Итоговый урок к Un.I "Reading...Why not?" ( Учебник для 9 класса Автор: В. П. Кузовлев и др. )
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Итоговый урок проходит в форме суда над Mr. Computing, в ходе которого учащиеся смогли познакомиться с процедурой судебного разбирательства, показали свои умения логически излагать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к проблеме, способности аргументировать своё высказывание.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Заключительный урок в 9 классе по теме «Reading… Why not?»
Урок-суд «Is Mr. Computing Guilty Or Not?»
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с организацией проведения процедуры суда, знакомство с элементами самоуправления;
Развивающий аспект - развитие способностей к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий, к логическому изложению, развитию умения высказывать свою точку зрения4, личное отношение к проблеме, аргументировать своё высказывание, умение определить и сформулировать собственные пути решения проблемы;
Воспитательный аспект – формирование социально-правовой активности учащихся, дисциплинированности как формы проявления на практике усвоенных правовых норм, развитие навыков школьного самоуправления, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы;
Учебный аспект – развитие речевого умения;
Сопутствующая задача – скрытый контроль уровня развития речевого умения.
Речевой материал: лексика и грамматика предыдущих уроков.
Ход урока.
По форме организации данный урок представляет ролевую игру-дискуссию. Ролевые отношения между участниками данной игры будут определять стратегию и тактику в решении заданной конфликтной ситуации. При проведении дискуссии следует отметить особое требование к её участникам: умение не только логически выстроить своё высказывание, но и умение пользоваться мимикой, жестами.
Успешность ролевой игры будет зависеть:
- от желания участников игры реализовать своё речевое намерение, вызванное ситуацией (мотивация);
- от умения реализовать это речевое намерение на основе сформированных навыков;
- от умения правильно определять и реализовывать различные функции общения: информировать, убеждать, доказывать, аргументировать, выражать своё отношение к фактам и т.д.
Успешность проведения ролевой игры может быть обеспечена лишь в том случае, если будет создана атмосфера уважения к мнению оппонента, предельной выдержанности в конкретной ситуации, отсутствия страха перед каждым высказыванием.
Ролевая игра проходит в 3 этапа:
I-й этап. В зависимости от предпочитаемости чтения или компьютера как способа проведения свободного времени, класс делится на 2 группы: Любители чтения и любители компьютера. Учащиеся, которые любят больше читать, чем заниматься на компьютере, представляют группу защитников Mr. READING, который подал в суд исковое заявление на Mr. Computing, отбирающего у детей всё свободное время и разрушающего их здоровье.
II-й этап. Распределение ролей в группах: защитники, оппоненты, судья, адвокаты, учителя, психологи, обычный гражданин, мисс красота.
В ходе подготовки к дискуссии учащиеся могут использовать материалы учебника, др. справочную литературу, наглядность и т.п., делать необходимые записи. Обсуждают и готовят выступления в «суде» согласно заданной роли: учителя, психологи, врачи, городской житель, мисс красота. Судьёй должен быть ученик с наиболее высоким уровнем обучения и обладающий умением организовать дискуссию.
III-й этап. Проведение ролевой игры на уроке. Ход дискуссии проходит в соответствии с планом. Судья предоставляет слово каждой из групп, затем проходит общее обсуждение проблем, в ходе которой члены двух групп высказывают своё мнение. Судья обладает решающим голосом. И по результатам дискуссии выносится решение.
Вступительное слово учителя.
Teacher: Today we are having an unusual lesson. It is a trial on the computing. We will have a Role-playing.
Nowadays, with the advance of mass media, video films and computers reading has become a useless pastime. Many people say there is no place for reading for pleasure in our busy lives. The younger generation no longer reads any classical literature.
Look at the blackboard. There is a list a list of activities there. My students had to put those words in order of preferences; what activity they prefer first, second, third and so on.
Those who had put reading before computing joined the first group and who had put computing before reading joined the second group. The first group is the adherents. The second group is the opponents. Sasha will be a Judge.
A Judge: Let us begin our trial/ We have a charge from Mr. Computer/ He appeals for a trial to accuse Mr. Computing, who has got more and more popularity in the world and in Mr. Reading’s opinion it can destroy mental and physical health of younger generation. Both sides (Mr. Reading and Mr. Computing) have their helpers adherents. Let me introduce them to you: Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, Psychologists, Citizens and Miss Beauty.
Let us listen to the opinions of the adherents and opponents of reading. Who wants to begin our discussion?
The first word I will give the Teachers:
Teacher 1: To my mind, reading helps the pupils to develop their mental abilities. It’s very useful for younger generation. It can give the children information in all fields of science. It can educate and expand outlook. There is reading and reading. I am a philologist and believe me… Classic can teach how to solve problems. Historical books will tell you about ancient times. Adventures books will open you window to the world and discover new things. Science books will tell you about latest discoveries, help to explore new ideas. | Teacher 2: I am sorry, but computing also can develop not only mind but expand outlook and gives much more information than books. We cannot study at school without using a computer. Pupils and students use computers to write reports and compositions, to find information they need, to make new friends with the help of the Internet. |
Judge: I will give a word to our Psychologist.
Psychologist 1: Dear opponents don’t forget about emotions. Only books can bring up humans, develop their feelings, teach them to love and to hate. None of the computers in the world is able to write “Anna Karenina” or “David Copperfield”… | Psychologist 2: I disagree, dear colleague, computer games –especially developing games – can improve children’s imagination, attention, reaction and what on. The worst thing about school is that pupils have to read much time. |
Judge: I will give a word to the next witness, Mr. Citizen.
Citizen: The point is arguable. I do not pretend to be an authority on the subject, but… Here is statistics. More and more marriages end in divorce, because a husband or a wife spend much time working or playing on computer and forget about their family and household.
Judge: I will give a word to out Doctors.
Doctor 2: Reading is not less harmful. It gives a headache, it takes to much time, make you think hard and spoil your eyes. Books themselves take up a lot of space. They collect dust on shelves when you are not reading them. | Doctor1: Are you kidding? Isn’t it a computer which spoils the whole organism? It is very bad for eyes. Computes are not good for our health and may cause terrible diseases: the vision may decline, different measles of the back or joints may appear. |
Judge: I will give a word to the opponents of Mr. Reading – Miss Beauty.
Miss Beauty: As for me, I am a common girl. I am not interested in scientific arguments but I can give my own example. Before I was spending hours in libraries, reading books, preparing my homework. And I was not popular among my classmates. I had no friends. I wasn’t in a success at all. Then I joined a computer club. Now I’m really a cool girl. I have much in common with other kids and have many friends. Computer has made me happy!
Judge: Now I’ll give a word to the adherent of Mr. Reading – Mr. Citizen.
Citizen: You remind me my wife. She also spent much time, sometimes the whole night at computer. At last I realized she was not with me, she was in virtual reality. She left me two children and couldn’t” t live without computer. I am sure a computer is much worse than drugs.
Miss Beauty: But you can’t refuse that reading can also take a person to unreal world. Some people forget about everything while reading. All these romances, love stories, detectives, thrillers, horror and adventure books can give you nothing except escaping from everyday life. More than that reading is boring.
Judge (стучит молоточком): Now Mr. Reading and Mr. Computing will work in groups with their helpers. Their task is to find arguments pro and con reading and computing. Journalists have brought us some materials and documents connected with this pressing problem. I ask you to look through them attentively. I will give you 5(7) minutes. (Песочные часы).(На столах разложены статьи из газет, журналов и др. источников о последних исследованиях в области образования и воспитания, о роли компьютеров жизни школьников и т.д. Группы работают сообща, затем записывают всё достоинства чнт ения и компьютера и помещают на доску).
Judge (стучит молоточком): Let us listen to the opinions of the Lawyers of Mr. Reading and Mr. Computing
Lawyer of Mr. Reading: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an adherent of Mr. Reading. Books play an important part in people’s life. Books pass over to us the knowledge and experience of previous generations, broaden our mind. Books can help to solve problems of our life. Books are our faithful and devoted friends. They can form some individual traits of character in everybody. to understand life better help in self- education enrich our mind with knowledge A book is one of the biggest wonders in the world. It develops our mind and makes us think. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Through reading books we see the way of life and customs of other civilizations. On the whole I want to say that if you read many books you will get a lot of information in many fields. People have been using books for centuries. Reading is important for all people. Books help us to get information about the world, about ancient times, our world, planets, arts, latest discoveries. Books help us to develop our culture and intelligence. And our choice depends on our tastes, feelings and abilities. I think that we cannot live without books. We use them in our study, in our work, in our life. Books raise our mood, develop our knowledge. It is a perfect way to spend free time, to rest, to relax and to entertain oneself. People say that reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. | Lawyer of Mr. Computing: Dear guests! I agree with the adherents of Mr. computing, but I must remind you that a computer is very young. And it is true one cannot survive without computers in changing and pressing world. Computers were invented as machines for business people not to waste their time. A computer does in a few minutes the work that people may do for hours. In one web-site you can search much more information than in all the museums of Britain. Time will pass a little and a computer in Russia will become as usual as frying pen in the kitchen. There is nothing wrong with computers; it is only another spiral of time. Today computers play an important part in our lives. Because of computers, our lives are easier and better in so many ways. Computers do some jobs much quicker and cheaper than humans. They are more accurate and they do not get tired. You know that one little CD can replace a heavy 24-volume encyclopedia. And as the citizens of our planet living in the XXI century, we should use the Internet, e-mail and other new achievements of our science and civilization. |
Выступает судья с вынесением приговора, является ли Mr.Computing виновным.
Judge: Ladies and gentlemen! I have listened to the both sides very attentively. I respect your opinions and thank you for participating in our trial. Now it is high time to come to certain conclusion. We are not the first who thought of this problem. I want to remind you a short story of a famous science fiction writer Ray Breadberry. He tells about the future in the 23-d century. People live in a super world full of computers, super machines, which can do everything for them: find information for them, solve problems, design things and think for them, find information for them.
Nobody remembers books. Computers begin to fell instead of them.. People begin to lose their emotions and their feelings. Computers have taken away a part of nature. And scientists begin to invent something to help them in this situation. It should be easy-taken and easy-ruled, understandable and useful, without harmful effect! It should give a person an opportunity to think, to develop his personality, for short, to be human. These demands are put into a special inventing machine and the result to everybody’s surprise was… a book.
So, I think, a computer and a book are not enemies, they cannot take place of each other; just each of them has its own role in people’s life.
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