long time ago, people believed that all emotions were found in the heart. In later years, they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love, and because of this, it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day.
SOME VALENTINE SYMBOLS Rings In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or married. Two or three hundred years ago, Valentine’s Day was a popular day for giving an engagement ring. An engagement ring usually had a stone or jewel set in it. Diamonds are common in today’s engagement rings. Gloves Years ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he asked “for her hand.” The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love. Cupid Son of Venus, goddess of love. He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.
You’re my cup of tea! ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© Bee mine! You Light of my Life! To: From: To: From: Sonnet I Through Blue Sky Fly To You Why? Sweet Love Feet Move So Slow. Anon. Valentine so bright and gay, I am sending out today. With the message, "I love you," Hoping that you love me, too.
Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire. Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, as you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry a person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off. Hundreds of years ago in England, many children dressed up as adults on St. Valentine Day. They went singing from home to home. One verse they sang was: Good morning to you valentine; Curl your locks as I do mine— Two before and three behind. Good morning to you valentine In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means that will marry the man. St. Valentine Day Traditions
Let me call you sweetheart I am in love with you. Let me hear with you That you love me too ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m nuts for you ! To: From: I’m hooked on you!
Do you know what a love seat is? It’s a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman in her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could seat together – but not too closely! In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling. Some people said that if you found a glove on Valentine’s Day, your future beloved will have the other missing glove. Some believe the first man’s name you read in the paper or hear that day will be the name of the man you will marry. In Wales, they carved "Wooden Love Spoons" and were given as gifts on Valentine's Day. Special decoration like hearts, keys and keyholes were carved on the spoons. The decoration translated means "Unlock my Heart". St. Valentine Day Traditions
Fill in the Missing Letters in Valentine Words ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©
Happy Valentine's Day!
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