Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Съедобный остров"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся средних классов.


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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Съедобный остров"

Жигунова Наталья Владимировнаучитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков

Цели и задачи:

  1. Практическая: учить работать в коллективе (сообща).
  2. Обучающая: активизировать и закрепить знание учащихся по теме “Food” (лексика).
  3. Развивающая: развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования, чтения.
  4. Воспитательная: прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка посредством игровых моментов.

Оснащение: карта, ватман (таблица с карточками “Healthy Packed Lunch”), карточки с заданиями, диск с изображением различных продуктов, конверты с сообщениями.


1. Организационный момент:

1) Приветствие. Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you. You may take your seats.

2) Сообщение задач. Today we’ll speak about food. Imagine that we have an opportunity to get to an unusual island, where there are a lot of all possible food temptations. Before tasting something, we should stand some tests, which are prepared by the local islanders.

2. The main part.

First we have to do the warming-up activity.

Answer quickly:

1) What would you like to have for breakfast?

  1. Tea and coffee
  2. Ice-cream
  3. Soup

2) Where can people have packed lunch?

  1. At the restaurant
  2. At home
  3. everywhere

3) How often do you drink coffee?

  1. Twice a week
  2. Every day
  3. Every hour
  4. One or two times a week

4) What would a vegetarian eat?

  1. Fruit salad
  2. Meat soup
  3. Fish
  4. Vegetables
  5. Roast-beef
  6. Ham
  7. Melon

5) How often do you drink milk?

  1. Three times a week
  2. Too often
  3. Rarely

6) What can people eat every day?

  1. Chips
  2. Ice-cream
  3. Melon
  4. Soup

So, I think you are ready for the following tasks. You see an unusual map. (Приложение 1). It’ll help you to advance. When you cover up every picture you can taste everything you want.

Let’s begin. The first task.

What is this? Give the names (учащиеся должны назвать то, что изображено на картинках). (Приложение 2)

So, well doneThe second picture is the second task.

What are the words? Join the parts to make words.

Cucum-  -cola

Bre-  -ter

Coca-  -m

Che-  -ce

But-  -mato

Po-  -tato

To-  -ber

Mi-  -ese

Ha-  -lk

Roast-  -sage

Cof-  -ad

Le-  -it

Me- -mon

Fru-  -up

Jui-  -fee

So-  -lon

Sau- -beef

Well done!

The third one. Try to decipher (decode) the sentences:







(My father likes to eat meat)





(English people like tea)







(Your friends want to buy sweets)







(Tea is the British national drink)

Well done!

The fourth picture is the fourth test.

Listen to the extract of the text “Traditional Cream Tea” and try to complete it.

English people like tea. They usually have scones, butter, cream, milk, marmalade and strawberries with their cream tea. By the way, English people do not say “_______”. [1]

(Good appetite)

Look at the map. You see that the fifth picture is red. It means that one of the islanders left the message. Let’s open and read it. (Одному из учащихся предоставляется право открыть конверт и зачитать). This is the poem “The Food I Like”:

On Sunday I like meat and chips.
On Monday bread and cheese.
On Tuesday Coca-cola.
And pizza... Mmm, yes, please.
On Wednesday it’s spagetti,
And on Thursday eggs and fish,
On Friday I like sandwiches,
And ice-cream in a dish.
But Saturday is my favourite day.
Oh,yes. It’s very nice!
On Saturday it’s chicken... Mmm,
Salad, bread and rice.

Do you like the poem? And what is the title of it? Do you remember?

Look here, the following picture is red too. So, you know that here you are faced with the message of the local islanders. Let’s open, read and memorize it (один из учащихся читает).

For additional information

Tea is the British national drink. 56 million people drink it all over Britain every day. Almost half of the country drinks tea. Tea came from the Far East in the 17thcentury. At that time it was very expensive. The word “tea” covers many social traditions. “Teatime” is the afternoon meal of sandwiches, cake and tea to keep away hunger between lunch and dinner. Working people have tea at about 11 o’clock in the morning for a snack and call it “tea-break” or “elevenses”. The British drink mostly Indian tea. [2]

Who can answer my questions? What is the title of the message? And what is the main idea of it?

Let’s continue our way. Listen to my sentences and if the sentence is wrong, put it right.

  1. Children like to eat mustard instead of sweets. (-)
  2. English people like tea. (+)
  3. Every person can drink coffee seven times a day. (-)
  4. Tea came from the Far West in the 17th centure. (-)
  5. The British drink mostly Indian tea. (+)
  6. English people do not say “Good appetite” (+)

Well done!

As you know many people try to watch over their health. They use different vitamins, medicine and so on. Our islanders also want to watch over their health and they beg us for help. Now we’ll try to complete the table “Healthy Packed Lunches” and thus we can help the islanders.



Vitamin C







Our map shows that we have the message of the islanders. Oh, it’s the poem again!

Я по-английски – I,

Пирог с начинкой – pie,

Начинка – cherry-jam.

I pie, пожалуй, съем.

I говорю: “One, wo”,

И pie летит ко рту;

Считаю: “One, two, three”

И pie уже внутри.

Такой послушный pie,

А не сказал Good-bye.

(Учащиеся могут рассказать свои стихотворения по теме)


Get up, little Freddy,
Breakfast is ready.
Butter and cheese,
All that you please.
Milk and bread
For little Fred,
Tea and jam
For brother Sam.

Thank you. Your poems are very interesting.

And we should continue the way. It is the letter of one of the islanders, but he doesn’t know English well. We have to decode the sentences to read the letter.


(Hello. My name is Jack. I like to eat bananas, pine-apples, coco-nuts and oranges. Let’s be friends.)

Well done!

So we have two pictures to end our way. You see the plan-labyrinth of this island. There are open doors in it. And if you go there you’ll find some interesting words. Find as many words as you can. But you have to find special words which help you to get out of the labyrinth. (Приложение 3)

apple apricot soup ham

mushroom turkey corn tomato

So the last picture is the last task. Be attentive! Do you know any proverbs about food?

Appetite comes with the eating.

The appetite comes with eating.

The more you have, the more you want.

Аппетит приходит во время еды.

Bread is the staff of life.

Хлеб всему голова.

Canine appetite.

Волчий аппетит.

Bread and point.

Хлеб да вода – вот и вся еда.

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

Хлеб на ноги ставит, а вино (с ног) валит.

3. Заключительный этап.

To my mind, you’ve coped with your tasks. And I know the islanders allow you to taste everything you want (учащиеся приглашаются к сладкому столу).

Список литературы

[1] Клементьева Т.Б. Счастливый английский. – М.: Дрофа-Олимп 1995. – 512., ил.

[2] Клементьева Т.Б. Счастливый английский.– М.: Дрофа-Олимп 1995. – 512., ил.

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