Britain and British
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
В занимательной форме проверить, насколько хорошо уч-ся усвоили и поняли материал о Великобритании и людях, прославивших ее, продемонстрировать степень эрудиции, показать, как удалось обогатить свои знания по географии, истории, литературе, традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
“Britain and British”
- в занимательной форме проверить, насколько хорошо уч-ся усвоили и поняли материал о Великобритании и людях, прославивших ее;
- продемонстрировать степень эрудиции, показать, как удалось обогатить свои знания по географии, истории, литературе, традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
- карта Великобритании с флагами и символами Соединенного королевства;
- иллюстрации с видами Лондона;
- портреты английских писателей (презентация)
Teacher. Good morning. I am glad to see you. Welcome to our game “Challenge valley”. I hope you will like it. The theme of the game is “The British people and their country”. I hope, my friends, you will all do your best to be the winners. I am sure you will show your good knowledge of Great Britain.
Let’s start. Our first round is called “The weakest link”. I wish you good luck and success.
Teacher. Listen to the rules of this round. Each of you must ask your questions speaking as quickly as possible. Our judges will state the value of each answer on the evaluation cards. They will announce the results after every period of the round. Good luck!
Teacher. Thank you for the first part of our game. Now, I ask you to form two teams and continue playing the game in terms. (“Holidaymakers”, “Navigators”). Please, get the badges with your team’s emblems.
Teacher. We start our round “I’m walking round London”. Now you are going to listen to five short passages about the sights of London. Try to guess what sights are described in them. Put the numbers of the sights in the chart in the order you will hear them. There are some extra sights in the list.
Test 1
It is one of the most remarkable examples of the early English Gothic style. It’s impressive in appearance and size. It is used for coronations, royal weddings, funerals, and memorial services of Great political leaders and national figures of England.
Text 2
When the flag is on the top of it, it means that the Queen is at home. Every day at 11.30 a.m. you can see the beautiful ceremony of the changing the Guard. In front of it is the Queen Victoria Memorial.
Text 3
It took 35 years to build after the Great Fire of 1666. The architectural style of it is English Baroque. It is one of the largest in the world, the second in size after a similar building in Rome. It stands in the City of London. The Golden Jubilee Service for Elizabeth II (2002) took place.
Text 4
It is the finest museum of nature in the world. It is very popular with children as well as with adults. Here you can see exhibitions of the natural words, such as the collection of animals, plants, fossils, minerals. The highlights there are the dinosaur exhibition, human biology, mammals and ecology in the Life Gallery.
Text 5
This place with its clubs, big hotels, and shops is also very popular. It is the point at which four streets merge. It is famous for its fountain and a statue of Eros, the god of Love. It is bright with flower-sellers in daytime and with electric advertisements at night. It is the centre of London’s theatres and concert halls.
KEY: Sights of London
The Tower of London xxxx
St. Paul’s Cathedral 3
The Natural History Museum 4
Trafalgar Square xxxx
Piccadilly Circus 5
Buckingham Palace 2
The British Museum xxxx
Westminster Abbey 1
Teacher. Great Britain is very rich in remarkable writers and poets. They include Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, George Gordon, Byron, Alan Alexander Milne, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Burns, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and many others. From their early childhood children all over the world read about the adventures of Alice in Wonderland, and Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends, listen to the stories about the boy Mowgli who was brought up the animals in the jungle. A lot of works created by British writers have been filmed.
Listen to the task/ now each team will choose 4 short pieces of information about British writers. The task is to say what writers are mentioned in these passages.
1) This is the 3 rd best-selling author in the world (after Shakespeare and the Bible)/ the books of this author have been translated into 103 foreign languages. Many of the short stories have been filmed. The writer was born in 1890, was educated at home, and began writing at the end of the First World War. This writer is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. (FGATHA CRISTIE)
2) This writer was born in India in the city of Bombay. His early childhood was spent in this beautiful country, the nature of which impressed him greatly. He got his education in England. His stories and poems were a great success. His most outstanding book was “The Jungle Book”. He was the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907. (RUDYARD KIPKING)
3) This writer didn’t live a long life he was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved freedom and a simple country life. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. He got his education at Harrow School and the University of Cambridge. He became famous after the publication of his poem “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”. (GEORGE GORDON BYRON)
4) This writer is the greatest satirist in the history of English literature. He was born in Dublin in 1667. He got his education at Trinity College. After leaving college, he worked as a private secretary. His greatest desire was to serve Ireland. His most famous work is “Gulliver’s Travels”, which became one of the best books for children. (JONATHAN SWIFT)
5) This writer was born in the family of an engineer. He was the only child and was very often ill. He entered Edinburgh University at the age of 17 and studied law there. Soon he decided to devote himself to literature. He died at the age of 44. His best book of adventure, “Treasure Island”, was published in 1883. (ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON)
6) This writer was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. After finishing school, he became a student of the medical faculty in the University of Edinburgh. In 1887, he published his first detective story “A Study in Scarlet”. Its main characters, two friends, became the most popular characters of a great number of his stories. In 1891, he gave up his medical work and devoted all his time to his literary activities. (ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE)
7) His birthday on January 25th is Scotland’s national holiday. This writer began to write poetry at the age of 16. In 1786, he published his first book of poetry. The success was completed. He became well known and popular. He lived only 38 years but when we speak of Scotland, the name of Scotland’s Bard is always there, as the everlasting symbol of that country. (ROBERT BURNS)
8) A Scotsman by origin, he was born in the city of Edinburgh. From his childhood, he was fond of stories and ballads, especially about “the brave days of old”. He studied law at the University. His literary work began with the publication of a collection of folk songs and legendary ballads of the past of Scotland. For 18 years, he wrote 29 novels, many of which are about Scotland and its heroes. (WALTER SCOTT)
Teacher: I see you know some facts about some English writers and poets. I hope most of you remember the characters of your favourite books and can guess them from descriptions. I’ll read them in turn for each team.
For team 1:
1) It is a very curious girl. Her curiosity led her to a very strange land where she met a smiling cat and a queen who liked playing golf with flamingoes holding them by the legs. (IT IS ALICE FROM THE BOOK “ALICE IN WONDERLAND” BY LEWIS CARROLL).
2) It is a faithful friend of a man-cub in the jungle. It took care of its small brother. It is a clever strong wild animal. Its fur is black. (IT IS A PANTHER CALLED BAGHIRA FROM THE BOOK “THE JUNGLE BOOK” BY R. KIPLING).
3) It is a sailor whose ship was wrecked. He had lived alone for many years on a desert island when he met a man and called him Friday. (IT IS ROBINSON CRUSOE FROM “ROBINSON CRUSOE” BY D. DEFOE).
For team 2:
1) It is an old pirate. One of his legs is made of wood. His favourite parrot is always sitting on his shoulder shouting something in Spain. (IT IS JOHN SILVERFRON “TREASURE ISLAND” BY R. L. STEVENSON).
2) He was very sad because he thought he had no friends. However, on his birthday he got some presents from his friends. They were a pot, a burst balloon and one of them was his own tail as a present. (IT IS EEYORE – THE DONKEY FROM THE STORY ABOUT WINNIE-THE- POOH AND HIS FRIENDS BY A.A. MILNE).
3) It is a very old but very clever woman. She likes knitting, gardening, and reading. However, most of all the lady likes to solve problems connected with crimes and criminals. (IT IS MISS MARPLE FROM AGATHA CHRISTIE”S STORIES).
Teacher. Our fourth round is called “Tastes differ”. Now your task is to say who these things might have belonged to or might have been connected with. Choose four things or pictures and explain why they might have belonged to these supposed personalities who lived many, many years ago.
(On a small table there are some things:
- a snake (R. Kipling); a picture of a ship (Francis Drake); a black eye patch (Admiral Nelson); a picture of wax figures in the museum (Madam Tussaud’s); the book “Oliver Twist” (Charles Dickens); a magnet (Michael Faraday); a beautiful lamp (Florence Nightingale); an apple (Isaac Newton); a toy monkey (Charles Darwin); a picture of the Globe Theatre (William Shakespeare).
Choosing 4 things, the pupils discuss what to say about each thing they have taken. In a few minutes, the member of the team points to a thing and says: “We think/believe/suppose it might have belonged to NN because…/ it might have been connected with NN because….”).
Teacher. Our next round is called “Knowledge is power”.
You know that W. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, which are performed on the stages of the theatres all over the world. Can you name some of Shakespeare’s plays? You know that most of them have been filmed. Now, look at the list of Shakespeare’s plays. Watch a video clip and listen to music from one of them. Then mark this film in the chart. (ROMEO AND JULIET).
Task 1
Shakespeare’s plays The music is from…
Teacher. The phrases and quotations from some Shakespeare’s plays have become very popular. Sometimes we are sure that they are proverbs. Try to write equivalents in Russian to these quotations and say if all of them are Shakespeare’s.
Task 2
Quotations Equivalents
1. All the world is the stage. 1.
2. Have more than you show. 2.
Speak less than you know.
3. Two heads are better than one. 3.
4. Time is money. 4.
5. To be or not to be. 5.
6. All for one and one for all. 6.
1. Весь мир театр. +
2. Имей больше, чем показываешь. Говори меньше, чем знаешь. +
3. Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.
4. Время – деньги.
5. Быть или не быть.+
6. Один за всех и все за одного.
Teacher. Now, there are the last steps in our Challenge Valley. This round is called “Treasure Hunt”. Your task is to find a place on the map of the UK using the description of this place. If you do it quickly, you’ll have the right to open our “treasure chest”. You may come up to the map of the UK and try to find the place you need. Each team will get a card on which you can read the 1st piece of information about “your place”. I should say the task is difficult if you have only one piece of information. However, tou can “buy” the second piece if you pay 2 “points” for it. If it doesn’t help you, you may “buy “the last part of information for 4 “points”.
(The team discusses the information and decides whether “to buy” or “not to buy” the other piece of information).
Task 1
1. It is situated on one of the largest British Isles.
2. It is one of the most popular tourist places not far from the western coast.
3. It is one of the wettest parts of England so there is a lot of water but it has some of the most beautiful scenery. Therefore, people like to go there very much.
Task 2
1. It is situated on one of a group of small islands.
2. These islands are to the north of Scotland/ the population is engaged in fishing and this activity.
3. Apart from fish, the only export from the islands is ponies, which are very popular in Britain with small children who like riding especially.
Teacher. As we see team has been the first to complete the task. The captain gets the right to open the box and see what “treasure” we have in it. (There are “gold” and “silver” medals for the participants of our competition). Now I will ask our judges to announce the results of the competition. The winners will get “gold” medals. The members of the other team will get “silver” medals. All of you get “fives” in English for your hard work in preparation of the game. I an very thankful for your help, I hope you are pleased with the game and you have learnt something new and have become more confident in your knowledge.
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