Тест по теме "Артикль", "Имя существительное"
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Возможно использование для отработки употребления определенного и неопределенного артикля; тест "The Noun" - употребление существительных во множественном числе, исключения
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Article
1. Fill in the articles where necessary:
1. ... Great Britain is ... parliamentary democracy with ... constitutional monarch.
2. ... Australia is... flattest of... continents.
3. ... Supreme Court represents ...judicial branch of... power.
4. ... USA is washed by ... Atlantic Ocean in ... east and ... Pacific Ocean in... west.
5. We are going on holiday to ... Canary Islands.
6. ... Wales is ... highland country.
7. ... Urals extend from ... Arctic Ocean to ... steppes.
8. ... Caucasus stretches from ... Black Sea to ... Caspian Sea.
9. ... President is elected directly by... people.
10. ...Wellington is... capital of... New Zealand.
11. ... British Isles are situated to ... west of... coast of... Europe.
12. ... Great Britain is separated from ... continent by ... Atlantic Ocean.
13. ... Queen Elizabeth II is ... monarch of... UK.
14. ... London stands on ... shore of... North Sea.
15. ... Lake Ontario is one of... five Great Lakes in ... North America.
16. ... Loch Ness is ... lake in ... Scotland.
17. ... Statue of Liberty was ... gift of friendship from ... France to ... USA.
18. Have you ever visited ... Louver in ... Paris?
19. ... Great Pyramid is one of... Seven Wonders of ...world.
20. ... largest museums of... Moscow are ... Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and ... State Tretyakov Gallery.
2. Find and correct the mistakes:
1. Volga is the longest river in Europe.
2. We went to Alps last winter.
3. The scientist was awarded Nobel Prize.
4. My friend bought the watch in the Switzerland.
5. I have recently visited Hermitage in St. Petersburg.
6. President represents the legislative branch.
7. Who is the head of state in USA?
8. You should visit the Red Square.and the Kremlin.
9. They went to the Lake Baikal last summer.
10. The Queen Victoria ruled 64 years.
11. Russia is largest country on Earth.
12. Russia have been known as Russian Federation since 199J.
13. Before that Russia was one of the republics of USSR.
14. Its nearly twice the size of USA.
15. Nearly 150 millions people live in Russia.
16. Volga is longest river in Europe.
17. The Mount Elbrus is in Caucasus.
18. Almost 10 per cents of Russia is tundra.
19. There aren't no trees in desert.
20. Russia has always played a important role in the world.
The Noun
1. Write the plural of the following nouns:
1. wife — .....
2. child- ....
3. city—.......
4. journey —
5. fruit -.....
6. tooth-....
7. sheep— ...
8. photo —...
9. foot- .....
10. deer-.....
11. roof-.....................................
12. policeman —...........................
13. mouse —.................................
14. potato —.................................
15. father-in-law—.......................
16. 1ady-.....................................
17. video— ..................................
18. ox-.....................................
19. 1eaf- ....................................
20. goose -................................
2. Write the unnecessary word as in the example or put a tick (+) if the sentence is correct:
1. What a lovely scenery! __________
2. Let's meet at the Victoria Station. __________
3. The Alps extend over 1,000 kilometers. __________
4. The coffee is expensive nowadays. __________
5. Helen lives in the Oxford Street. __________
6. He is very good at the painting. __________
7. Have you ever been to the New York? __________
8. Today is a nasty weather. __________
9. We spent two months in the West Indies. __________
10. The many people are afraid of snakes. __________
11. The countryside we drove through was beautiful. __________
12. They gave me an information about flights. __________
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