Разработка урока "Великобритания и Россия"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
разработка урока "великобритания и россия"
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План урока7 классТема: Великобритания и родная страна.Цели урока1.Образовательная: совершенствовать речевые навыки по теме » Великобритания и родная страна», активизировать лексические навыки.2.Воспитательная: воспитывать любовь к языку, знаниям, развитие навыков общения в группе, воспитание толерантного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, расширять кругозор школьников.3.Развивающая: развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, память, говорение, мышление, развитие навыков чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развивать навыки обучения работе в группахХод урока1.Начало урокаа) Приветствиеб) Сообщение целей урокав) Организационный моментGood morning, dear friends. Glad to see you.At first, children, look, there are some guests today at our lesson. Greet them, please.Stand up.Pupils: Hello, dear guests. We are glad to see you here, at our English lesson.Teacher: Sit down.How are you today?Are you in a good mood?Who is absent today?What is the date today?Do you like to travel?When do you like to travel?Pupil 1:I like to travel in summer.This is the seasonWhen vegetables grow,I come to the gardenAnd make water flow.Pupil 2.I like to travel in winter.This is the seasonWhen children skiAnd Grandfather FrostBrings the New Year Tree.2.Речевая зарядка (Презентация на диске).Our theme is”Great Britain and Russia”.Look at the screen. You see the presentation ”Russian Federation”. Let’s read the text.3. Обобщение страноведческого материалаAnswer the questions. (далее учитель и учащиеся работают со слайдами). (Презентация представлена на диске).4. Совершенствование навыков монологической речиМонолог »Россия»And now tell me what did you learn about Russian Federation. (Учащиеся рассказывают о России)5.Письмо.(работа по Activity Book) Самостоятельная работа по рабочим тетрадямOpen your Activity Book at the page number 56, exercise number 3.Look at the exercise number 2 and put these adjectives in the correct position.Учитель говорит:Are you ready?Let’s play with a ball and read these sentences (учащиеся бросают мяч и читают по одному предложению).5.А. Зарядка6.Чтение с извлечением конкретной информации.Развитие навыков диалогической речи( работа учащихся в парах)Great Britain(And now we speak about Great Britain)You have the texts about Great Britain, read the text and make up a dialogue.A) The United KingdomThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the British Kingdom. It is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The UK is made up of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is LondonB)LondonLondon is the capital of the UK, it’s political, economic centre. London is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million people. London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. London was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. The first name of London is Londinium. The City is the heart of London.С)Places to visit in LondonLondon offers visitors a great variety of places of interest. World-famous places are the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and so on and so forth.The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar. In 1066 the Tower was rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum.Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. It is the most beautiful square in London. The Houses of Parliament is a symbol of London.D)British customs and traditionsEvery nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play more important part in the life of the people than in other countries. There are some old traditions.For example, we seldom speak about the weather. In England if you don’t speak about the weather the English are surprised and think that you are very dull. Most English love gardens. They love to grow the roses.The English like animals very much. Animals have a much better life in Britain than anywhere else.E) Holidays in Great BritainThere are some public holidays inGreat Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, St.Valentine’s Day, Good Friday, Easter.New Year’s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas.Some people don’t celebrate it at all. Some people have New Year parties.Christmas is the most popular holiday in Great Britain.It is celebrated on the 25th of December. People spend time at home. St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of the February. It is the day of sweethearts.Easter is a Christian holiday in March or April.(Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги по заданным текстам). (У каждой пары свой текст).7)Достопримечательности Британии (говорение)Учитель:And now we play with a ball.Look at the blackboard and answer the questions:Would you like to go to Great Britain?What would you like to visit in Great Britain?(на доске находятся картинки с достопримечательностями Великобритании(Big Ben, Madame Tussauds, Tower of London, Houses of Parliament, Kensington Royal Palace, Westminster Abbey, Tate Modern Gallery, Tower Bridge) (учащиеся отвечают на вопрос)I would like to visit Big Ben. And you?I would like to visit Madame Tussauds. And you?I would like to visit Tower of London. And you?I would like to visit Houses of Parliament. And you?I would like to visit Kensington Royal Palace. And you?I would like to visit Westminster Abbey. And you?I would like to visit Tate Modern Gallery. And you?I would like to visit Tower Bridge. And you?Работа в парахName the cities: учащиеся должны из «домино» сложить названия городов (карточки на партах)man; bris; lon; cam; liver; chester; bridge; don; pool; bel; fast; tol.9) Look at the blackboard and read the first part of the sentence in A and find the second part in BA1. There are two great plains in Russia…2. Russia is rich in…3. The main Siberian rivers are…4. The population of Russia is…5. Russia is situated on two continents: …6. The Head of State is…B…oil, coal, natural gas, nickel and other minerals.…Europe and Asia.…about 150 million people.…the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland.…the Ob, the Yenisei, and the Lena.…Duma.10) Test ( Look at the test and choose the right answer)Correct the right answerTest1.Moscow is the capital of a) Russia b) Britain c) USA d) England2.Moscow was founded by Prince Yury Dolgorukya) in 1147 b) in 1148c) in 2009 d) in 18473.Moscow is situated ona) 7 hills b) 8 hillsc) 2 hills d) 6 hills4.The Head of State isa) the President b) the Queen c) the King d) Duma5.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name ofa) Londonb) Francec) United Kingdomd) England6.The United Kingdom is made up offour countriesb) five countriesc) nine countriesd) three countries7.The symbol of England isa daffodil b) a red rosec) a dragon d) a white rose.11) Учитель: And now tell me what did you learn at our lesson. (вывод)Ученик: At our lesson we learned much information about Great Britain and Russia.Учитель: Would you like to go to Britain?Ученик: I would like to go to Britain. I would like to visit Big Ben.Ученик2: But I don’t want to go to Britain, because I like our country.12) оценки13) Домашнее задание14)РефлексияIt will be interesting to know your opinion about the lesson. Before leaving the classroom say me please what about your English?English!English?English…Учащиеся говорят и показывают English!Etc. Thank you. The lesson is over. Goodbye. | ||
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