Тема "Время. Дни недели. Месяцы. Времена года"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Материал для нескучного урока-обяснения и повторения данной темы. Не забудьте использовать часы для наглядности! Работа с текстом - аудирование, анализ языкового материала, беседа
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Предварительный просмотр:
Time. Days. Months. Season.
Look at the picture. It is a clock. It has a round face with figures on it, and two hands, a long hand and a short hand. The short hand points to the hours, the long hand points to the minutes. Some clocks have three hands, a long hand, a short hand to points to the seconds.
We can tell me time by a clock or watch. A clock is big, it is generally on the wall or it stands on the table. A watch is a small, we can put one in our pocket or wear in on the wrist.
Some clocks are very big, for example, Big Ben, the clock on the Houses of Parliament of London. The minute hand of Big Ben is fourteen feet long, and the hour hand is nine feet long (фут–12 дюймов,1 дюйм - 2,54 см =30,48 см). You can hear Big Ben every night on the wireless at nine o' clock.
- Look at the picture number one. Can you tell the time?
- Yes, I can tell the time.
- What time is it by this clock?
- It is one o' clock.
- That is right. The minute hand moves to one. What time is it then?
- It is five minutes past one.
- O'K, now the minute hand moves to two. What time is it then?
- It is ten minutes past one.
to one o' clock past
a quarter to two a quarter past one
a half past one
- So, we say «past» at I, II, III, IV, V, VI and we say «to» at VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII. Now can you show the difference between twelve o' clock in the day and twelve o' clock at the night?
- Midnight 12.10 AM (a short form of the Latin words ante meridiem, meaning «before noon»). Mid-day 12.10 PM (a short form of the Latin words post meridiem, meaning «after noon»). Look at the picture number two. Now look at these three clocks. The right time is four o' clock. What can you say about the middle clock?
- The clock in the middle is right. It is telling the correct time.
- What can you say about the left clock?
- The clock in the left is not right. It is not telling the correct time. It is five minutes slow.
- What can you say about the right clock?
- The clock in the right is incorrect, too. It is not telling the right time. It is five minutes fast.
left middle right
incorrect correct not correct
slow right fast
- What time is it by your watch?
- By my watch it is ...
Словарная работа
1 Многозначные слова: round
There are flowers round the door (предлог – около, вокруг)
The clock has a round face (прилагательное – круглый)
feet - форма множественного числа от слова foot - нога
I have a foot. It is a football (существительное – нога)
The minute hand of Big Ben is fourteen feet long (фут – мера длины)
This is the second lesson (порядковое числительное – второй)
There are sixty second in the minute (существительное – секунда)
2 Переносное значение слов face и hand – лицо и рука у человека, циферблат и стрелки – у часов.
3 Антонимы:
right - правый left - левый
incorrect - правильно correct – не правильно
slow – медленный (опаздывать) fast – быстрый (спешить)
мidnight – полночь мid-day - полдень
before – заранее after - после
long – длинный short – короткий
last – прошлый, прошедший next - следующий
4 Новые слова:
Wrist – запястье
Wireless - радио
Middle - середина
Quarter – четверть
Half - половина
Noon – полдень
There are seven days in a week. There are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The first six are week-days. Sunday is not a week-day. The day now is today . The day before today is yesterday, the day after today is tomorrow.
last week – this week - next week
There are twelve moths in the year. The name of the months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
The season in English are Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
Распределить названия месяцев по временам года.
Прочитать и выучить
Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy
Born of Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Ill on Thursday
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday,
That was the end
Of Solomon Grundy
Thirty days have September
Thirty days have September,
April, June and November,
All the rest have thirty-one;
February has twenty-eight alone,
Excepting leap-year, that's the time
When February's days are twenty-nine.
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