Проверочный урок и итоговое занятие по теме «Модальные глаголы» в V классе
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Драматизация сказки интересный прием работы, который нравится ребятам, увлекает их, погружает в атмосферу изучаемого языка, повышает интерес к предмету, помогает раскрытию их творческих способностей.
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Проверочный урок и итоговое занятие по теме «Модальные глаголы»
в V классе
«Модальные глаголы».
Драматизация сказки интересный прием работы, который нравится ребятам, увлекает их, погружает в атмосферу изучаемого языка, повышает интерес к предмету, помогает раскрытию их творческих способностей.
1. Прослушайте внимательно текст, ответьте на вопросы и перескажите его.
Ann has got two friends Jane and Sam. Jane can play the piano. She can play beautiful music by Chaikovsky. We enjoy it. Sam can't play the piano. He can paint parks and gardens, flowers and trees. Ann can't play the piano and can't paint very well. But she can be a very good friend for Jane and Sam.
How many friends has Ann got?
What can Jane do?
What music can she play?
Can Sam play the piano?
What can he do?
What can Ann do?
2. Выберите правильный ответ, используя данные выражения.
No, you needn't.
No, you mustn't.
Must I cross the street, when the light is yellow?
Must I cross the street, when the light is red?
Must I look to the right first while crossing the street?
May I read a book in bed?
May I speak Russian at the English lesson?
May I talk with my classmates at the lessons?
May I go to the cafe at 10 p. m.?
3. Посоветуйте, что следует и чего не следует делать в следующих ситуациях, используя слова should, shouldn't.
a) Mary is at the English lesson.
Например: Mary should read English books. Mary shouldn't speak Russian.
read English books.
speak Russian.
retell texts.
ask and answer questions.
talk at the lessons.
speak in a dialogue.
laugh at the pupils' wrong answers.
b) Mr Smith is in the kitchen. He is not a good cook.
break plates.
drop eggs on the floor.
make tea.
wash the plates.
spill milk on the table.
4.Скажите, что не должен делать Джимми в данной ситуации.
Jimmy is in the Zoo for the first time in his life. What mustn't he do?
Например: Jimmy mustn't give the monkeys bananas.
give the monkeys bananas,
touch animals,
pull the tiger's tail.
enter the cage,
ride a camel.
5.Составьте не менее четырех вопросов к предложениям и ответьте на них по схеме Р1 -> Р2, Р3 -> Р4 и т. д.
We should go to the city library today.
He must go to school today.
He can take a taxi this evening.
Например: Не should retell this text at the lesson.
P1: Should he retell this text at the lesson?
P2: Yes, he should.
P2: Should he retell or read this text at the lesson?
P1: He should retell this text at the lesson.
P3: What should he retell at the lesson?
P4: He should retell this text.
P4: Where should he retell this text?
P3: He should retell this text at the lesson.
6. Составьте по одному предложению, используя модальные глаголы can, could, may, should, must и одно из нижеприведенных слов по теме "Asking the Way". (Работа по цепочке по схеме Р1 Р2, Р3, Р4 и т. д.)
Restaurant, hospital, railway station, cafe, bookshop, toy shop, police station, bus station, crossroads, church, market, bridge, city library.
Например: You should go to the city library and read this book.
7. Составьте предложения из данных слов.
Не, question, may, ask?
Play, can, the guitar, he?
To school, we, go, must?
You, in the park, shouldn't, on the grass, walk?
Ice-cream, shouldn't, in the metro, eat?
I, come in, may?
Pass, a scone, could, me, you?
Can't, English, well, speak, you?
Must, we, English, learn?
8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must, should.
We ... go to school every day, but Sunday and Saturday.
On weekends we ... go to the parks, theatres, museums.
We ... play games in the yard.
We ... help our parents.
We ... play with our little brothers and sisters.
He ... read and paint.
We ... do our homework.
9. Выберите правильные ответы из предложенных.
1.Excuse me, ... you tell me the way to the bookshop?
a) could, b) may, c) must.
- ... you like a cup of coffee?
a) should, b) would, c) could.
- ... I do this exercise for tomorrow?
a) may, b) can, c) must.
- ... you play chess?
a) can, b) may, c) should.
- ... I ask you a question?
a) must, b) may, c) can.
- ... you make tea?
a) should, b) may, c) can.
7.... you play with matches?
a) can, b) must, c) should.
a) No, you shouldn't, b) can't, c) mustn't.
Three Little Pigs
Characters: Naff-Naff, Nuff-Nuff, Niff-Niff, Big Grey Wolf.
Scene 1
Naff-Naff: Hello, girls and boys! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig. I can sing.
Nuff-Nuff: Good morning! I am Nuff-Nuff. I am a kind little pig. I can dance.
Niff-Niff: Nice to meet you! I am Niff-Niff! I am a clever little pig. I can read.
Three Pigs (together): We are three happy little pigs. (Берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.) Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers, it will be winter soon. I am afraid, we must stop dancing. We should go and make a house. Let's go!
Niff-Niff: Oh! No!
Nuff-Nuff: We needn't go. We can sing and dance some more. (Нэф-Нэф уходит, два поросенка танцуют и поют.) Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, it is evening. It is cold. I need a house. I should make a house. (Уходит.)
Niff-Niff: OK! I can go and make a house too. (Уходит.)
Scene 2
Niff-Niff (выходит и поет):
I have got a new grass house,
new grass house,
new grass house.
Nuff-Nuff (танцует и поет):
I have got a new straw house,
new straw house,
new straw house.
Niff-Niff: Hello, Nuff-Nuff! I've got a new grass house. And you?
Nuff-Nuff: I've got a new straw house. And is your house near here?
Niff-Niff: Yes, it is. You should go past the hill, turn right and there is my house on your left. And how can I get to your house?
Nuff-Nuff: You must go stright ahead, turn left and there is my house next to the pond.
Naff-Naff: Hello! Nice to meet you.
Niff-Niff: Have you got your new brick house ready?
Naff-Naff: I am afraid, I haven't yet.
Nuff-Nuff: And where is your house?
Naff-Naff: You should go across the road; my house is over there. Goodbye!
Niff-Niff: Goodbye!
Nuff-Nuff: Goodbye!
Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff (together): Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us. (Танцуют и поют.)
Scene 3
Big Grey Wolf: I'd like to have a nice little pig for breakfast. I'm hungry.
Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Big Grey Wolf! We must | run to our houses!
(Домик — это два листа ватмана, скреп ленные сверху прищепками. Поросята убегают, волк бежит за ними. Сначала он подбегает к домику Ниф-Нифа.)
Big Grey Wolf: I must eat you up. (Волк дует, и домик падает. Ниф-Ниф бежит к домику Наф-Нафа.) I must eat you up, silly little pigs! (Подбегает ко второму домику, дует, на него, домик падает.)
Nuff-Nuff: We must run to our brother! His house is good. Where is it?
Niff-Niff: We must run across the road, his house is over there. (Поросята бегут, волк за ними.)
Scene 4
(Домик Нэф-Нэфа. В нем стол, три стула, на столе посуда.)
Niff-Niff: Big Grey Wolf is behind us!
Nuff-Nuff: May we come in?
Naff-Naff: Yes, you may! Come in! (Поросята вбегают в домик. Подбегает волк. Слышен стук в дверь. Два поросенка прячутся под столом от страха.)
Big Grey Wolf: It's me, the Wolf. I'd like to have little pigs for breakfast! You must open the door!
Naff-Naff: Oh, no, I needn't. Go away. You are a Big Bad Wolf.
(Волк дует, но домик не падает. Он убегает. Поросята вылезают из-под стола.)
Naff-Naff: Let's have tea. I've got toasts, some jam and butter.
Niff-Niff: Could you pass me some jam, please?
Naff-Naff: Certainly.
Nuff-Nuff: May I have another cup of tea?
Naff-Naff: Here you are.
Nuff-Nuff: Thank you. (После завтрака поросята берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.)
Three Pigs (together):
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us,
Awful Big Grey Wolf!
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