занимательные факты (английский язык, 11 класс) по теме
В копилку учителя английского языка. Дополнительный материал к разделу "По Америке". Учитель предлагает познакомиться с предлагаемым материалом, обращает особое внимание на географические названия, другие имена собственные, другие слова, которые могут быть неизвестными для данной группы обучающихся. После ознакомления с текством учащиеся выполняют предложенные упражнения, ищут дополнительный материал по данному географическому месту Соединенных Штатов Америки, создают мультимедийную презинтацию по данному материалу, пересказывают данный текст и заканчивается работа над данным текстом предъявления подобного материала о своем месте проживания, или о любом другом месте планеты. Можно дополнить данную статью доолнительным материалом, взятым из Википедии или других источников.
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Life in Death Valley
In 1848 gold was discovered near Sacramento, California, USA. By the next year, some 80 000 fortune-seekers had poured into the state in hopes of striking it rich (неожиданно разбогатеть).
On December 25, 1849, one group, part of a train of some 100 wagons. Traveling west from Salt Lake City, entered what is now known as Death Valley. The hoped that this parched depression near the California-Nevada border would be a short-cut.
The valley was cool that time of year, but the terrain was forbidding. The group separated into several bands, each taking a different route. One band, which included women and children attempted unsuccessfully to find a way out of the valley over the mountains to the west. Exhausted and low on provisions, they camped at a spring near what is now Furnace Creek and then moved on to a water hole later named Bennett’s Well. From there, two 20-year-olds, William Manly and John Rogers, went for help. The rest stayed put(6).
Manly and Rogers expected to reach the city of Las Angeles in a few days. Little did they know that it lay some 300 kilometers to the southwest. After nearly two weeks on foot, they reached the San Fernando Valley, north of the city. There they obtained supplies-7 and immediately headed back.
When they arrived at the campsite after 25 days away, they saw no signs of life. Manly fired a gun, and a man emerged -8 from under a wagon. Manly later wrote: “He threw up his arms high over his head and shouted – ‘The boys have come. The boys have come!’ Others also appeared, too overcome with emotion to speak. Thanks to Manly and Rogers, all but one man survived-9 – he had left the camp to walk out of the valley alone. As the band of settlers departed, one woman reportedly-10 looked back and said: ‘ Good bye, Death Valley’! and that became its name.
Land of Extremes.
Death Valley- about 225 kilometers long and between 8 and 24 kilometers wide- is the direst, lowest, and hottest spot in North America. The air temperature at Furnace Creek has been recorded at 57 degrees Celsius, while the ground temperature has reached a searing -11 94 degrees – 6 degrees below the boiling point of water at sea level!
Rainfall averages-12 less that 50 millimeters annually, and some years see no rain at all. The lowest elevation in the entire Western Hemisphere-86 meters below sea level- is found in the valley near a salty pond at Badwater. Only 140 kilometers away stands 4,418-meter Mount Whiteney- the highest point in the United States of America outside Alaska.
By 1850, small amounts of gold had been discovered in the valley at Salt Spring. Prospectors-13 also found silver, copper and lead in the area. Mining towns with such colorful names as Bulldog, Greenwater, Rhyolite and Skidoo popped up-14 all over the valley. But when the ores-15 ran out these boomtowns became ghost towns. In 1880, however, borax-16 – a white crystalline compound used in the manufacture of soap and other products – was discovered in Death Valley, leading to the most successful mining period in the valley’s history. Until 1888, teams made up of 18 mules and 2 horses hauled-17 dual-18 five-meter wagons loaded with borax a grueling-19 270 kilometers to the town of Mojave. But no shipments moved from June to September, the heat was too intense for both man and beast.
Death Valley was designated-21 a national monument in 1933. Its boundaries were gradually expanded to encompass-22 1.3 million hectares. In 1994, this area became Death Valley National Park- the largest national park in the continental United States.
Death Valley Pulses with life.
One could be excused for thinking that Death Valley is lifeless. Yet, hundreds of animal species either visit or live there, many being nocturnal-23 in view of the heat. The largest mammals are the majestic desert bighorn sheep-24, which occasionally venture into the valley from nearby mountains. Other creatures include badgers, bats, bobcats, coyotes, kit foxes, kangaroo rats, mountain lions, porcupines, rabbit, skunks, wild burros-30, lizards, snakes, and desert tortoises. Birds include coots, hawks, herons, quail, ravens, sandpipers, vultures, and hundreds of other species.
Among the hardiest of all these creatures are the kangaroo rats. They can live out their entire life without imbibing a drop of water. “ All of the water they need to survive can be metabolized within their bodies from starch-38 and fats in the dry seeds they eat”, says a reference work. And their kidneys can concentrate urine up to five times that human kidneys. These small, burrowing rodents escape the intense heat of day by foraging at night.
More than a thousand plant varieties flourish in the valley. The Shoshones, Indians who have lived there for over a thousand years, sought local plants for food and for raw materials to make utensils. If you know what to look for, they say, you will find lots of food in Death Valley.
When the Desert Blossoms
Every so often, Death Valley puts on a spectacular show of wildflowers. These springs from the countless seeds that lie dormant in the soil- sometimes for decades – waiting for just the right combination of rainfall and temperature to germinate-42. “We have many years when we don’t see any blooms at all”, says National Park Service botanist Tim Croissant.
But during the winter 2004-2005, Death Valley experienced its greatest rainfall on record- over three times the normal. The result was an explosion of more than 50 kinds of wildflowers, including larkspurs, lilacs, orchids, poppies, primroses, sunflowers, and verbenas. The valley had the fragrance of a flower shop, said one visitor. Of course, blossoms beckon bees and other insects. So when Death Valley blooms, it also hums with countless tiny wings.
If you ever decide to visit this valley of extremes, be sure to have a reliable vehicle and plenty of water. And if you come when the bees do, you will want to pack your camera as well. Family and friends back home will be amazed at the amount of life that thrives in Death Valley.
Be shrike in rich- неожиданно разбогатеть, parched- выжженный , depression- низина, долина ; shortcut- сокращение пути, forbidding- неприступный , to stay put- оставаться на месте, supplies- припасы , to emerge- появляться, to survive- выжить , reportedly – как сообщают , searing- иссушающий, to average- в среднем составлять , prospector- старатель, золотоискатель; to pop up- неожиданно возникнуть ,ore- руда, borax- бура, to haul- тянуть, везти; dual- двойной, grueling- изнурительный, shipment- груз, партия; to designate- объявлять, to encompass- окружать, nocturnal- ночной, bighorn sheep- снежный баран, badger- барсук,bobcat- рысь рыжая , kit fox-американская лисица, kangaroo rat- сумчатая крыса,porcupine- дикобраз, burro- ослик, coot- лысуха, hawk-ястреб, heron-цапля, quail-перепел, sandpiper- перевозчик, vulture-гриф, to imbibe-поглощать, starch-крахмал, burrowing-роющий нору, rodent-грызун, to forage-добывать продовольствие, to germinate- давать ростки, larkspur- живокость, lilac- сирень, poppy- мак, primrose- примула, fragrance- аромат, to beckon- привлекать, to hum- жужжать, reliable- надежный.
Fish in the desert
Four species of an amazing little fish called the desert pupfish live in Death Valley. In winter these six-centimeter, silver colored creatures lie dormant in the muddy bottom of the creeks and isolated pools there. Then, when the spring sun warms the waters, they become active and breed. Males change color to iridescent blue and vigorously defend their territory against other males. But summer’s blazing heat soon dries up most of the water and pupfish die en masse. Those that survive cope with water that becomes highly saline and may reach a temperature of 44 degrees Celsius.
Pup fish- карпозубик
Dormant в спячке
Creek речной заливчик
To breed размножаться
Iridescent радужный
Vigorously решительно
Blazing палящий
En masse во множестве( франц.)
- Learn the new words, make as many sentences with them as you can.
- Answer the questions:
- When was gold discovered?
- Where was gold discovered?
- Why had many fortune- seekers poured into the state?
- When one group of the part of the train was traveling from Salt Lake City?
- What place did they call Death Valley?
- What can you tell about Death Valley
- Is Death Valley lifeless?
- What temperature is there?
- Is it really a death place?
- Write out the sentences with the Past Tenses.
- Find out irregular verbs
- Make up a short story about your own place and describe weather, animals, plants and other interesting things which are there.
From “School English” , 7-2007
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