Контрольные работы к учебнику Афанасьевой, Михеевой
тест по английскому языку по теме
Комплексные конторольные работы для ,67,8 классов с углубленным изучением английского языка. Содержание: аудирование, лексико-грамматические задания, страноведение, чтение.
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Контрольные работы к учебнику Афанасьева, Михеева.
7 form ( 2 term)
- Open the brackets to make the sentences complete.
Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect?
- My brother writes that he … just … back from London.
a) has … came; b) has … come; c) had … come
- When Charlie … painting he decided to show his pictures to the father.
a) Will finish; b) had finished; c) has finished
3. By half past seven they … supper yet.
a) hasn’t have; b) will not had; c) will not have had
4. I promise that by the end of the day I … my homework.
a) will have done; b) had done; c) has do
5. wait, I’ll go and see if she … out.
a) will have gone; b) has gone; c) has go
6. … you ever … any tropical fruit?
a) Have … taste; b) Will have … tasted; c) Have … tasted
B. Put in articles where necessary.
1. They have built … new house at … end of our road.
2. … England lies to … north of France.
3. I’d like to become … engineer.
4. English is … global language nowadays.
5. … sun is shining so brightly but there are … clouds in … sky.
6. Would you like to go to … university with me?
- Complete these sentences using “ around, out, over, inside out”
- I turned … and saw my sister near the shop.
- He turned … his pockets but didn’t find any money.
- Sam turned … to be a very good friend.
- Bill was turning … the pages of his magazine without reading.
- In few seconds the monster turned … the mouse and the cat ate him.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
- Jane left (home/house) at.
- What a beautiful ( home/ house) stands on the hill over there!
- Andrew said that he would come back (home/ house) at the end of July.
- Aren’t your parents in Germany? – No, they are (at home/ in the house).
- (Home/ House) becomes (home/ house) when you speak of it as the place you live in.
Choose the right information:
- Swan Upping and Highland Games are … holidays.
- winter; b) autumn; c) summer; d) spring
- … has two birthdays in Britain.
- Prime Minister; b) Gay Fawkes; c) the Queen
- The Vikings came to Britain in ships and took away … .
- Gold, animals and sometimes people; b) gold and people; c) only people
- Carols have been written as hymns celebrating the birth of … .
- The Queen; b) Jesus Christ; c) new Church Christ
- The Queen Elizabeth II has … .
- Three sons and one daughter; b) four sons; c) two sons and one daughter
6 form ( 2 term)
Listen to the text “ London’s square mile” and put in the missing words.
Rules situated crowded looks empty
Elected City changes centuries rides
- In some of these sentences Participle I and Participle II are mixed up. Find the right sentences and correct the wrong ones.
- Have you ever met anyone called Basil?
- The continent discovering by Cook was called Australia.
- Flying birds look so beautiful.
- Your cooking dinner is on the table.
- The vegetables buying in the market are very fresh.
- And these are the waterfalls photographed by Jane.
- Not all games played on computer are easy.
- What’s the name of the waterbody separated Great Britain from Ireland?
- Put the right prepositions.
- Sally baked a cake ____ the shape ____ a heart.
- The two banks of the river are connected ____ a bridge.
- Great Britain is ____ the northwest _____ Europe.
- Dover is _____ the southeast of London.
- The rest _______ the questions are too difficult and I can’t answer them.
- The smell of spring flowers was coming ____ the meadow.
- My granny lives in a small village ____ the north of Moscow.
- A plain is a large area of land ____ very few trees on it.
- Translate the following:
- To attract tourists 7. Mountains and plains
- The book about pirates 8. To be excited by the news
- Countryside scenery 9. A high hedge
- An exciting story 10. The rest of the countries
- A square shape 11. To connect people
- Admire the garden 12. An attractive face
- Express the same in English:
- Очень интересно посетить графство кент. Туристы всегда восхищаются его великолепными садами. Графство Кент называют « сад Англии».
- Озерный край Англии расположен на северо-западе страны. Это очень романтическое место. Там очень много долин, гор, озер и водопадов.
- Шеффилд – это промышленный город. Он находится к востоку от Манчестера.
8 form (2 term)
Test - 1
- Remember ‘the phrasal verb to come and fill in the missing words to complete the text.
The other day while reading an English book I came 1) … a word I couldn’t understand. I looked it up in the dictionary but the word wasn’t there. Then I decided to ask for help and called Mike, my good friend. Mike was at home as he had come 2) … with a cold a few days before. He was glad to help me but asked me to show him the text. I was invited to come 3)… after work, which I did. Mike met me in the hall. I was taking off my coat and saw that my brooch had come 4) … it, evidently in the bus or in the street. I went white – the thing was rather expensive and it had been given to me by my granny. Mike saw that my spirits had fallen. “ What came 5)… you?” he asked. I explained. Mike decided to open the door and have a look at the landing. And there it was just in the middle of the doormat.
- Open the brackets and use the verbs in a right form.
- I’ve made your bed. Your pajamas (is/ are) under the pillow.
- Here (is/ are) the watch my mother has given me as a birthday present.
- The stairs (was / were) high and we got tired before we got to the seventh floor.
- I wonder whose funeral (they / it) (is/ are)?
- All (these/ this) money has been already spent.
- Translate into Russian
- Attached 2. Were reluctant 3. Tied two firm knots 4. A fancy dress 5. Flaps 6. Stiff
7.are detachable 8. A red waistcoat 9. High-heel shoes 10. Bakes’
- Match the words:
- A bottle of … a) potatoes
- A can of … b) fish
- A bag of … c) lemonade
- A carton of … d) oil
- A tin of … e) sweets
- A packet of … f) biscuits
- A box of … g)milk
- Translate the following:
- Не могли бы вы разменять мне сто рублей? Я получил все деньги сотнями. Мне нужно купить хлеба, а в булочной на углу нет сдачи.
- Современный торговый центр выглядит как большой город под крышей. Там можно найти все необходимое: салоны красоты, почтовые отделения, кинотеатры и рестораны.
- Вы не покажите мне где находится примерочная? Скажите, как этот костюм сидит на мне? Какие карты вы принимаете? Спасибо за обслуживание.
8 form (2 term)
Test - 2
- Remember ‘the phrasal verb to come and fill in the missing words to complete the sentences.
- What came … him yesterday? He let everybody use his computer.
- John said he might come … about six the next day.
- Emma came … very unusual accounts looking through her helper’s files.
- I don’t think I can take part in the conference/ I’m coming … with a cold.
- Come … the grass. You mustn’t walk on it.
- Open the brackets and use the verbs in a right form.
- Bring me your clothes, I’ll iron (it/ them).
- How ( much/many) clocks and watches do you have at home?
- The traffic lights (shows/show) red light. One mustn’t cross the street now.
- Your new clothes look smart. I like (it/ them).
- I don’t keep money at home. My money (is/ are0 in the bank.
- Translate into Russian
- Cash 2. A buttonhole 3. Funeral 4. Outfit 5. Are worth reading 6. Zipped up
7. Detachable belt 8. Immense 9. Bouquet 10. Shop window
- Match the words:
1. a tin of … a)ketchup
2. a packet of … b)sour cream
3. a carton of … c) flour
4. a jar of … d) caviar
5. a bag of … e)crisps
6. a bottle of … f) Pepsi
7. a can of … g) honey
С. Translate the following:
- Я люблю делать покупки в большом торговом центре. Там хорошее обслуживание и часто бывают скидки. Мы можем купить много хороших подарков.
- Твои дети всегда находят трудным завязать свои ботинки и носить их не развязанными.
- Вы знаете где я могу купить маскарадный костюм на нашу новогоднюю вечеринку? Я хочу выглядить с достоинством и не быть смешным.
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