Материалы к уроку по теме "Карьера" в 11 классе
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Предлагаемый ресурс состоит из 2-х частей: текст " CAREER: THE TYPOLOGY OG CAREERISTS" и презентации к нему.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Кустовская Наталия Борисовна
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ Гимназия 1518 г. Москва
A choice of the future career is one of the most important decisions in human life. This choice, as a rule, does not occur casually. It reflects to desires and requirements of the person. Each person can be carried in certain degree to one of six types of the person:
- The realistic person
- This person prefers the activity connected with manipulations of tools and mechanisms - "a machinist".
- The research person
- This person prefers to be an analyst and the exact scientist - "a researcher".
- The artistic person
- This person is expressional, original, internally concentrated - "a set dresser".
- The social person
- This person likes to work in team and tries to help other people. It purposefully avoids regular activity including mechanical - "a school adviser".
- The enterprise person
- This person loves the activity which gives a possibility to influence on others for achievement of the purposes - "a lawyer".
- The conventional (ordinary) person
- This person loves a regular manipulation with the data and records, reproduction of materials - "a bookkeeper".
One of the types always dominates in the person but depending on a situation the person uses a wide spectrum of strategy within the limits of two or more types.
To define a career direction it is important to know what skills the person possesses. The desire to take this or that place is only a small part. It is necessary to possess certain quantity of knowledge, experience and skills or be able to develop those of them which trade demands.
Therefore, for the young expert it is very important to receive the fullest information about the future work and about the requirements shown to the worker. For this purpose there should be exact descriptions of the activity for this or that trade which will allow the person to compare the knowledge, abilities and experience with shown requirements.
Studying the skills and personal orientation allows the person to understand better the value of the chosen trade.
Career planning essentially depends on specific features of the person. The psychology has offered a huge set of typologies of people. The basis of these typologies is made by three characteristics which are included, as a rule, into the list of criteria of an estimation of firm personnel.
Self-estimation. It is important as it reflects confidence of the person of the professional and personal forces, its self-esteem and adequacy. The high self-estimation is optimum. It assumes respect and a realistic estimation of the possibilities and abilities. The underestimated self-estimation leads to feebleness - the person lowers hands in advance before difficulties and problems as considers that he is hopeless. The overestimated self-estimation is dangerous because of excessive claims for attention to the person and precipitate decisions.
The level of claims. High level specifies that the person wishes to reach much in a life, to rise on a social or professional ladder , to win the place in the sun. He is ready to risk and undertake difficult problems for this purpose. But real results can be reached only if there is somebody to lean on . Otherwise he can lose all. Low level of claims happens at the people preferring a titmouse in hands. As a rule, it is more important for them not to lose reached and to avoid failure.
Control locus. It is an indicator of responsibility of the person. People with an external locus of the control search for an explanation to all which event in coincidence стечение of circumstances and acts of other people. In extreme variants such people are irresponsible, they constantly justify themselves and do not hesitate to shift blame for the errors on associates. The internal locus of the control speaks about responsibility for the acts and abilities to do conclusions from own errors, sometimes it leads to excessive self-charge.
There are six types of the approach to career construction.
The climber (high self-estimation, high level of claims, high internal control locus).
Such person chooses career meaningly and works with full internal return. As a rule, it passes all steps from top to bottom and fulfils the advancement. Being a good professional he takes the following step only being fixed. He is well technically equipped. He is full of determination to reach the top and he will storm it to a victory. However, the victory will be deserved. He doesn't need special help. He is not inclined to sharp, rash decisions, he will not throw the company a difficult minute.
The illusionist (high self-estimation, high level of claims, external control locus).
He aspires to heights and trusts in the forces, but he is inclined to use favorable circumstances in a greater degree than to fulfil a situation. He easily acquires external signs of image of the successful person and he is able to maintain it well. He waits for the highest wave which would lift him upward. He is not inclined to incur the big responsibility. He can well carry out representation functions if it does not demand the deep analysis and critical decisions. As a face of the company he can be rather useful, this activity will satisfy his vanity and to support sensation of an accessory to a high social circle.
The master (high self-estimation, low level of claims, internal control locus).
It is interesting for him to master new areas in his trade or even in adjacent trades. Feeling confidently and having received result he can lose interest. He is a little interested in advancement on its social ladder. The main thing is the interesting sated life, the sensation of advance (instead of upwards). He can make unexpected decisions for associates on leaving or activity change. But if you allow him to develop and raise the qualification, he will be yours. If you feel that he has grown cold, just suggest him to develop a new direction or put before him an interesting problem.
The ant (low self-estimation, low level of claims, external control locus).
He can be a good professional. He works strictly on problems which should be particularly formulated, but not because of being silly - it's all because of the fear to make a mistake. As the executor he is very valuable. Don't load him with powers and acceptance of critical decisions, don't offer him sharp increases - he can leave being frightened. Accurate instructions, absence of a freedom in choosing and a management praise will be the best award.
The collector (low self-estimation, high level of claims, external control locus).
He wishes to reach the tops but he is going to begin a professional work too long. He finishes weight of universities and courses. On the interview he comes with a mountain of diplomas and certificates, thus he hasn't, as a rule, a real operational experience. He considers that he knows everything, but does not dare to start to work as it can undermine its unstable internal balance and weak belief in his forces. He rather foggy imagines his career way but he accurately knows that he would like to become a chief. His monetary claims, as a rule, are much more above its real cost.
The usurper (low self-estimation, high level of claims, internal control locus).
He hopes basically for himself, he moves on the career ladder being adjusted by his vanity , but mistrust to associates and propensity to self-flagellation disturb him very much. He feels responsible for an event in firm, so he tries to supervise not only the work, but also the work of the next divisions, often being beyond own powers. He works successfully in a stable situation. Uncertainty forces him to join strong groups, but mistrust does not allow him to use opening possibilities. He is focused on vertical career. He is able to accept critical decisions.
Certainly, this classification has approximate character as each human, on the one hand, belongs to any type, and on the other hand - has weight of individual nuances which should be considered at work with him.
To sum up, I would like to say that we always should have the purpose and move to it. And then we will reach our desires.
Подписи к слайдам:
The typology of careerists Fast Track Unit 12
Кустовская Наталия Борисовна Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия 1518 г. Москва
A choice of the future career is one of the most important decisions in human life
It reflects to desires and requirements of the person
This choice, as a rule, does not occur casually
6 types of the person
The realistic person
The research person
The artistic person
The social person
"a machinist"
The conventional person
The enterprise person
"a researcher"
"a set dresser"
"a school adviser"
"a lawyer"
"a bookkeeper"
To define a career direction it is important to know what skills the person possesses
For the young expert it is very important to receive the fullest information about the future work and about the requirements shown to the worker
Studying the skills and personal orientation allows the person to understand better the value of the chosen trade
The major characteristics
The high self-estimation is optimum. It assumes respect and a realistic estimation of the possibilities and abilities
The level of claims
High level specifies that the person wishes to reach much in a life, to rise on a social or professional ladder, to win the place in the sun
Control locus
It is an indicator of responsibility of the person
The climber
high self-estimation high level of claims high internal control locus
He is full of determination to reach the top and he will storm it to a victory
The illusionist
high self-estimation high level of claims external control locus
He waits for the highest wave which would lift him upward He is not inclined to incur the big responsibility
The master
high self-estimation low level of claims internal control locus
Feeling confidently and having received result he can lose interest The main thing is the interesting sated life, the sensation of advance (instead of upwards)
The ant
low self-estimation low level of claims external control locus
He works strictly on problems which should be particularly formulated, but not because of being silly - it's all because of the fear to make a mistake
The collector
low self-estimation high level of claims external control locus
He wishes to reach the tops but he is going to begin a professional work too long
The usurper
low self-estimation high level of claims internal control locus
He hopes basically for himself, he moves on the career ladder being adjusted by his vanity
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