Тест "Crime"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Осипова Ольга Валерьевна


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Test 3

  1. Lexical part

A) Give an antonym or a synonym to the words below:

To take someone’s attention away from something, to break the law, easily tricked, to get into by force, to give money for breaking the law, to deprive someone of his rights, to follow someone, in a shock, to be deceived, unexpectedly.

B) Put the words into the space:

1. The judge found him ... and ... him to community service.

2. The man had to ... a ... for speeding. It cost him much money!

3. The thief was ... by the police but the judge ... him off with just a fine.

4. The burglars were caught and sent to the ...

5. Poaching is ... if you don’t have a special license.

6. If a bad person ... your rights you must ... ... for your rights.

7. Lawyers ... the rights of their clients.

8. I can’t ... his bad attitude to me any more.

9. I have ... ... free education.

10. Jane has the ... for organizing a school concert.

C) Make another part of speech, explain the new word:

To rob - , to kidnap - , to mug - , to rob.

D) Make up a story based on the picture (1 – 1 variant, 2 – 2 variant) you see below. Use the new vocabulary (10 sentences).

1.      2.

  1. Grammar part
  1. Use the correct form of the verb
  1. I enjoy (spend) a lot of money.
  2. How about (visit) Ann tomorrow?
  3. I would like (speak) with Mr. Smith.
  4. My mother made me (do) this task.
  5. It was too late (apply) for a job.
  6. She went to school without (eat) breakfast.
  7. I don’t mind (open) the window.
  8. Does Mary like (eat) t6omatoes?
  9. Mike, I allow you (go) out.
  10. Jane will never let me (do) it.

  1. Use the correct form of the verb.
  1. I remember (lock) the door, but still I am not sure it is closed.
  2. You need (cut) your hair.
  3. He advised me (call) my teacher.
  4. I forgot (clean) my room.
  5. I prefer (have) dinner with Jane tonight.
  6. We stopped (smoke) and started new life.

  1. Phrasal verbs. Translate the text.

- Поделитесь своими идеями по поводу праздника.

- Давайте отложим этот праздник. Линда заболела гриппом, Том не может справиться со всеми своими экзаменами и тестами, а Кейт и Элис вообще не ладят друг с другом.

- Ну, так и пусть держаться друг от друга подальше. Мы-то почему должны с этим мириться?

- Кстати, Джон унаследовал много денег, вчера мы проходили мимо шикарного ресторана и он пригласил всех и сказал, что все оплатит!

- А может он нас и на ночь приютит, а то не хочу поздно ночью ехать на автобусе?

- Да, не стоит ничего откладывать. Одевайте самую нарядную одежду. Праздник будет завтра.

  1. Listening skills

  1. Reading skills

Criminal psychology is the study of the wills, thoughts, intentions and reactions of criminals. It is related to the field of criminal anthropology. The study goes deeply into what makes someone commit a crime, but also the reactions after the crime, on the run or in court. Criminal psychologists are often called up as witnesses in court cases to help the jury understand the mind of the criminal. Some types of Psychiatry also deal with aspects of criminal behavior. Among the most notable people who criticized how psychology and psychiatry treated crime as an identity is French philosopher Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish. Foucault showed how, since its birth, the prison had been criticized by a reformist movement, which showed that it created a class of professional criminals (recidivists), separated from the popular classes, and often used by the police as informants and to carry out shady acts for the act. In other words, far from stifling criminality, the reformist movement showed that prison created and perpetrated a class of professional criminals. Henceforth, Foucault concluded that the prison's alleged failure (in rehabilitating criminals) was in fact its success, and that it was used as a disciplinary technology to control the population. Foucault also showed that, if the penal system in Early Modern Europe punished the crime in itself, the act itself, the new disciplinary system punished the person, and not the crime. It did not ask: "what did you do?" (as in the classical school of criminology; i.e. Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham), but "who are you?" (as in the Italian school, Cesare Lombroso, etc.) In this frame, the role of criminal anthropology, psychiatry, etc., became evident as a tool used to create the notion of "dangerous people".

Agree or disagree with the statement, prove your opinion:

  1. Criminal psychology is the study about criminals.
  2. Criminal psychology deals with the personality of the professional criminal.
  3.  Foucault criticized the penal system.
  4. Prisons control the population.
  5. The new disciplinary system’s aim was to show that the action of the person was against the law.

  1. Writing skills.

Write an essay on the following topic: “Shoplifting: crime or illness?” (140-200 words)