The first week of term. Ice-breaking activities.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
The first week of term. Ice-breaking activities.
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The first week of term. Ice-breaking activities.
1. English words in our life ( elicit from students, match the words with the pictures, team competition).
2. What is your name?( questionnaire, ball game, chair game).
3. English and Russian names: similarities and differences.
4. Letters of the alphabet. English and Russian letters. Similar/ different.
5. Homework. Find English words on your clothes, labels, food, CDs, cartoons.
6.Song involving movement of puppets, soft toys, chants.
7. Introduce your students to the book , school rules, give some tips on effective learning.
8. Correct me if I am wrong.( Teacher calls the objects or the people in the classroom the wrong names, students correct her).
9. Snowball( names, person info, etc.)
10. Observation game. Guess who swapped their places.
11.Hot chair. Guess who said a word.
12. Forfeits. Guess what I like or pick up a forfeit and follow the instruction.( getting to know each other).
13. Guess my name. Students write some information about themselves on pieces of paper, fold them up and give to the teacher to read. Students guess name of writer.
14.Shaking hands(shake hands and say hello, shake hands and introduce a partner to someone else).
15. Find a person who…
16. How many students…
17. Prove and disprove statements about the class.
18. Find what is similar or different between you and your partner.
19. What kind of person/ language learner are you ?Questionnaires.
20. Predicting similarities. Back to back students write what they both like, have, used to, will be).
21. Class records.( As a group we have owned 16 cats 8 dogs 2 hamsters, etc.)
22. I am you. Imagine you are your partner and complete the sentences.
23. What is so special about us?( You all have something in common/Guess what.)
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