The Passport of the Russian language
презентация к уроку английского языка (8 класс) по теме
Авторская презентация была использована на уроке изучения нового материала по УМК "Happy" К.И. Кауфман для 8 класса. Презентация предшествовала проектной работе учащихся - The passport of my native language. Использована информация с сайта www.wikipedia,org.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Spoken in Russia countries of the former Soviet Union Native speakers 144 million Secondary language 114 million Language family Indo-European Balto-Slavic Slavic East Slavic Russian
Official language in Russia (state) Belarus (state) Kazakhstan (official) Kyrgyzstan (official) Tajikistan (inter-ethnic communication) Abkhazia(official) South Ossetia(state) Ukraine Crimea Romania
the history of origin Up to the 14th century, ancestors of the modern Russians spoke dialects of the Old East Slavic language, related to the dialects of other East Slavs. This spoken tongue and the literary Old Church Slavonic language were used throughout Kievan Rus.
During the pre-Kievan period, the main sources of borrowings were Germanic languages, particularly Gothic and Old Norse (Древнескандинавский язык) Old Church Slavonic After the Mongol invasion of Rus in the 13th Turko-Mongol borrowings in Russian relate mostly to commerce and the military: товар лошадь
The Moscow period (15th–17th centuries) After the disestablishment of the "Tartar yoke" (татарское иго) in the late 14th century, both the political centre and the predominant dialect in European Russia came to be based in Moscow. There was borrowing of vocabulary from Polish , and, through it, from German and other Western European languages. Глаз куртка бархат
Empire (18th–19th centuries) The political reforms of Peter the Great were accompanied by a reform of the alphabet, blocks of specialized vocabulary were adopted from the languages of Western Europe. Most of the modern naval vocabulary, for example, is of Dutch origin. Latin, French , and German words entered Russian for the intellectual categories of the Age of Enlightenment. мачта интерес библиотека
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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презентация на тему “The influence of the English Language on Russian Youth Slang” «Влияние английского языка на русский молодежный сленг»
“The influence of the English Language on Russian Youth Slang”«Влияние английского языка на русский молодежный сленг»...
Презентация к уроку английского языка во втором классе по теме "English and Russian languages"
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Информация о совместных проектах МБОУ СОШ №1, МБОУ лицея №7 (Новочеркасск, Россия), Perkins K-8 School, University of Central Florida (the USA).
Педагогический проект учебного занятия по дисциплине «ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык» «English words in Russian language. Anglicisms»
Методическая разработка урока по теме "Англицизмы".Цель: расширить представление учащихся о заимствованных словах из английского языка в русской речи, так называемых англицизмах.Задачи:...
Interesting facts of "Anglicisms in the Russian language".