Внеклассное мероприятие "Волшебный подарок" для 6 классов.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Строганова Надежда Михайловна

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Волшебный подарок".для 6 классов( с углубленным изучением английского языка в форме театрального представления.Спектакль разработан для повышения мотивации и поддержание интереса у учащихся к изучению английского языка.В спектакле использован традиционный рецепт десерта популярного в стране изучаемого языка.  который был приготовлен самими учениками во время театрального представления.


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Волшебный подарок.

               The magic present.

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 6-х классов

(с углубленным изучением иностранного языка).


образовательная:расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;

развивающая:развитие языковых способностей учащихся и их готовности к коммуникации;

воспитательная:создание условий для формирования у обучающихся интереса к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

оборудование: театральнаяафиша,импровизированная


Characters:Mrs Brown,Kate Brown,Anna Brown,Sam Brown,Dave Brown,children's grandmother,children's aunt,Jane and Nick.

Stage 1: Занавесь закрыт.Двое детей стоят на сцене.

Nick:Why are you so sad,Jane?

Jane :Today is the 8-th of March.What a nice holiday we are having today!

Nick:I know you like holidays and magic.But I'm not a magician.

Jane:Look!There is a theater!They have a magic show on!

Nick:Let's go and see it!It will be my magic present to you,Jane.

               Занавесь открывается.........

Stage 2 :A living room in the Brown's house.Sam is sitting at the table and

writing somthing. Enter Kate and  Anna..

Kate (to Sam and  Anna):Where's Dave?

Anna:He  is so slow!

 Kate:He went to the supermarket to buy something for mum two hours ago.

Sam:Look! I'm writing a speacial card.Isn't it lovely?We'll put this card on the

table near the present.

Anna:That's a good idea!

But where is our silver ring?Let's show it to Sam.

Kate:Just a moment.(goes to the desk).It's a beautiful silver ring with a blue

stone.(she takes a small box from the drawer and opens it).Look!

Sam:(looking into the box):But...there is nothing in it.

Anna:Oh! The ring was in the box in the afternoon when I showed it to Polly

after lessons.

Kate:Anna,are you crazy?Did you take it to school?

Anna:Don't shout at me! And you....you showed it to Dad!

Sam(upset):How terrible!Let's look for the ring!

Kate:I'll look in the hall.Sam,look under the table!

(Dave enters the room.He carries the broom wrapped in brown paper.)

Dave:Surprise!  Do you want to see what I have?It's better than the ring.

Much better.

Anna:Dave,what are you talking about?We wanted a ring to go with the earrings.

Dave:That's what YOU wanted.But I've got some on thing mum wants.It's a broom.

(Dave removes paper)

Сhildren:A broom! You are crazy!  How could you do such a thing!

Sam:(very upset) That's a terrible present! A broom!

Dave:You don't undestand.It's a magic broom!Look--it's says here - magic.

It's written on its handle.

Kate:Don't be silly,Dave! Magic! It's a trade name!

Dave:Is it?Oh!  I'm so sorry! Mum always says that she wants magic to help her

with the housework. So I saw the word "magic"on the broom and bought it.

He starts crying.

Anna:Please,stop crying! I'm not quite sure,of course...but ...I can feel something

Yes,I feel it! It's magic!(she begins to sweep).

Sam:Anna,let me try.(he sweeps around the room).Oh! I feel something magic!

Yes,there is some magic power in it!

Kate:Are you sure?(runs to Sam).Give me the broom.Mum says that my room

is always dirty.(leave the scene)......

Kate:What is it?It's mum's ring!

Dave and all children:Hoorey! Hoorey!

Dave:Now,do you believe that the broom is magic? It finds lost fings.

Enter Mrs Brown.

Children:Mummy! Happy holiday! This is a present for you. A magic broom

Kate:It's really magic.I  felt it when I was cleaning my room.

Mrs Brown:   When you what?

Kate:When I  was cleaning my room.

Sam:And I felt some magic when I was sweeping under the table.

Mrs Brown: This broom is really magic.Thank you.

Anna:Where is the ring? Dave,where  is it?

Dave:(takes the box and gives it to Mrs Brown):Happy holiday,dear


Mrs Brown:What is it?(opens the box)Oh!How beautiful!Just what I


Sam:We lost the ring but the magic broom found it.(he takes the card

from the table).And here is the card for you!

Mrs Brown:Thank you very much.What a wonderful holiday I'm having


Their granny and  an aunt enter the room.

Granny and aunt:Who wants something sweet?Who wants some Banana

Split?It's time for tea.

Anna,Kate and Sam:What is it?What is it made of?

Granny:You need a banana,three tablespoonsof ice-cream,two walnuts,some

whipped cream,chocolate syrup.

Aunt:You should wash and peel the banana,then split it,put the bananaon the

plate,after that place several ice-cream balls on the banana and decorate

the ice-cream balls with the nuts.You can also top the dessert with whipped

cream and chocolate syrup.

Kate:I think in summer we can use strawberries and leaves of mint for


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