урок в 6 классе по теме" Welcome to the healthy land"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
план-конспект и презентация к уроку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по теме: "Welcome to the healthy land"
Цель урока: привитие учащимся навыков межличностного общения, умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, а также контроль усвоения лексических единиц и использования их в речевых блоках, как в диалогической, так и в монологической речи по теме: "Welcome to the healthy land".
Учебная задача: контроль усвоения языкового материала и следующих грамматических тем: употребление модальных глаголов must, should, артикль с названиями болезней, построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений, использование выражений частности, потребление повелительного наклонения в связных высказываниях и использовании их диалогической и монологической речи.
Развивающая задача: Обучение устной речи - диалогической с элементами монологической речи, обработка лексических единиц в речевых блоках, в связных высказываниях и реальных ситуациях. При этом совершенствуются произносительные навыки учащихся: фонетика, английская интонация (логическое ударение, ритм), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, преодоление языкового барьера, для обеспечения эффективной учебной деятельности учащихся.
Воспитательная задача: научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях - делается акцент на этикетные нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигается вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный тон общения. Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с удовольствием говорили на английском языке.
- Beginning of the lesson.
Good-afternoon, children! Sit-down, please! Who is on duty today?
Who is absent? (Kovalyov is absent; all are present).
What date is it today? Today is the...
What day is it today? Today is Friday
Now, look through the window, please. Аnswer my questions and describe winter's weather.
- What season is it now? It's winter
- Is the weather fine today? The weather is fine today.
- Is it very cold today? Yes, it is very cold .Today is 27 С below zero.
- Is it frosty? It is frosty.
- Is it slippery? It is very slippery.
- Is there much snow on the ground?
Yes, there is much snow on the ground. - Is the sun shining?
Yes, the sun is shining today.
8. Is the sky grey and cloudy?
Is the sky blue and clear?
- Introduction of the lesson:
The theme of our lesson is «Welcome to the healthy land "
Today we are going to talk about everything what is healthy for kids.
And more over we are going :
- to develop your reading skills;
- to develop your speaking skills;
- to develop your grammar skills;
- to improve your pronunciation;
- to repeat proverbs;
- to get good marks.
III Warm-up Activities:
III.1) Phonetic drill
Repeat after me:
t- stomach, stomachache, tooth, toothache, tablets, take, stuffy, stuffy nose, consult
d- head, headache, cold, I’ve got a cold, had, medicine, doctor, dizzy, feel dizzy
l- look, feel, the flue, I’ve got the flue
III.2) Dear children! Certainly you know many English words connected with the topic “Health”. Do you know illnesses?
(1 задание презентация vocabulary and matching)
III.3) Do the crossword
IV Follow –up Activities .
Activity 1.
Teacher: I know that you are healthy kids. What have you done to stay healthy? The answers can be following:
I have visited the dentist this week.
I have had a medical check this year.
I have washed my hands today.
I have eaten healthy food this week.
I have played sport this week.
I have walked to school today.
I have eaten a healthy breakfast today.
Activity 2.
Teacher: I think if a person wants to be healthy he should know some rules. Do you know them?
(2 задание презентация grammar)
Activity 3.
Teacher: Children, you have worked hard. Aren’t you tired? It’s time for fun .I suppose it is time to have a rest. Let’s play a guess game. In my bag there is something that helps you to be healthy. Try to guess what is it? (Tablets, nasal drops, plaster, spray, cough syrup)
Activity 4.
Teacher: Now it is time for drama. Let’s divide yourselves into 2 groups (doctors and patients)
- The task for the first group: Make up dialogues between friends.
- The task for the second group: Make up dialogues between a doctor and a patient.
Activity 5.
Teacher :You know that there are a lot of proverbs about health. Do you know their Russian equivalents?
(3 задание презентация English proverbs)
Activity 6.
Teacher: Now it’s time for listening. Some people think about health more some less. What do some British kids think? Listen to Bob, David and Steven and answer the questions.
- Who thinks that:
- Doctors are always right
- He can be healthy without doctors
- Doctors are necessary
- Sometimes you can do without doctors
(4 задание презентация listening)
What do you think about doctors? Can you do without doctors? What do you do to be healthy?
Activity 7.
Teacher: I see you know much about healthy life but I’m afraid that other kids don’t. Let’s write tips for healthy kids. Work in groups.
Healthy kids should go in for sport;
Eat more fruit and vegetables;
Wear warm clothes in winter etc.
Activity 8.
Тeacher: Here is a small funny text.
Read the text with full comprehension of the context and answer the detail questions.
Read and say if Tom has a sweet tooth and answer the questions:
Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, that's why he didn't have all his teeth. Yesterday his last tooth fell out. But Tom wasn't sorry about that. He said: "That's very good! Now that I don't have teeth I can eat ice-cream and sweets every day".
- Who liked sweets and ice-cream?
- What did he like to eat?
- When did his last tooth fall out?
- Why wasn't Tom sorry about his last tooth?
- How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets?
- What specialist should he consult?
The lesson is over.
You have been ready very well today.
You are excellent,
Your marks are: ……..
Good-luck! Bye.
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