Школьные принадлежности. School things
план-конспект урока английского языка (5 класс) по теме
- практическая: совершенствовать умения и навыки говорения, чтения и письма;
- развивающая: развивать мышление, память; учить высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;
- воспитательная: учить слушать друг друга, работать в группе.
- активизировать изученные ЛЕ по теме “School ”;
- развивать умения и навыки монологической устной речи: аргументировать свои утверждения с использованием сложноподчинённых предложений с союзом because;
- актуализация орфографического навыка.
- учебник;
- слайды с изображение школьных принадлежностей;
- слайды с заданиями;
- раздаточный материал.
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Предварительный просмотр:
You can use so many things!
Урок в 4 классе
Чернышова Ольга Александровна
Старый Оскол
2010 год
- практическая: совершенствовать умения и навыки говорения, чтения и письма;
- развивающая: развивать мышление, память; учить высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;
- воспитательная: учить слушать друг друга, работать в группе.
- активизировать изученные ЛЕ по теме “School ”;
- развивать умения и навыки монологической устной речи: аргументировать свои утверждения с использованием сложноподчинённых предложений с союзом because;
- актуализация орфографического навыка.
Учебно-наглядный материал:
- учебник;
- слайды с изображение школьных принадлежностей;
- слайды с заданиями;
- раздаточный материал.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! What date is today? What is the weather like today? Today we are going to speak about school. (СЛАЙД 1)
2. Фонетическая разминка.
Now let’s remember some sounds. Read these words and write down transcriptions of common sounds. (СЛАЙД 2)
town brown down owl girl bird first dirty this brother with the chair lunch teacher church bright night right light. |
3. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков
Teacher: Today we continue speaking about school, about your favourite subjects. But first of all I’d like to ask you one question: Do you like to go to school or not? Why?
Possible answers: P.1 I like school because it’s fun.
P.2 I like school because I like to study Russian.
I like school because it’s interesting.
I like school because I have here many friends.
Teacher: I see that most of you like school, and I hope you go there to get new information and become smarter. But I think these are not the only reasons why you come to school.
Could you tell what else you like to do at school, I mean at the lesson and during the breaks. Look at the screen, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence (Слайд 3).
But Denis and Alina get cards for individual work.
Card 1
Complete the sentences and write down them on your copy-book.
Card 2
Answer the questions:
- What do you like best to do at the English lesson?
- What don’t you like to do at the English lesson?
- What does your friend like to do at the English lesson?
- What doesn’t your friend like to do at the English lesson?
(Учащиеся составляют предложения из предложенных им на экране фраз).
Possible answers: P.1 We learn new words at the lesson.
Teacher: Are you ready with your cards? Please, Denis. What do you like best to do at the English lesson? What don’t you like to do at the English lesson? What does your friend like to do at the English lesson? What doesn’t your friend like to do at the English lesson? Thank you for your work.
Now Alina reads your variant of sentences. (Слайд 4 - проверка)
4. Введение новой лексики по теме «Школа»
Teacher: I see you are good pupils and you do much at the lesson, too. But are you always well-prepared for the lesson. At school we need so many things. (Znaika and Neznaika appear). Who are you?
Znaika and Neznaika Hello! We are your new pupils.
Teacher: You are welcome. But are you ready for the lesson? Have you got all the things you need?
Neznaika: I don’t know
Znaika I think I have. (Takes out things from his school bag and name them) At school I need: a pen, pencils, a sharpener, a ruler, felt-tip-pens, paints, a rubber, some exercise-books and some textbooks.
Teacher: Good for you. But at lesson we need some more things. They are(show): a blackboard, a video, a computer, a tape recorder, a dictionary.
Why do you need a dictionary?
5. Развитие навыков говорения
Znaika We can read and translate any word with the help of a dictionary.
Neznaika I never take these things with me to school. I don’t know why I need them.
Teacher But our pupils know. Would you like to ask them? Look at the screen, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence (Слайд 5).
Neznaika Why will you need a pen and pencil?
Pupil I’ll need a pen and pencils for writing.
Neznaika Why will you need a textbook?
Pupil I’ll need a textbook for reading
Neznaika Why will you need felt-tip-pens and paints?
Pupil I’ll need felt-tip-pens and paints for drawing
Neznaika Why will you need a tape recorder?
Pupil I’ll need tape recorder for listening
Neznaika Why will you need a video?
Pupil I’ll need a video for watching
Neznaika Why will you need glue?
Pupil I’ll need glue for sticking
- Физкультминутка
Are you tired? So, stand up!
Shake your hands,
And than hands up!
Do you need to jump?
So jump!
Don’t make much noise and harm.
Wink your eyes,
One, two, three, four,
More and more, more and more.
Run, run, run,
Fly, fly, fly.
Fly as high as in the sky!
Turn and turn,
And clap, clap, clap.
Shake your hands and nod your head.
Turn around, turn around.
Thank you, children,
And sit down!
6. Защита проекта «The Library Rules»
Teacher Thank you, Znaika and Neznaika! Welcome in our class!
Everyone knows that we need books for reading. It gives us new information and we become smarter. But we must keep our books. Sasha, introduce your project!
You’ll need many books during your school life. Be good to books. They are your friends. They will help you to learn much. I would like you to know some rules.
The Library Rules:
- Don’t lose books
- Don’t tear pages
- Wash your hands before reading
- Don’t make dog’s ears in books, use bookmarks
- Don’t cut out pictures in books
- Don’t colour pictures in books
Please, remember it!
Teacher Ask your questions for Sasha!
Pupil: Do you like reading books?
Possible answers: Yes, I do. I like reading books
Pupil: Will you read a book tomorrow?
Possible answers Yes, I shall. I shall read an interesting book tomorrow
Pupil: What is this book about?
Possible answers It’s about school life
7. Автоматизация ранее усвоенного материала
Now, translate these words. Work on your copy-books. Then, let’s check up. СЛАЙД 7.
from English into Russian:
from Russian into English:
Find 10 words on topic “School”.
b | f | g | p | k | h | u | a | r | r |
k | l | w | e | t | o | p | e | n | u |
l | d | a | n | a | p | f | q | t | b |
t | e | a | c | h | e | r | a | m | b |
w | s | d | i | k | e | t | i | v | e |
h | k | u | l | f | b | w | p | h | r |
v | t | o | h | s | c | o | p | y | x |
d | i | c | t | i | o | n | a | r | y |
s | b | l | e | s | s | o | n | r | z |
i | q | u | e | s | t | i | o | n | d |
8. Итоги урока.
Everybody was very active today, everybody tried to share his opinion today so I think I should give only good and excellent marks today. And I want you to work this way at every lesson. Our lesson is over, good-bye. СЛАЙД 9
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